Leading Researcher of the Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE) of RAS.
Graduated the Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology (MIPT) in 1971 (Department of General and Applied Physics).
1971 to 1981 - worked in "Energiya" enterprise.
1974 - received Ph.D. degree from MIPT in the field of physics and mathematics.
Since 1981 works with IRE RAS.
1988 - received Dr.Sci. from the same institute.
1995 - the degree of Professor of physics and mathematics
Delivers an annual course of lectures "Dynamic Chaos and Applications" in MIPT.
Twice honoured by the State Award of the USSR Council of Ministries (1984 and 1989).
More than 100 publications.
Dmitriev A.S., Itzkov V.V., Ryzhov A.I. Personal dosimetry of microwave electromagnetic emission. Long-term experiments with meter “MERA” // J. Communications Technology and Electronics, 2021 (accepted).
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I. Multiple access in differential transmission systems with chaotic radio pulses // J. Communications Technology and Electronics, 2021 (accepted).
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Ryzhov A.I. Resolving power of the method of image acquisition in artificial radio light // Physical bases of instrumentation. 2020. vol. 9. No. 2 (35) (in print).
Dmitriev A.S., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. Increasing Range of Ultrawideband Direct Chaotic Communications // J. Communications Technology and Electronics, 2020, Vol. 65, No. 9, pp. 1029–1037.
Dmitriev, A.S., Itskov, V.V., Ryzhov, A.I., Uvarov, A.V. Microwave electromagnetic dosimetry of personal ecological space // Physical Bases of Instrumentation. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 1(35). P. 85–99. DOI: 10.25210/jfop-2001-085099.
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Ryzhov A.I., Grigoriev O.A. Experimental approbation of personal dosimeter of microwave electromagnetic radiation “MERA” // Zhurn. Radioelektroniki (J. Radio Electronics). 2020. No. 7. DOI: doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2020.7.7.
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra-Teran C.M. Multiuser Access in Systems of Differentially Coherent Information Transmission Based on Chaotic Radio Pulses // Tech. Phys. Lett. 2020, vol. 46, pp. 669–672.
Information transmission and processing in dynamical systems with complex behavior. (eds. Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V.). Tekhnosfera, Moscow, 2019, 320 p. ISBN: 978-5-94836-541-1. (in Russian)
Efremova E.V., Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V. Measuring the Distance between an Emitter and a Receiver in the Wireless Communication Channel by Ultrawideband Chaotic Radio Pulses // Technical Physics Letters, 2019, Vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 853-857. DOI: 10.1134/S1063785019090037
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Popov M.G. , Ryzhov A.I. Artificial Radio Illumination in a Closed Space // J. Communications Technology and Electronics, Sep 2019, V. 64. no. 9. P. 987-996. DOI: 10.1134/S1064226919080047.
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra-Teran C.M. Simulation of differentially coherent information transmission system based on chaotic radio pulses in ADS environment // Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, vol. 27, iss. 5, pp. 72-86. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18500/0869-6632-2019-27-5-72-86
iev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra-Teran C.M. Differentially coherent information transmission based on chaotic radio pulses // J. Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018, vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 1074-1082.
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra-Teran C.M. Ultra- and hiper-wideband differential information transmission using chaotic radio pulses // Izv. VUZov. Prikladnaya nelineynaya dinamika, 2018, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 59-74 (in Russian).
Gulyaev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Itzkov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Ryzhov A.I., Uvarov A.V. An experimental cell for a radio light receiver // Technical Physics Letters. 2018, vol. 44, no. 11, pp. 988-991.
Dmitriev A.S., Itzkov V.V., Popov M.G., Petrosyan M.M., Ryzhov A.I. Experimental Study of Wireless Ultrawideband Direct Chaotic Transceiver Networkfor Mobile Objects //
Physical bases of instrumentation. 2018, vol. 7, no. 1 (27), pp. 80-90. DOI: 10.25210/jfop-1801-080090 (in Russian).
Andreyev, Yu.V., Gerasimov, M.Yu., Dmitriev, A.S., Yemelyanov, R.Yu. Emulation of Ensembles of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems in Ultrawideband Active Wireless Direct Chaotic Networks // Physical Bases of Instrumentation. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 3(29). PP. 38–49. DOI: 10.25210/jfop-1803-038049 (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Itzkov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. Artificial radio lighting: sources, receivers and imagery // Physical bases of instrumentation. 2018. vol. 7. no. 3(29). pp. 50–63. DOI: 10.25210/jfop-1803-050063. (in Russian).
Gulyaev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Itzkov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Ryzhov A.I., Uvarov A.V. Cell of radio-light receiver // J. Communications Technology and Electronics . 2018, vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 1009-1014.
Dmitriev A.S., Ryzhov A.I., Popov M.G. Direct chaotic communications and active RFID tags for Internet of Things and Internet of Robotic Things // Radioelectronics. Nanosystems. Information Technologies (RENSIT). 2018, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 313-322 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Lazarev V.A. “Collective transmission of information with ultrawideband direct chaotic ensemble”. Physical Bases of Instrumentation, 2017, vol. 6, no. 2 (24), pp. 80-89 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Gerasimov M.Yu., Itzkov V.V., Lazarev V.A., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. “Active wireless ultrawideband networks based on chaotic radio pulses”. J. Communication Technology and Electronics, 2017, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 380-388.
Dmitriev A.S., Emel'yanov R.Yu., Lazarev V.A., Chibissov V.V. “Simulation of Dynamics of the Neural Ensemble in the Active Wireless Network”. J. Communication Technology and Electronics, 2017, vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 1148–1151.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Gerasimov M.Y., Itskov V.V. “Look at the world in a different light”. Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 2017, 20(2), pp. 133-143.
Efremova E.V., Dmitriev A.S. “Ultrawideband microwave 3–7 GHz chaotic oscillator implemented as SiGe integrated circuit”. Springer Proceedings in Physics, 2017, 191, pp. 71-80.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V. “Radio-Frequency Illumination Sources Based On Ultrawideband Microgenerators Of Chaotic Oscillations”, Technical Physics Lett., 2017, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 42-45.
Gulyaev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Lazarev V.A., Mokhseni T.I., Popov M.G. “Interaction and navigation of robots using ultrawideband direct chaotic communications”, J. Communications Technology and Electronics, 2016, vol. 61, no. 8, pp. 894–900.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Gerasimov M.Yu., Itskov V.V. “Radiolighting using ultrawideband dynamic chaos generators”, J. Communications Technology and Electronics, 2016, vol. 61, no. 11, pp. 1073–1083.
Dmitriev A.S., Kikot A.M., Petrosyan M.M. “Model of a sensor for radiolight”, Physical Bases of Instrumentation. 2016. vol. 5, no. 3 (20), pp. 18-28. (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Popov M.G. “Wireless active networks based on ultrawideband chaotic pulses”, Elektronnye komponenty, 2016, no. 6, pp. 96-100 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra-Teran C.M. Multiuser access in wireless systems of differential information transmission with chaotic carriers // Proc. CriMiCo’2020, Sevastopol, Russia, September 6-12, 2020. vol. 2. pp. 98–99. (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Ryzhov A.I. Electromagnetic environment caused by mobile communications means. Monitoring results obtained with dosimeter MERA // Proc. CriMiCo’2020, Sevastopol, Russia, September 6-12, 2020. vol. 2. pp. 382–383. (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Ryzhov A.I. Experimental data on the emission level of mobile communication devices obtained with dosimeter MERA // The 18th Conf. on International Exchange of Professionals (CIEP 2020) .
