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I.G. Gorlova, S.G. Zybtsev, V.Ya.
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S.G. Zybtsev, V.Ya. Pokrovskii,
Strain-Induced Formation of Ultra-Coherent CDW in Quasi
One-Dimensional Conductors, Physica B 460, 34-38
LeBolloc'h, A.A.Sinchenko, V.L.R.Jacques, L.Ortega, E.Lorenzo,
P.Lejay, T.Schülli, G.Chahine, P.Monceau, Sliding state of the
quasi-two dimensional CDW system TbTe3 probed by coherent x-ray
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A.Sinchenko, P.D.Grigoriev, P.Lejay, O.Leynaud, P.Monceau,
Anisotropy of conductivity in rare-earth tritellurides in the static
and sliding states of the CDW, Physica B 460 (2015) 21–25.
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Nanoengineering, vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 13 - 18 (2015). Abstract:
Full text:
Grigoriev, A.A. Sinchenko, P. Lejay, A. Hadj-Azzem, J. Balay, O.
Leynaud, V.N. Zverev, and P. Monceau,
Slow oscillations of intralayer мagnetoresistance
as a tool to measure the electronic structure parameters in
quasi-two-dimensional conductors, Направлено в
Phys. Rev. Lett.
D. Le Bolloc'h, A.A. Sinchenko,
Effect of dimensionality on sliding charge density,
Направлено в Phys. Rev.
Yu I. Latyshev,
A.P. Orlov, V.A. Volkov, V.V. Enaldiev, I.V. Zagorodnev, O.F.
Vyvenko, Yu.V. Petrov, P. Monceau, "Transport of Massless Dirac
Fermions in Non-topological Type Edge States”, Scientific Reports 4,
7578 (2014)
202 kB
There are two types of intrinsic surface states in solids. The first
type is formed on the surface of topological insulators. Recently,
transport of massless Dirac fermions in the band of "topological"
states has been demonstrated. States of the second type were
predicted by Tamm and Shockley long ago. They do not have a
topological background and are therefore strongly dependent on the
properties of the surface. We study the problem of the conductivity
of Tamm-Shockley edge states through direct transport experiments.
Aharonov-Bohm magneto-oscillations of resistance are found on
graphene samples that contain a single nanohole. The effect is
explained by the conductivity of the massless Dirac fermions in the
edge states cycling around the nanohole. The results demonstrate the
deep connection between topological and non-topological edge states
in 2D systems of massless Dirac fermions.
A.A.Sinchenko, P.Lejay, O.Leynaud,
P.Monceau, “Unidirectional charge-density-wave sliding in
two-dimensional rare-earth tritellurides”, Solid State
Communications, 188 (2014) 67–70.
A.A.Sinchenko, P. D. Grigoriev, P.
Lejay, P. Monceau, “Spontaneous Breaking of Isotropy Observed in
the Electronic Transport of Rare-Earth Tritellurides”, Physical
Review Letters, 112, 036601 (2014).
И.Г. Горлова, С.Г. Зыбцев, В.Я. Покровский, “
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Yu.I. Latyshev, A.P. Orlov, P. Monceau, D. Vignolles,
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Латышев, А.П. Орлов, А.В. Фролов, В.А. Волков, И.В. Загороднев, В.А.
Скуратов, Ю.В. Петров, О.Ф. Вывенко, Д.Ю. Иванов, М. Конциковский,
П. Монсо. «Орбитальное квантование в системе краевых дираковских
фермионов в наноперфорированном графене», Письма в ЖЭТФ, 98, вып. 4,
342-346 (2013).
Yu.I. Latyshev, A.P. Orlov, A.V. Frolov, V.A. Volkov, I.V.
Zagorodnev, V.A. Skuratov, Yu.V. Petrov, O.F. Vyvenko, D.Yu. Ivanov,
M. Konczykowski, P. Monceau
"Orbital Quantization in a System of Edge Dirac Fermions in
Nanoperforated Graphene" .
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irradiation”, Phys.
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Косаковский Г.Г., Латышев Ю.И. Косаковская З.Я., Орлов А.П.,
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нанотрубных катодов // Нанотехнологии, (2013), 5(1), 46-48
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нанотрубных катодов// Нелинейный мир (2013), 11(2), 87-89
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Зыбцев, М.В. Никитин, И.Г. Горлова, В.Ф. Насретдинова, С.В.
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Yu.I. Latyshev, A.P.
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spectroscopy of the field induced CDW state in graphite”, Physica B,
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P. Kossacki, A. A. L. Nicolet, M. Orlita, Yu. I. Latyshev, and M.
