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1. Krutyanskiy, V. L., Kolmychek, I. A., Gribkov, B. A., Karashtin, E. A., Skorohodov, E. V., Murzina, T. V.Second harmonic generation in magnetic nanoparticles with vortex magnetic state //2013.  Physical          Review B, �. 88. � �. 9. � �. 094424.                                                                                             

 2.Bykov, A. Y., Rusakov, P. S., Obraztsova, E. D., Murzina, T. V.Probing structural inhomogeneity of graphene layers via nonlinear optical scattering //2013. Optics letters. � �. 38. � �. 22. � �. 4589-4592.       

 3. Svyakhovskiy, S. E., Skorynin, A. A., Bushuev, V. A., Chekalin, S. V., Kompanets, V. O., Maydykovskiy, A. I., Mantsyzov, B. I Polarization effects in diffraction-induced laser pulse splitting in one-dimensional photonic crystals// 2013. JOSA B. � �. 30. � �. 5. � �. 1261-1269.                                          .

 4. Mitryukovskiy, S. I., Nikulin, A. A., Stognij, A. I., Murzina, T. V.Magneto-and electroinduced effects in optical second-harmonic generation from a planar Au/Co/Si nanostructure// 2013. Applied Physics Letters.� 2013. � �. 103. � �. 15. � �. 151606.                                                                      

 5. V. L., Murzina, T. V., Rasing, T., Kimel, A. V. Razdolski, I., Krutyanskiy, Femtosecond laser-induced optical anisotropy in a two-dimensional lattice of magnetic dots //2014.Physical Review B. � �. 89. � �. 6. � �. 064306.         

 7. Svyakhovskiy, S. E., Skorynin, A. A., Bushuev, V. A., Chekalin, S. V., Kompanets, V. O., Maydykovskiy, A. I., Mantsyzov, B. I.

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 8.. Mamonov, E. A., Kolmychek, I. A., Vandendriessche, S., Hojeij, M., Ekinci, Y., Valev, V. K., Murzina, T. V.Anisotropy versus circular dichroism in second harmonic generation from fourfold symmetric arrays of G-shaped nanostructures //2 014. Physical Review B. � �. 89. � �. 12. � �. 121113.        

 9. Kolmychek, I. A., Bykov, A. Y., Mamonov, E. A., Murzina, T. V.Second-harmonic generation interferometry in magnetic-dipole nanostructures//2015      . Optics letters. � �. 40. � �. 16. � �. 3758-3761.

 10. Novikov, V. B., Svyakhovskiy, S. E., Maydykovskiy, A. I., Murzina, T. V., Mantsyzov, B. I.Optical pendulum effect in one-dimensional diffraction-thick porous silicon based photonic crystals //2015. Journal of Applied Physics. � �. 118. � �. 19. � �. 193101.                                                                             

 11. Chekhov, A. L., Krutyanskiy, V. L., Ketsko, V. A., Stognij, A. I., Murzina, T. V. 

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 13. Minovich, A. E., Miroshnichenko, A. E., Bykov, A. Y., Murzina, T. V., Neshev, D. N., Kivshar, Y. S.Functional and nonlinear optical metasurfaces//2015 . Laser & Photonics Reviews. � �. 9. � �. 2. � �. 195-213.

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