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Ryzhov A.I. Getting images of objects in artificial radio lighting // II National Sci.-Tech. Conf. “Informatics and computers.” Technopolis ERA, Anapa, Russia, Feb 27-28, 2020. (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Ryzhov A.I. Analysis of dosimeter MERA data on the level of electromagnetic emission of mobile communication means // Proc. Russian Open Sci. Conf. “Modern problems of remote sensing, radar, wave propagation and diffraction.” Murom, Russia, June 23-25, 2020, pp. 395-399. (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra-Teran C.M. Multiuser access in systems of differential communications with chaotic radio pulses // Proc. Russian Open Sci. Conf. “Modern problems of remote sensing, radar, wave propagation and diffraction.” Murom, Russia, June 23-25, 2020, pp. 260-264. (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra-Teran C.M. Multiple access wireless differential communications using chaotic radio pulses // Proc. XIX Scientific School “Nonlinear waves-2020.” Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Feb 29- Mar 6, 2020. PP. 103-105. (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Ryzhov A.I. Analysis of MERA dosimeter data on the electromagnetic environment created by mobile communications // Proc. 2nd Int. Young Scientist Conf. “Physics, Techniques and Technologies of Complex Systems.” Yaroslavl, Russia. Apr 30, 2020. PP. 190-191. (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Ryzhov A.I. Radiolight: concept and technology. (in: «Nonlinear waves 2018». IAP RAS. Nizhni Novgorod. 2019). ISBN 978-5-8048-0092-6. pp. 40-64. (in Russian)
Rvzhov A.I., Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Popov M.G. “Image Acquisition with Artificial Radio Lighting” // Proc. Int. Conf. 2019 Systems of Signal Synchronization, Generating and Processing in Telecommunications (SYNCHROINFO), July 1-3, 2019, Yaroslavl, Russia. pp. 1-6, INSPEC Accession Number:18942545. DOI:10.1109/SYNCHROINFO.2019.8814197.
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra C.M. Direct chaotic differentially coherent communication scheme // Proc. Int. Conf. 2019 Systems of Signal Synchronization, Generating and Processing in Telecommunications (SYNCHROINFO), July 1-3, 2019, Yaroslavl, Russia. INSPEC Accession Number: 18956115. DOI: 10.1109/SYNCHROINFO.2019.8813929.
Dmitriev A.S, Itskov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. Image acquisition using artificial microwave radio lighting // >ITM Web of Conferences. 30. 12002 (2019). CriMiCo 2019. DOI: 10.1051/itmconf/20193012002.
Efremova E.V., Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Petrosyan M.M.. Wireless distance measurement by means of ultra-wideband chaotic radio pulses // ITM Web of Conferences. 30. 12005 (2019). CriMiCo 2019. DOI: 10.1051/itmconf/20193012005
Dmitriev A.S, Itskov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. Image acquisition with artificial radio lighting // Proc. Russian Open Sci. Conf. “Modern problems of remote sensing, radar, wave propagation and diffraction.” Murom, Russia, May 28-30, 2019. pp. 481-491 (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. Direct chaotic communications and active RFID tags for Internet of Things and Internet of Robotic Things // Proc 2nd Int. Conf. "Designing Future. Problems of Digital Reality. Feb 7-8, 2019, Moscow, Russia. Keldysh IAM RAS, 2019. pp. 72-82. doi:10.20948/future-2019-7 (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. Personal dosimeter of microwave emission MERA // Proc. Russian Sci. Conf. “Vital problems of radio biology and hygiene 2019”. Nov 12-13, 2019, Moscow, Russia. pp. 169-171. (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S, Itskov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. Radio image acquisition: Source and receiver of radio light // Proc. XIII Russian Conf. “Radio location and radio communications”. Nov 25-27, 2019, Moscow, Russia. – Moscow, Kotelnikov IRE RAS. 290 p. (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra C.M. Ultrawideband direct chaotic differential communication scheme // Proc. XIII Russian Conf. "Radio locatioin and radio communications". Nov 25-27, 2019, Moscow, Russia. (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. "Artificial Radio Lighting" // Open Innovations Forum 2019. Oct 21-23, 2019. Skolkovo, Moscow, Russia. (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. "Artificial Radio Lighting" // China High-Tech Fair 2019.
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra-Teran C.M. Scheme of differential coherent information transmission based on chaotic radio pulses // Abstracts of young scientist conf. XVIII scientific school «Nonlinear waves–2018», Feb 26 – Mar 4, 2018, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia, pp. 115-116 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Itzkov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Ryzhov A.I. Radiolight receiver with digital processing // Abstracts of XVIII scientific school «Nonlinear waves–2018», Feb 26 – Mar 4, 2018, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia (in Russian), pp. 137-139 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Itzkov V.V., Petrosyan M.M. Radiolight: Concept and Sci-Tech Solutions // Proc. VIII Nat. Armand readings (II Nat. Sci. conf. «Contemporary problems of remote sensing, radiolocation, wave propagation and diffraction»), June 26-28, 2018, Murom, Russia. (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra-Teran C.M. Differential ultrawideband transmission of digital information using chaotic radio pulses // Proc. VIII Nat. Armand readings (II Nat. Sci. conf. «Contemporary problems of remote sensing, radiolocation, wave propagation and diffraction»), June 26-28, 2018, Murom, Russia, pp. 62-70 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Itzkov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Ryzhov A.I. Processing-enhanced radiolight receiver // Proc. VIII Nat. Armand readings (II Nat. Sci. conf. «Contemporary problems of remote sensing, radiolocation, wave propagation and diffraction»), June 26-28, 2018, Murom, Russia. pp. 602-608 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Ryzhov A.I., Popov M.G., Itzkov V.V., Petrosyan M.M. Ultrawideband transceiver networks for groups of mobile objects // Proc. VIII Nat. Armand readings (II Nat. Sci. conf. «Contemporary problems of remote sensing, radiolocation, wave propagation and diffraction»), June 26-28, 2018, Murom, Russia, pp. 588-596 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra-Teran C.M. Scheme of differential information transmission based on ultrawideband chaotic radio pulses // Proc. 28th Int. Crimean conf. «Microwave and Telecommunication Technology». Sep 9-15, 2018, Sevastopol, Russia, vol. 2, pp. 350-355 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Ryzhov A.I., Popov M.G., Itzkov V.V., Petrosyan M.M. Experimental investigation of a wireless UWB network for mobile objects // Proc. 28th Int. Crimean conf. «Microwave and Telecommunication Technology». Sep 9-15, 2018, Sevastopol, Russia, vol. 2, pp. 322-328 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra-Teran C.M. Differential transmission of binary information using ultrawideband chaotic radio pulses // Abstracts Int. Workshop Dynamical Systems in Science and Technologies (DSST-2018), Sep 17–21, 2018, Alushta, Russia, pp. 109-111 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Ryshov A.I., Andreyev Yu.V., Popov M.G. Ultra-wideband Wireless Sensor Network For Real-Time Process Monitoring // Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Engineering & Telecommunication (En&T 2018), Nov 15-16, 2018. Moscow, Russia. doi: 10.1109/EnT-MIPT.2018.00023.
Dmitriev A.S., Mokhseni T.I., Sierra-Teran C.M. System of ultra- and hyper-wideband transmission of binary information using chaotic radio pulses // Proc. XII Nat. Conf. «Radiolocation and Radio Communications», Nov 26–28, 2018, Moscow, Russia (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Ryzhov A.I., Itzkov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Popov M.G. Artificial radio-lighting : imagery // Proc. XII Nat. Conf. «Radiolocation and Radio Communications», Nov 26–28, 2018, Moscow, Russia (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Itzkov V.V., Popov M.G., Petrosyan M.M., Ryzhov A.I. Experimental wireless network of ultrawideband transceivers for mobile objects // Proc. XII Nat. Conf. «Radiolocation and Radio Communications», Nov 26–28, 2018, Moscow, Russia (in Russian).
Dmitriev A., Itskov V., Ryzhov A., Gerasimov M., Petrosyan M. “The Unit Cell of Radiolight Receiver”. Int. Symp. PIERS-2017. May 22–25, 2017. St Petersburg, Russia.