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- L.Ya. Vinnikov, L.A. Gurevich, Yu.I. Latyshev, A.M. Nikitina,
V.U. Antokhina, M.P. Lisitskii and N.P. Kukhta, "Simultaneous
observation of Abrikosov vortices and defects in thin
Bi_2Sr_2Ca_1Cu_2O_x single crystals", Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 57
(1993) 247-250; JETP Lett. 57 (1993) 259-262.
- V.E. Minakova, Yu.I. Latyshev, V.A.Volkov, and P. Monceau,
"Difference frequency generation under breaking of sliding CDW". Synthetic Metals, 55-57 (1993) 2714-2718.
- Yu.I. Latyshev, V.E. Minakova, and V.A. Volkov, "Series of
stable states of non-uniform sliding CDW", Synthetic Metals, 55-57
(1993) 2641-2646.
- S.N. Artemenko and Yu.I. Latyshev, "Two-dimensional behaviour of
layered high-Tc superconductors", Modern Phys. Lett.
(brief review) B6 (1992) 367-382.
- S.N. Artemenko, I.G. Gorlova and Yu.I. Latyshev, "Magnetoresistance
of a layered high-Tc superconductor below the
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition", Physica C 193 (1992)
- Yu.I. Latyshev and A.F. Volkov, "Flux creep and peak-effect in
Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox in the
case of a transport current along the c-axis", in: Progress in
High Temperature Superconductivity, vol.32, eds. A.A. Aronov,
A.I. Larkin and V.S. Lutovinov (World Scientific Publ. Co. 1992),
Нижанковский В.И., Шефталь Р.Н., Зыбцев
С.Г., Осцилляции работы выхода монокристаллической пленки YBa2Cu3O7-δ в
сильном магнитном поле, Письма
55, 242 (1992)
- A.F.Volkov and Yu.I. Latyshev, "Peak effect and flux creep in
single crystals Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox
in the case of the current flow across the layers", Pis'ma Zh. Eksp.
Teor. Fiz. 53 (1991) 201-205; JETP Lett. 53 (1991) 213-218.
- Yu.I. Latyshev, V.E. Minakova and A.V. Volkov, "Fractional
effects in the mutual conversion of charge density waves", Pis'ma Zh.
Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 53 (1991) 347-350; JETP Lett. 53 (1991) 362-366.
- Yu.I. Latyshev and V.E. Minakova, "DC-DC interference effect in
o-TaS3", Synthetic Metals, 41-43 (1991) 4027-4030.
- Yu.I. Latyshev and I.G. Gorlova, "Magnetic field influence on
Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox
single crystals", Synthetic Metals, 41-43 (1991) 4061-4064.
- Yu.I. Latyshev and A.F. Volkov,"Flux creep and peak effect in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox
single crystals under a transport current along the c-axis", Physica
C 182 (1991) 47-51.
- I.G. Gorlova and Yu.I. Latyshev,
"Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a magnetic field on
Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox single
crystals", Fiz. Nizk. Temp. (Kharkov), 17 (1991) 1420-1422; Sov.
Journ. Low Temp. Phys., 17, (1991) 768-769.
- I.G. Gorlova and Yu.I. Latyshev, "Equivalence of the effect of
weak magnetic field and current on the resistance of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox
single crystals below the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless
transition temperature", Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 51 (1990)
197-200; JETP Lett. 51 (1990) 224-227.
- S.N. Artemenko, I.G. Gorlova, Yu.I. Latyshev "Quasi-two-dimensionality and Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox".
In:"Progress in High Temperature Superconductivity", World
Scientific Publishing Co, 1990, v.24, pp.367-372.
- Yu.I. Latyshev, V.E. Minakova, "Enchancement of CDW phase
coherence under RF-field in NbSe3", Synthetic Metals, 29
(1989) F427-F432.
- Yu.I. Latyshev, N.P. Pogotovsky, S.N. Artemenko, "Excess nonlinear conductivity of the boundary between regions with
different CDW pinning strength", Synthetic Metals, 1989, v.29,
- S.N. Artemenko, I.G. Gorlova and Yu.I. Latyshev, "Change in the
sign of the Hall effect in a superconducting transition in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox
single crystals", Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 49 (1989) 352-355;
JETP Lett. 49 (1989) 403-407.
- S.N. Artemenko, I.G. Gorlova and Yu.I. Latyshev, "Nelson-Kosterlitz
jump in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox
single crystals" Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 49 (1989) 566-569; JETP
Lett. 49 (1989) 654-658.