Efremova E.V., Dmitriev A.S., Integrated Ultrawideband Microwave 30–60 GHz Chaotic Oscillator Model. Int. Symp. PIERS-2017. May 22–25, 2017. St Petersburg, Russia.
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Lazarev V.A., Ryshov A.I., Andreyev Yu.V., Popov M.G. Self-organizing ultrawideband wireless sensor network. Proc. 2017 Systems of Signal Synchronization, Generating and Processing in Telecommunications (SINKHROINFO), IEEE Conf. Publications. June 3-4, 2017. Kazan, Russia. pp. 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/SINKHROINFO.2017.7997519.
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Lazarev V.A., Ryzhov A.I., Andreyev Yu.V., Popov M.G. "Ultrawideband wireless sensor network". Proc. 20th Int. Sci. Conf. "Distributed computer and communication networks: control, computation, communications". September 23-29, 2017. Moscow, Russia. pp. 371–378.
Dmitriev A.S., Itzkov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Ryzhov A.I., Gerasimov M.Yu. “Radiolight receiver cell”. 9th Int. Conf. "Acoustooptical and Radar Methods for Information Measurements and Processing " (ARMIMP-2017) . October 1 – 4, 2017. Suzdal, Russia (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. “Ultrawideband wireless communication systems and active sensor networks”. IV Nat. Conf. "Communication and radio navigation systems" Oct 12-13, 2017. Krasnoyarsk, Russia. pp. 310-313 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. “Direct chaotic communication systems for IoT and Internet for robotics industry». Proc. XI conf. “Radiolocation and communications» Nov 27-29, 2017. Moscow, Russia (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Itzkov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Ryzhov A.I., Gerasimov M.Yu. “Radiolight receiver cell with processing gain” Proc. XI conf. “Radiolocation and communications» Nov 27-29, 2017. Moscow, Russia (in Russian).
Dmitriev A., Efremova E., Gerasimov M., Itskov V. Radio lighting based on dynamic chaos generators, Electronic preprint arXiv:1609.08444 [physics.gen-ph].
Dmitriev A.S., Emelyanov R.Y., Gerasimov M.Yu. "Experimental Study of Chimeras in Small Ensembles of Phase Oscillators", Proc. Int. XXXVI Conf. Dynamics Days Europe, Corfu, Greece, June 6-10, 2016.
Dmitriev A.S., Lazarev V.A., Mokhseni T.I., Popov M.G. “Wireless active and sensor networks based on UWB chaotic radio pulses”, Proc. 26th Int. Conf. «Microwave & Telecommunication Technology» (CriMiCo’2016) , Sevastopol, Russia, September 4-10, 2016. pp. 36-47.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Lazarev V.A., Ryzhov A.I., Popov M.G. “Wireless sensor network for medical applications based on UWB direct chaotic technology”, Proc. Int. Congress Computer Science: Information Systems and Technologies (CSIST’2016), Minsk, Belarus, Oct 24-27, 2016 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Gerasimov M.Yu. «Multimedia sensor networks based on ultrawideband chaotic radio pulses», Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2015, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1-9 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Ryzhov A.I., Lazarev V.A., Mansurov G.K., Popov M.G., Malyutin N.V. "Experimental ultrawideband wireless sensor network for medical applications", J. Commun. Technology and Electronics, 2015. vol. 60. no. 9. pp. 1027-1036.
Dmitriev A.S., Emelyanov R.Yu., Gerasimov M.Yu. «Experimental investigation of dynamics of ensemble of Kuramoto oscillators in active wireless networks », Proc. XVI Int. Winter school-seminar on UHF Radiophysics and Electronics», Saratov, Russia, Feb 2-7, 2015, p. 72 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Lazarev V.A., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. «Active ultrawideband wireless networks based on chaotic radio pulses», Proc.V Nat. Scientific Radiophysics Conf. in memory of N.A. Armand, Murom, Russia, June 29–July 1, 2015 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Gerasimov M.Yu., Lazarev V.A., Petrosyan M.A., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I. «Large-scale ultrawideband sensor networks based on chaotic signals », Proc.V Nat. Scientific Radiophysics Conf. in memory of N.A. Armand, Murom, Russia, June 29–July 1, 2015 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Emelyanov R.Yu., Gerasimov M.Yu., Lazarev V.A. «Active wireless networks as a hardware platform for emulating ensembles of dynamic systems on example of Kuramoto model», Proc.V Nat. Scientific Radiophysics Conf. in memory of N.A. Armand, Murom, Russia, June 29–July 1, 2015 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Itzkov V.V. «Acoustic module for the node of active ultrawideband wireless network», Proc.V Nat. Scientific Radiophysics Conf. in memory of N.A. Armand, Murom, Russia, June 29–July 1, 2015 (in Russian).
Àíäðååâ Þ.Â., Dmitriev A.S., Lazarev V.A. «UWB direct chaotic transmitter panel. Theory and experiment », Proc.V Nat. Scientific Radiophysics Conf. in memory of N.A. Armand, Murom, Russia, June 29–July 1, 2015 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I., Petrosyan M.M.. «Ultrawideband active RFID based on chaotic radio signals», Proc.V Nat. Scientific Radiophysics Conf. in memory of N.A. Armand, Murom, Russia, June 29–July 1, 2015 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Ryzhov A.I., Lazarev V.A., Popov M.G. «Experimental segment of ultrawideband wireless sensor networks for medical facilities», Proc.V Nat. Scientific Radiophysics Conf. in memory of N.A. Armand, Murom, Russia, June 29–July 1, 2015 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Lazarev V.A. «Reception of ultrawideband chaotic radio pulses with log detector», Proc.V Nat. Scientific Radiophysics Conf. in memory of N.A. Armand, Murom, Russia, June 29–July 1, 2015 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Rumyantsev N.V. «Generator of 3-8 GHz microwave chaos with flat spectrum envelope», Pisma v Zhurn. Tekh. Phys., 2014, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 1-9 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Gerasimov M.Y., Emelyanov R.Yu., Andreyev Yu.V. «Modeling Interacting Dynamical Systems with Wireless Active Networks», Proc. 2014 Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA-2014). Luzern, Switzerland, September 14-18, 2014.
Dmitriev A., Efremova E., Gerasimov M. “Chaotic Transceiver Platform for Multimedia Sensor Networks”, Proc. 2014 Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA-2014), Lucern, Switzerland, September 14-18, 2014.
Dmitriev A.S., Gerasimov M.Y., Emelyanov R.Yu., Itskov V.V. «Simulation of interacting dynamical systems in wireless sensor networks», Proc. Int. Symp. Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics (NWP-2014). Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 20-24, 2014, p. 17.
Dmitriev A.S., Gerasimov M.Yu., Emelyanov R.Yu., Itzkov V.V. «Modeling ensembles of dynamic systems in active wireless networks », Proc. VIII Nat. Scien. Techn. Conf. Radiolocation and Radio Communications, Ìîñêâà, Russia, Nov 24-25, 2014, no. 1, vol. 60, pp. 72-78 (in Russian).
Experimental medical wireless sensor network based on ultrawideband chaotic radio, Proc. VIII Nat. Scien. Techn. Conf. Radiolocation and Radio Communications, Moscow, Russia, Nov 24-25, 2014, no. 1, vol. 60, pp. 302-306 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Lazarev V.A. “Experimental investigation of UWB direct chaotic transmitter panel”, Proc. VIII Nat. Scien. Techn. Conf. Radiolocation and Radio Communications, Moscow, Russia, Nov 24-25, 2014, no. 1, vol. 60, p. 371 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.A., Dmitriev A.S., Andreyev Y.V., Efremova E.V., Antoniades I.P., Miliou A.N., Anagnostopoulos A.N.: Chapter 6: “Evaluation of the Number of Keys in a Chaotic Cryptographic Method”, in: Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering - Vol. 3, eds. S. Banerjee, L.Rondoni, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-34016-1.
Dmitriev A.S., Lazarev V.A., Gerasimov M.Yu., Ryzhov A.I. “Ultrawideband wireless body are networks.” Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2013, vol. 58, no. 12, pp. 1160-1170 (in Russian).
Dmitriev Yu.A., Kuzmin L.V. “Demodulation of chaotic signals using reference chaos generator,” Radiotekhnika i elektronika , vol. 58, no. 12, 2013, pp. 1171-1178 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Urazalieva D.M. “Adaptability, self-organization and complexity in UWB wireless sensor networks,” Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2013, no. 3, pp. 7-18 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Lazarev V.A., Gerasimov M.Yu. “UWB wireless self-organizing direct chaotic sensor network,” Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2013, no. 3, pp. 19-29 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Lazarev V.A. “Experimental study of indoor propagation of UWB chaotic signals,” Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2013, no. 3, pp. 55-66 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Ryzhov A.I., Mokhseni T.I. “Propagation of ultrawideband chaotic radio pulses near the surface of the human body”, Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2013, no. 3, pp. 67-71 (in Russian).
Andreev Yu., Dmitriev A., Efremova E., Lazarev V. “Ultra Wideband Transceivers Based on Chaotic Pulses and Their Application to Wireless Body Area Networks”. Proc. 2013 Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2013), Santa Fe, USA, September 8-11, 2013, pp. 221-224.
Gerasimov M.Yu., Dmitriev A.S., Yemelianov R.Yu. “Use of wireless sensor networks to simulate ensembles of dynamic systems.” Proc. 56th MIPT Scientific Conf./Wave Processes, Nov 25-30, 2013 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Sidorenko A.V., Andreyev Yu.V. ”Ultrawideband wireless direct chaotic communication networks.” Proc. Int. Congress on Computer Science: Information Systems and Technologies CSIST-2013, Nov 4–7, 2013, Minsk, Belarus (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Sidorenko A.V., Andreyev Yu.V., Mulyarchik K.S. "Ultrawideband direct chaotic transceivers PPS for communication networks". Proc. XVIII Conf. Complex Information Protection, Brest, Belorussia, May 21-24, 2013.
Gerasimov M.Yu., Dmitriev A.S., Yemelianov R.Yu. “Modelling behavior of ensembles of dynamic systems with wireless sensor networks.” Reports 7th National Scientific Conf. Radiolocation and Communications, Nov 25–27, 2013, Moscow, Russia, p. 400 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Bogdanova E.O. “Noncoherent summation of the power of chaotic transmitters in space." Reports 7th National Scientific Conf. Radiolocation and Communications, Nov 25–27, 2013, Moscow, Russia (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Lazarev V.A., Ryzhov A.I. “Features of indoor propagation of UWB chaotic signals.” Proc. 23th Int. Conf. Microwave and Telecommunication Technology CRIMICO-2013, September 8-14, 2013, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Bogdanova E.O. “UWB direct chaotic emission panel.” Proc. Int. Conf. Emission and Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves (IREMW-2013), June 23-28, 2013, Taganrog-Divnomorskoye, Russia, pp. 653-657 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Evseev O.V., Efremova E.V., Lazarev V.A., Gerasimov M.Yu., Ryzhov A.I. “UWB wireless self-organizing direct chaotic sensor network for multimedia applications.” Proc. IV National Conf. Ultrawideband signals in radiolocation, communications and acoustics, June 25-27, 2013, Murom, Russia, pp. 7-12 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Lazarev V.A., Ryzhov A.I. Experimental investigation of UWB chaotic radio pulse indoor propagation. Proc. Conf. "III National Armand readings" , June 26-28, 2013, Murom, Russia, pp. 75-79 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Panas A.I., Maksimov N.A. Generation of chaos. Moscow: Tekhnosfera, 2012, 424 p. (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Panas A.I. “Microwave chaotic generators”: in “Fryazino school of electronics,” ed. A.A. Borisov, Moscow: Yanus-K, 2012, pp. 427–454 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Panas A.I. “Direct chaotic wireless communication systems”: in “Fryazino school of electronics,” ed. A.A. Borisov, Moscow: Yanus-K, 2012, pp. 455–475 (in Russian).
Ryzhov A.I., Lazarev V.A., Mokhseni T.I., Nikerov D.V., Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Chubinsky N.P. Absorption of Ultrawideband 3–5 GHz Chaotic Signals in Building Walls. Journal of Radio Electronics, no. 5, May 2012 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Lazarev V.A., Ryzhov A.I. “Propagation of ultrawideband chaotic radio pulses through slits in metal surfaces,” Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2012. vol. 57. no. 3. pp. 349-352 (in Russian)
Dmitriev A.S., Ryzhov A.I., Kuzmin L.V., Rumyantsev N.V., Evseev O.V., Mansurov G.K. Acoustic sensor for wireless sensor networks based on ultrawideband chaotic radio pulses. Journal of Radio Electronics, no. 1, Jan 2012 (in Russian).
Rumyantsev N.V., Dmitriev A.S. Remote control of UWB wireless direct chaotic sensor networks. Nonlinear world. no. 2, 2012. p. 107 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Gerasimov M.I., Ryzhov A.I., Lazarev V.A. “UWB wireless body sensor networks.” Proc. V National Conf. «Radiophysical methods in remote sensing», June 26-28, 2012, Murom, Russia (in Russian).
Andreyev Y.V., Dmitriev A.S., Miliou A.N., Anagnostopoulos A.N.: Chapter 9: “Nonlinear Dynamics for Information Processing”, in: Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering - Vol. 1, eds. S. Banerjee, M. Mitra, L.Rondoni, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2011, pp. 273–320.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O., et al. "Method for transmission information using chaotic signals." Canadian Patent 2,416,702. Granted and issued 2011/07/19.
Rumyantsev N.V., Dmitriev A.S. "Internet-control of wireless ultrawideband direct chaotic sensor networks". Proc. 54th MIPT Scientific Conference (Physical and Quantum Electronics). 2011, ñ. 81–82 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kletsov A.V., Yurkin V.Yu., Mokhseni T.I. "Ultrawideband wireless communication networks based on chaotic signals». Proc. XXIII National Scientific Conf. "Propagation of Radio Waves", Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, May 23-26, 2011 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kletsov A.V., Yurkin V.Yu., Mokhseni T.I., “Ultrawideband wireless communication networks based on chaotic signals,” Proc. IX Int. Scientific Conf. “Perspective technologies in the information transfer means”, June 29 - July 1, 2011, Vladimir-Suzdal, Russia, vol. 1, p. 22 (in Russian).
Ryzhov A.I., Lazarev V.A., Mokhseni T.I.., Nikerov D.V., Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Chubinsky N.P. “Propagation of UWB 3–5 GHz chaotic signals through building walls,” Proc. 5th National Conf. “Radio location and radio communications”, Nov. 21–25, 2011, Moscow, Russia, pp. 447–451 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kuzmin L.V., Miliou A.N., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O.: Chapter 15: “Secure Transmission of Analog Information using Chaos”, in: Chaos Synchronization and Cryptography for Secure Communications: Applications for Encryption, ed. Santo Banerjee, IGI Global, 2010, pp. 337-360.
Anagnostopoulos A.N., Miliou A.N., Stavrinides S.G., Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V.: Chapter 19: “Digital Information Transmission Using Discrete Chaotic Signal”, in: Chaos Synchronization and Cryptography for Secure Communications: Applications for Encryption, ed. Santo Banerjee, IGI Global, 2010, pp. 439-462.