- S.N. Artemenko, I.G. Gorlova and Yu.I. Latyshev, "Vortex motion
and Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in superconducting single
crystals Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox
", Phys. Lett. A 138 (1989) 428-434.
- I.G. Gorlova, S.G. Zybtsev and Yu.I. Latyshev, "The Hall effect
in YBa2Cu3O7-x single crystals in
the plane perpendicular to the c-axis", Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.
47 (1988) 100-103; JETP Lett. 47 (1988) 121-124.
- I.G. Gorlova, S.G. Zybtsev and Yu.I. Latyshev, "Thermal emf of
YBa2Cu3O7-x single crystals",
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 47 (1988) 578-580; JETP Lett. 47 (1988)
- Yu.I. Latyshev, V.V. Petristcev, Ya.S. Savitskaya, V.V. Frolov,
"Crystal defects influence on Peierls transition in orthorombic
TaS3", Synthetic Metals, 19 (1987) 849-854.
- Yu.I. Latyshev, V.E. Minakova and Yu.A. Rzhanov, "Oscillatory
dependence of the threshold field for the disruption of a charge
density wave in NbSe3 on the amplitude of the rf pump
field", Pis'ma Zh Eksp. Teor Fiz. 46 (1987) 31-35; JETP Lett. 46
(1987) 37-42.
- Yu.I. Latyshev, V.E. Minakova, Ya.S. Savitskaya and V.V.Frolov,
"CDW conduction study under microwave field in monoclinic TaS3",
Physica B, 143 (1986) 155-157.
- Yu.I. Latyshev and Ya.S. Savitskaya, "Point contact study of
orthorombic TaS3", Physica B, 143 (1986) 180-182.
- Yu.I. Latyshev. Ya.S. Savitskaya and V.V. Frolov, "Contributoion
of CDW motion to the Hall effect and to the transverse conductivity
in TaS3. Experiment". In a book "Charge density wave in
solids" series LECTURE NOTES IN PHYSICS, ed. by Gy Hutiray and
J.Solyom, Springer- Verlag, v.217, p.p.339-342, 1985.
- S.N. Artemenko, E.N. Dolgov, A.N. Kruglov, Yu.I. Latyshev, Ya.S.
Savitskaya and V.V. Frolov, "Contribution of a moving charge-density
wave to the Hall effect in TaS3", Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor.
Fiz. 39 (1984) 258-261; JETP Lett. 39 (1984) 308-311.
- Yu.I. Latyshev, Ya.S. Savitskaya and V.V. Frolov, "Nonlocal
effects during current flow through orthorombic TaS3",
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 40 (1984) 72-74; JETP Lett. 40 (1984)
- E.N. Dolgov, Yu.I. Latyshev and V.E. Minakova, "Conductivity
anisotropy and Hall effect in TaSe3", Fiz. Tverd. Tela
(Leningrad) 26 (1984) 3472-3474; Sov.Phys. Solid. State. 26 (1984)
- S.K. Zhilinskii, V.E. Itkis, Yu.I. Latyshev, F.Ya. Nad’, Ya.S.
Savitskaya, and V.V. Frolov, "Response of quasi-one-dimensional TaS3
crystals to microwave radiation" Soviet Physics -Technical Physics
29 (1984) 1090-1091.
- Yu.I. Latyshev, Ya.S. Savitskaya and V.V. Frolov, "Hall effect
accompanying a Peierls transition in TaS3", Pis'ma Zh.
Exsp. Teor. Fiz. 38 (1983) 446-449; JETP Lett. 38 (1983) 541-545.
- D.V. Borodin, Yu.I. Latyshev and F.Ya. Nad', "Electron
localization and superconductivity in narrow aluminum films", Pis'ma
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 35 (1982) 201-204; JETP Lett. 35 (1982)
- S.K. Zhilinskii, Yu.I. Latyshev, F.Ya. Nad',"Some peculiarities
of the current-voltage characteristics of short superconducting
bridges", Fiz. Tverd. Tela (Leningrad) 23 (1981) 3710-3712, Sov.
Phys. Solid State 23 (1981) 2159-2160.
- Yu. I. Latyshev, "Use of a PMT-3 microhardness tester in making
Josephson variable thickness junctions", Instrum. Exp. Tech. 24
(1981) 780-781.
- Yu.I. Latyshev and A.B. Ormont, "Room-temperature propagation of
solid-phase indium over a tin surface" Soviet Techn. Physics Lett. 6
(1980) 649-650.