Dmitriev A.S., Ryzhov A.I. "Transmission of digital data between neuron-like elements", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2010, no. 4, pp. 459-464 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Nikishov A.Yu. "Generation of microwave dynamic chaos in ring-structure CMOS oscillator". Pis'ma v Zhurn. Tekhn. Fiziki (Technical Physics Letters). 2010, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 82–89.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Nikishov A.Yu., Panas A.I. "Generation of microwave chaotic oscillations in CMOS structure", Nelineynaya dinamika. 2010, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1-9 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Nikishov A.Yu. "Generation of microwave chaotic oscillations in integral silicon-germanium system". Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2010, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 818-825 (in Russian)..
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kletsov A.V., Kuzmin L.V., Rumyantzev N.V. Ultrawideband direct chaotic communication systems and sensor networks, Proc. 20th Int. Conf. "Microwave techniques and telecommunication technologies" (Crimico-2010), Sept. 13-17, 2010, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine, vol. 1, pp. 37-38.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V. Multipath amplification in UWB communication systems with chaotic signals, Proc. 20th Int. Conf. "Microwave techniques and telecommunication technologies" (Crimico-2010), Sept. 13-17, 2010, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine, vol. 1, pp. 51-52.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kletsov A.V., Kuzmin L.V. "Ultrawideband direct chaotic wireless sensor networks", Proc. III National Conf. "Ultrawideband signals in radio location, communications and acoustics", Murom, Russia, June 28 - July 1, 2010, pp. 17-21 (in Russian).
Uvarov Anton V., Uvarov Andrey V., Dmitriev A.S. "Ultrawideband omni-directional printed monopole 2.5–25 GHz antenna", Proc. III National Conf. "Ultrawideband signals in radio location, communications and acoustics", Murom, Russia, June 28 - July 1, 2010, pp. 95-99 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kletsov A.V., Kuzmin L.V., Laktyushkin A.M., Yurkin V.Yu. "Ultra Wideband Signals and Sensor Networks", Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Management of Technologies and Information Security (ICMIS-2010), Allahabad, India, Jan. 21-24, 2010, pp. 48-64.
Dmitriev A., Efremova E., Nikishov A. "Generation of the microwave dynamic chaos in ring self-oscillatory system on CMOS structure", Proc. 18th IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES2010), 26-28 May 2010, Dresden, Germany, pp. 46-49.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Nikishov A.Yu. "Generation of dynamic chaos in microwave band in SiGe oscillation circuit". Pis'ma v Zhurn. Tekhn. Fiziki, 2009, vol. 35, no. 23, pp. 40-46.
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Yurkin V.Yu. "UWB wireless sensor networks based on chaotic radio pulses". Izv. VUZov, Prikladnaya nelineinaya dinamika (Applied Nonlinear Dynamics), 2009, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 90-104 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Kuzmin L.V. "Generation of UWB phase chaos in decimeter band", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2009, vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 709–718 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Nikishov A.Yu., Panas A.I. "Chaos generators: from vacuum devices to nanocircuits", Radioelectronics, Nanosystems, Information Technologies (RENSIT), 2009, vol. 1, no. 1-2, pp. 6-22 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Kuzmin L.V. "Experimental Generation of Chaotic Oscillations in Microwave Band by Phase-locked Loop", Proc. PIERS-2009, Moscow, RUSSIA, August 18-21, 2009, pp. 1498–1502.
Dmitriev A.S., Ryzhov A.I. «Information Transmission between Neuron-like Elements», Proc. PIERS-2009, Moscow, RUSSIA, August 18-21, 2009, pp. 466-469.
Ostroukhov D., Dmitriev A.S. «Receiver of chaotic radio pulses based on stochastic resonsnce», Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. «Contemporary problems of basic and applied sciences (ARMIMP2009)», Suzdal', Russia, Sept. 22-24, 2009, pp. 41-44 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A., Ryzhov A. “Digital Information Transmission Between Neuron-like Elements”, Proc. 17th Int. Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES 2009), Rapperswil, Switzerland, June 21-24, 2009, pp.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V. «Multipath gain in UWB direct chaotic communications». Proc. III Russian Conf. “Radiolocation and radio communications”, Moscow, Russia, Oct. 26-30, 2009, pp. 494-498 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S. "Sensor networks based on chaotic radio pulses", in "Nonlinear Waves-2008". N.Novgorod, IAP RAS, 2009, pp. 33
Han S.-M., Popov O., Dmitriev A.S. “Flexible Chaotic UWB Communication System With Adjustable Channel Bandwidth in CMOS Technology.” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, Oct. 2008, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 2229-2236.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kletsov A.V., Kuzmin L.V., Laktyushkin A.M., Yurkin V.Yu. "UWB wireless communications and sensor networks", Radiotekhnika i elektronika , 2008, vol. 53, no. 10, pp. 1278-1289 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Mokhseni T.I. «UWB signals for wireless communications », Radiotekhnika, 2008, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 83–90 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Nikishov A.Yu, Panas A.I. "Low-power transistor chaotic generators", Izvestiya VUZov. Prikladnaya nelineynaya dinamika, 2008, vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 56-70 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. "Ultrawideband wireless communications based on dynamic chaos", Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2008, No. 1, pp. 4-16 (in Russian).
Grigoriev E.V., Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kuzmin L.V., Anagnostopoulos A.N., Miliou A.N. "Chaotic generator on FET", Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2008, No. 1, pp. 32-36 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktiushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Sinyakin V.Yu. "UWB transceiver platform based on chaotic signals", Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2008, No. 1, pp. 77-83 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Kuzmin L.V. "Generation of RF chaos with PLL circuit", Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2008, No. 1, pp. 46-53 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Chubinsky N.P. «Chaos based sensor networks and information transmission», NDES-2008, July 20–26, 2008, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kuzmin L.V., Anagnostopoulos A.N., Miliou A.N. «Chaotic oscillator based on field-effect transistor», NDES-2008, July 20–26, 2008, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kuzmin L.V., Miliou A.N., Stavrinides S.G. «Generation of chaotic oscillations in dynamical system with field-effect transistor as an active element», CCS-2008, May 7-10 Isanbul, Turkey.
Dmitriev A., Laktushkin A., Andereyev Yu., Kletsov A., Kuzmin L., Sinyakin V. «UWB direct chaotic transceiver for wireless sensor networks», 31 August – 3 September 2008, ICECS-2008, Malta.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Maksimov N.A., Grigoriev Ye.V. "Generator of microwave chaotic oscillations based on oscillator with 2.5 freedom degrees", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2007, vol. 52, No. 10, pp. 1232-1240 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A., Efremova E., Kuzmin L., Atanov N. Forming pulses in non-autonomous chaotic oscillator, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 2007, vol. 17, No. 10, pp. 3443-3448.
Grigoriev E.V., Dmitriev A.C., Efremova E.V., Kuzmin L.V. «Chaos generator on FET. MAthematical and circuit simulation», Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2007, vol. 52. No. 12, pp. 1463-1471 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V. "Amplification of chaotic radio pulses in multipath environment", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2007, vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 838-846 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Sinyakin V.Yu. "Ultrawideband microwave transceiver paltform based on chaotic signals", Radiotekhnika, 2007, no. 1 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktyushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. «UWB communication systems based on dynamic chaos», Proc. 2nd Int. Conference «Acoustooptic and Radar Methods for Information Measurements and Processing» (ARMIMP-2007), Sept. 25–27, 2007, Suzdal, Russia, pp. 3–9 (in Russian).
Grigoriev E.V., Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kuzmin L.V. «MAthematical and circuit simulation of chaos generator on FET», Proc. 2nd Int. Conference «Acoustooptic and Radar Methods for Information Measurements and Processing» (ARMIMP-2007), Sept. 25–27, 2007, Suzdal, Russia, pp. 36–40 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Kuzmin L.V. «Experiments on generation of RF chaotic oscillations in PLL circuit», Proc. 2nd Int. Conference «Acoustooptic and Radar Methods for Information Measurements and Processing» (ARMIMP-2007), Sept. 25–27, 2007, Suzdal, Russia, pp. 40–44 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Laktiushkin A.M., Andreyev Yu.V. "UWB wireless personal area networks based on chaotic signals", Proc. 12th Mediterranean microwave symposium MICROCOLL-2007, 14-16 May 2007, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 87–88.
Atanov N.V., Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Maksimov N.A. "Forming chaotic radio pulses in generator with periodic external stimulation", Pis'ma v Zhurn. Tekhn. Fiziki, 2006. vol. 32. no. 15. pp. 1-6 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. "Ultrawideband wireless communications based on dynamic chaos", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2006, vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 1193-1209 (in Russian).
Atanov N.V., Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kuzmin L.V. "Non-autonomous generator of chaotic radio pulses", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2006, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 1454-1464 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kuzmin L.V., Atanov N.V. "Generating trains of chaotic pulses in dynamic system with external (periodic) stimulation", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2006, vol.51, no. 5, pp.593-604 (in Russian).
Atanov N., Dmitriev A., Efremova E. and Kuzmin L. "Non-autonomous Chaotic Radio Pulse Generator", Proc. Int. Symp. NOLTA'2006. Bologna, Italy, September 11-14, 2006, pp. 795-798.
Dmitriev A., Kletsov A., Kuzmin L., Laktushkin A., Panas A., Sinyakin V. "Ultrawideband Transceiver Platform Based On Chaotic Signals", Proc. Int. Symp. NOLTA'2006. Bologna, Italy, September 11-14. 2006, pp. 479-482.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V. "Effect of multipath amplification in chaotic communications", Abstracts of Int. Conf. "Dynamics Days Europe 2006", Crete, Greece, 2006.
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Sinyakin V.Yu.
"UWB miniature transceiver using chaotic signals",
Proc. National Conf. "Ultrawideband signals in radiolocation and acoustics-2006", 2006, July 4-7, Murom, Russia. pp. 158-163 (in Russian).
Atanov N.V., Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kuzmin L.V.
"Experiments on producing chaotic radio pulses in non-autonomous transistor generator",
Proc. National Conf. "Ultrawideband signals in radiolocation and acoustics-2006", 2006, July 4-7, Murom, Russia. pp. 164-170 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V.
"Amplification of chaotic radio pulses in multipath environment",
Proc. National Conf. "Ultrawideband signals in radiolocation and acoustics-2006", 2006, July 4-7, Murom, Russia. pp. 220-226 (in Russian).
Andreev A.V., Dmitriev A.S. "Error-correction coding for direct chaotic low-rate communication systems". Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2005, no. 11, pp. 66-71 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kinev A.V., Kletsov A.V., Kyarginsky B.E., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Atanov N.V., Selmenev E.A. "Remote control of mobile objects using UWB chaotic microwave signals", Preprint IRE RAS, no. 1 (639), 2005 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V. "Transistor chaos generators with prescribed shape of power spectrum", Radiotekhnika, 2005, no. 8, pp. 67-72 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kuzmin L.V. “Generation of train of chaotic pulses by means of forcing dynamic system by periodic signal”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiziki, 2005, vol. 31, no. 22, pp. 29-35 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Khilinsky A.D., Kuzmin L.V. “Qualitative theory of dynamical systems, chaos and contemporary communications”, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 2005, vol. 15, No. 11, pp. 3639-3651.
Dmitriev A.S., Kassian G.A., Kuzmin L.V. «Reconstruction of oscillations of chaotic systems from symbolic sequences», Radiotekhnika, 2005, no. 3, pp. 18–24 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. Ultra-wide band communications using chaos, Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop Networking with Ultra Wide Band, Workshop on Ultra Wide Band for Sensor Networks (NEUWB-2), Rome, July 4-6, 2005, pp. 25-29.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kyarginsky B.E., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I. "Method for generating wideband microwave chaotic signals and Generator of wideband microwave chaotic signals", appl. no. 2005110493 of 12.04.2005.
Dmitriev A.S., Andreyev Yu.V., Kletsov A.V., Koroteev M.V. "Method for wireless transmission of information through multipath channel and System for its implementation", appl. no. 2005120295 of 30.06.2005.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., Starkov S.O. "Method for sending messages in multiple-access communications system", appl. no. 2004133493 of 17.11.2004.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kletsov A.A., Kuzmin L.V., Laktushkin A.M. "Generation of chaotic radio pulses in non-autonomous dynamical system", Proc. 1st Int. Conf. "Ultrawideband signals and ultrashort pulses in radio location, communications and acoustics", Sept. 27-29, 2005, Suzdal, Russia, pp. 130-133 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.A., Koroteev M.V., Laktushkin A.M. "Effect of multipath amplification in UWB wireless communication system", Proc. 1st Int. Conf. "Ultrawideband signals and ultrashort pulses in radio location, communications and acoustics", Sept. 27-29, 2005, Suzdal, Russia, pp. 147-150 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Shirokov M.E. "Choosing oscillator for direct chaotic communications", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2004, vol. 49, no. 7, pp. 840-849 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Laktushkin A.M. «Amplitude modulation and demodulation of chaotic signals», Voprosy prikladnoi fiziki. 2004, no. 11, pp. 185-191 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V, and Maksimov N.A. “Controlling the spectrum envelope in single-transistor generator of chaotic oscillations”, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2004, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 222-227 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V, Khilinsky A.D. Modeling microwave transistor chaos generators, Proc. ICCSC'2004, June 30 - July 2, Moscow, Russia, 2004.
Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.A., Kuznetsov A.V., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I. Ultrawideband direct chaotic communications for low-bitrate information transmission, Proc. ICCSC'2004, June 30 - July 2, Moscow, Russia, 2004.
Dmitriev A.S., Kassian G.A., Kuzmin L.V. Reconstruction of continuous-time chaotic trajectory from symbolic sequence , Proc. ICCSC'2004, June 30 - July 2, Moscow, Russia, 2004.
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Laktushkin A.M. Amplitude modulation and demodulation of chaotic signals, Proc. ICCSC'2004, June 30 - July 2, Moscow, Russia, 2004.
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V, Khilinsky A.D. "Synthesis of single-transistor chaotic oscillators", Proc. NDES'2004, May 9-13, Evora, Portugal, 2004, pp. 133-136.
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Laktushkin A.M. "Amplitude modulation and demodulation of chaotic carriers", Proc. NDES'2004, May 9-13, Evora, Portugal, 2004, pp. 138-141.
A.S. Dmitriev, "Dynamical chaos and information", in Nonlinear Waves' 2002. Nizhny Novgorod: IAP RAS , 2003, pp. 53-76 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kyarginsky B.Ye., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O., "Experiments on ultra wideband direct chaotic information transmission in microwave band", Int. J. Bifurcation & Chaos, 2003, vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 1495-1507.
Dmitriev A.S., Kassian G.A., and Kuzmin L.V. “Matched filtering of chaotic signals”, Izv.VUZov. Prikladnaya nelineynaya dinamika, 2003, no. 3, pp. 157–164 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kassian G.A., and Kuzmin L.V. “Quasi-correlation reception of chaotic signals”, Radiotekhnika, 2003, no. 8, pp. 98-102 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., and Starkov S.O., "Direct chaotic communication systems", Zarubezhnaya radioelektronika. Uspekhi sovremenn. radioelectroniki, 2003, no. 9, pp. 26-42 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V, Khilinsky A.D. Methods of computer simulation of transistor chaos generators with ADS (Advanced Design System) software, Preprint IRE RAS. Moscow, 2003. no. 5(633) (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S. and Panas A.I., "Dynamic chaos: Novel information carriers for communication systems", Fiz.-Mat.Lit., Moscow, 2002, 252 p. (in Russian)
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., and Anagnostopoulos A.N., "Separation of chaotic signal sum into components in the presence of noise", IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-I, 2003, vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 613-618.
Dmitriev A.S., Hasler M., Panas A.I., Zakharchenko K.V., Basic principles of direct chaotic communications, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 2003, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 488-501.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., and Anagnostopoulos A.N., "Chaotic signal processing. Information aspects",
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2003, vol. 17, No. 2-3, pp. 531 - 544.
Dmitriev A.S., Kyarginsky B.Ye., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., and Starkov S.O., "Ultrawideband direct chaotic communications in microwave band", Pia'ma v Zhurn. Techn. Fiz., 2003, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 70-76 (in Russian).
Balabin A.M., Didovik A.M., Dmitriev A.S., Zakharchenko K.V., Kishik V.V., "Storing and associative identification of audio information using trajectories of dynamic systems", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2003, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 1379-1388 (in Russian).
A.S. Dmitriev, K.V. Zakharchenko, D.Yu. Puzikov, "Introduction to the theory of direct chaotic communications", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2003, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 328-338 (in Russian).
Balabin A.M., Dmitriev A.S., Kishik V.V., and Puzikov D.Yu., "Error Correction Codes in Direct Chaotic Communications," Proc. Int. Symp. ITC-CSCC'2003, Phoenix Park, Kang-Won Do, Korea, July 7-9, 2003, vol. 1, pp. 402-404.
Dmitriev A.S., Kassian G.A., and Kuzmin L.V., "Matched filtration of chaotic signals", Proc. 11th Int. Workshop Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES-2003), May 18-22, 2003, Scuol / Schuls, Switzerland, pp. 73-76.
Dmitriev A.S., Hasler M., Kassian G.A., and Khilinsky A.D., "Noise-resistant chaotic synchronization of nonhyperbolic maps via information transmission", Proc. Int. Symp. Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS-2003), July 10-11, 2003, Iasi, Romania, pp. 5-8.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O., "Communications with ultrawideband chaotic carrier", Proc. Int. Symp. Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS-2003), July 10-11, 2003, Iasi, Romania, pp. 9-12.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Zakharchenko K.V., "Principles of Direct Chaotic Communications (invited)", Proc. Int. Symp. Physics and Control, 2003, August 20-22, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp 475-483.
A.S. Dmitriev, A.I. Panas, "Dynamic chaos: Novel type of information carrier for communication systems", M.: Izdatel'stvo Fiziko-Matematicheskoi literatury, 2002, 252 pp. (in Russian).
A.S. Dmitriev, "Dynamical chaos as information carrier", in "News in synergetics: A glimpse at third millennium", M.: Nauka, 2002, pp. 82-122 (in Russian).
A.S. Dmitriev, B.E. Kyarginsky, A.I. Panas, D.Yu. Puzikov, and S.O. Starkov, "Experiments on ultrawideband direct chaotic communications in microwave band", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2002, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 1219-1228 (in Russian) (English translation in: Journal of Communication Technology and Electronics, Vol. 47, No. 10, 2002, pp. 1112-1120.).
Dmitriev A.S., Kassian G.A. and Khilinsky A.D.,
"Chaotic synchronization of Henon maps. Information approach", Pis'ma v Zhurn. Tekhn. Fiz, 2002, vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 36-41 (in Russian).
Andreyev, Yu.V., Dmitriev, A.S. and Efremova E.V.,
"Information approach to separation of chaotic signals", Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 2002, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 59-70.
Andreyev, Yu.V., Dmitriev, A.S. and Efremova E.V.,
"Dynamic separation of chaotic signals in the presence of noise", Phys. Rev. E, 2002, vol. 65, p. 046220.
A.S. Dmitriev, E.V. Efremova, N.A. Maksimov, and A.I. Panas,
“Controlling spectrum of single-transistor band-limited chaotic oscillator”, Proc. 10th Int. Workshop Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES-2002), June 21-23, 2002, Izmir, Turkey, p. 2-65.
A.S. Dmitriev, M. Hasler, G.A. Kassian, and A.D. Khilinsky,
“Noise-resistant chaotic synchronization of nonhyperbolic maps via information transmission”, Proc. 10th Int. Workshop Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES-2002), June 21-23, 2002, Izmir, Turkey, p. 3-17.
A. Dmitriev, B. Kyarginsky, A. Panas, D. Puzikov, and S. Starkov,
“Experiments on ultra wideband direct chaotic information transmission in microwave band”, Proc. 10th Int. Workshop Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES-2002), June 21-23, 2002, Izmir, Turkey, p. 5-1.
A.S. Dmitriev, A.I. Panas, D.Yu. Puzikov, and S.O. Starkov,
“Wideband and Ultra Wideband Direct Chaotic Communication”, Proc. 1st IEEE Int. Conf. Circuits and Systems for Communications (Circuits and Systems in Broadband Communication Technologies), St.Petersburg, Russia, June 26 - 28, 2002, pp. 291-295.
A.S. Dmitriev, S.O. Starkov,
Novel approach to solving problems of communication systems and computer networks: Dynamic chaos, Computerra, 2001, No. 46(423), pp.26-31 (in Russian).
A. S. Dmitriev, A. I. Panas, and S. O. Starkov, Direct Chaotic Communication in Microwave Band, (Electronic NonLinear Science Preprint, nlin.CD/0110047).
Andreyev, Yu.V., Dmitriev, A.S. and Efremova, E.V.
"Separation of chaotic signals in noisy conditions", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2001, vol. 46, no. 12, pp. 1346-1355 (in Russian).
Yu.V. Andreyev, A.S. Dmitriev, and E.V. Efremova, Dynamic Separation of Chaotic Signals in the Presence of Noise, (Electronic NonLinear Science Preprint, nlin.CD/0107036).
Dmitriev A.S., Kassian G.A., Hasler M, and Khilinsky A.D., "Chaotic synchronization of 2D dynamic systems by means of transmitting information about their states", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2001, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 566-575 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O., and Kyarginsky B.E., "Direct chaotic circuits for communications in microwave band", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2001, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 224-233 (in Russian).
A.S. Dmitriev, M. Hasler, G.A. Kassian, and A.D. Khilinsky,
Chaotic Synchronization of 2-D Maps Via Information Transmission, Proc. of Int. Symp. NOLTA'2001, Miyagi, Japan, October 28 - November 1, 2001, vol. 1, pp. 79-82.
A. Dmitriev, E. Efremova, L. Kuzmin, and A. Anagnostopoulos,
High dimensional RC–oscillators of chaos, Proc. of Int. Symp. NOLTA'2001, Miyagi, Japan, October 28 - November 1, 2001, vol. 1, pp. 139-142.
Yu.Andreyev, A.Dmitriev, and E.Efremova, "Chaotic signal processing. Information aspects", Abstracts Int. Conf. Applied Non-Linear Dynamics, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 27-30, 2001, p. 89.
A. Dmitriev, B. Kyarginsky, A. Panas, and S. Starkov,
"Direct chaotic communication system. Experiments", Proc. 9th Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES'2001), Delft, Netherlands, June 21-23, 2001, pp. 185-188.
A.S. Dmitriev, S.O. Starkov, and L.V. Kuzmin,
"Direct chaotic communications", Abstracts Int. Conf. Progress in Nonlinear Science/Nonlinear Oscillations , Control and Information, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 2-6, 2001, p. 204.
S.O. Starkov, A.S. Dmitriev, and L.V. Kuzmin,
"Division of chaotic and channel encoders for chaotic encoding in communication and networks", Abstracts Int. Conf. Progress in Nonlinear Science/Nonlinear Oscillations , Control and Information, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 2-6, 2001, p. 327.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S. and Efremova E.V.
"Dynamic separation of chaotic signals", Abstracts Int. Conf. Progress in Nonlinear Science/Nonlinear Oscillations , Control and Information, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 2-6, 2001, p. 216.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Yemetz S.V., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O., Balabin A.M., Dmitriev A.A., Kishik V.V., Kuzmin L.V., Borisenko A.G.
"Strategies of applying dynamic chaos in communication systems and computer networks. Chaotic encoder and channel encoder", Foreign radioelectronics. Advances of modern radioelectronics. 2000. No. 11. pp.4-26 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kyarginsky B.E., Maksimov N.A., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O. Direct chaotic information transmission in microwave band, Preprint IRE RAS, Moscow. 2000. no. 1(625) (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kassian G., and Khilinsky A. "Chaotic synchronization. Information viewpoint", Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 2000, vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 749-761.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Yemetz S.V., Kuzmin L.V., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., and Starkov S.O., "Chaotic markers and asynchronous data transmission", Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiziki, 2000, vol. 26, no. 14, pp. 53-59 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kyarginsky B.E., Maksimov N.A., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O., "Prospects of direct chaotic communication systems in RF and microwave bands", Radiotekhnika, 2000, no. 3, pp. 9-20 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V. and Pustovoit V.I.
Separation of chaotic signals, Doklady Rossiyskoi Academii Nauk, 2000, vol. 372, no. 1, pp. 187-190 (in Russian).
A.S. Dmitriev, Applied Dynamic Chaos: Course of Lectures, Part II, Yaroslavl Univ. Press, Yaroslavl, 2000, 102 p (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Andreyev Yu.V., Kuzmin L.V., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., Starkov S.O.,
"Chaotic markers for communications", Proc. NOLTA-2000, September 17 - 21, 2000, Dresden, Germany, vol. 1, pp. 87-90.
Dmitriev A., Andreev Y., Belsky Y., Kuminov D., Panas A., Starkov S. "Method of objects recognition", Canadian Patent No. 2,164,417 (May 30, 2000).
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I. and Starkov S.O.
Multiple access communication based on control of special chaotic trajectories, Proc. Int. Conf. Control of Oscillations and Chaos (COC-2000), St.Petersburg, Russia, July 5-7, 2000, vol. 3, pp. 518-522.
Dmitriev A.S., Kassian G.A. and Khilinsky A.D.
Information viewpoint on chaotic synchronization, Proc. Int. Conf. Control of Oscillations and Chaos (COC-2000), St.Petersburg, Russia, July 5-7, 2000, vol. 2, pp. 335-338.
Andreyev, Yu.V., Dmitriev, A.S. and Efremova E.V.
Separation of chaotic signals using their inherent dynamic nature, Proc. Int. Conf. Control of Oscillations and Chaos (COC-2000), St.Petersburg, Russia, July 5-7, 2000, vol. 3, pp. 418-422.
Andreyev, Yu.V., Dmitriev, A.S. and Efremova E.V.
Multiplexing chaotic signals in the presence of noise, Proc. Int. IEEE Symp. Curcuits and Systems (ISCAS-2000), Geneva, Switzerland, May 28-31, 2000, vol. IV, pp. 441-444.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Yemetz S.V., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O., Balabin A.M., Dmitriev A.A., Kishik V.V., Kuzmin L.V., Borisenko A.G.
Strategies of applying dynamic chaos in communication systems and computer networks. Chaotic encoder and channel encoder, Preprint IRE RAS, Moscow. 2000. no. 2(626) (in Russian).
A.S. Dmitriev, Applied Dynamic Chaos: Course of Lectures, Part I, Yaroslavl Univ. Press, Yaroslavl, 1999, 87 p (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Kassian G.A., Khilinsky A.D., and Shirokov M.E., "Limit efficiency of cleaning chaotic signals off noise", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1999, vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 1120-1130 (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S., Kuzmin, L.V. and Panas, A.I. "Communication circuit based on synchronous chaotic response in the case of a filtering communication channel", Radiotekhnika 1999, no. 4, pp. 75-80 (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S. and Kuzmin, L.V.
"Transmission of information through a filtering communication channel based on synchronous chaotic response", Pis'ma Zhurn. Tekhn. Fiz., 1999, vol. 25, no. 16, pp. 71-77 (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S., Kuzmin, L.V., and Panas, A.I.
Communication circuit with modulo summation of the chaotic and information signals, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1999, vol. 44, no. 8, pp. 988-996 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V. and Dmitriev A.S.
Conditions for global synchronization in lattices of chaotic elements with local connections, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 1999, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 2165-2172.
Dmitriev, A.S., Yemetz, S.V., and Starkov, S.O. "High-rate information transmission using dynamic chaos", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1999, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 324-329 (in Russian).
Gubanov D.A., Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O., and Steshenko V.D., "Chaotic oscillators in IC", CHIP News (Novosti o mikroskhemakh), 1999, no. 8, pp. 9-14 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Kuzmin L.V. "Chaotic synchronization and chaotic communications over a band-pass channel", Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems (An Interdisciplinary Journal), 1999, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 91-99.
Dmitriev A.S., Kassian G., and Khilinsky A. Limit efficiency of chaotic signal cleaning off noise, Proc. 7th Int. Workshop NDES-99, 1999, Ronne, Denmark, pp. 187-190.
A. S. Dmitriev and S. O. Starkov, Fine structure of Chaotic Attractor for Multiple-Access Communications, Proc. 7th Int. Workshop Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronics Systems (NDES’99), Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark, July 15-17, 1999, pp. 161-164.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., and Ovsyannikov A.V.
Information searching system "Forget-Me-Not" based on complex dynamics of nonlinear systems, Proc. 7th Int. Workshop NDES-99, 1999. Ronne, Denmark. pp.273-276.
Dmitriev, A.S. and Starkov, S.O. "Message transmission using chaos and classical information theory", Foreign Radioelectronics. Advances in Modern Radioelectronics. 1998, No. 11, pp.4-32 (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S., Kuzmin, L.V., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O.
Experiments on transmitting information through RF channel using chaos, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1998, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 1115-1128 (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S. and Kuzmin, L.V.
Transmission of sequences of chaotic samples through radio channel, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1998, vol. 43, No. 8, pp. 973-981 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., "Chaotic synchronization as information process",
Izv. VUZov, Radiofizika, 1998, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 1497-1509 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A., Andreev Y., Belsky Y., Kuminov D., Panas A., Starkov S. "Method of objects recognition", Patent of USA No. 5774587 (June 30, 1998).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., and Starkov S.O.
Edge of spatial chaos in nonlinear networks with local connections, Proc. 6th Int. Workshop NDES-98, 1998. Budapest, Hungary. pp.145-148.
Dmitriev A.S., Yemetz S.V., and Kuzmin L.V. "Transmission of chaotic samples sequence through RF-band channel", Proc. 6th Int. Workshop NDES'98, 1998. Budapest, Hungary. pp.231-234.
Dmitriev A., Panas A., Efremova E. & Kuzmin L. "Communication system with modulo summation of information and chaotic signals", Proc. NOLTA'98. 1998. Crans-Montana, Switzerland. Vol. 3. pp. 1081-1084.
Dmitriev A. & Andreyev Yu.
Edge of spatiotemporal chaos in cellular nonlinear networks, Proc. CNNA'98. 1998. London. England. pp.100-105.
Dmitriev A., Starkov S. & Yemetz S.
Chaotic communications using digital signal processors, Proc. NOLTA'98. 1998. Crans-Montana, Switzerland. Vol. 3. pp. 1093-1096.
Dmitriev A.S., Yemetz S.V., Starkov S.O. “High Rate Data Communication Using Dynamical Chaos”, Proc. ISCAS’98, 1998, vol. IV, pp. 481-484.
Dmitriev, A.S., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O.
Dynamic chaos as a paradigm for modern communication systems, Foreign Radioelectronics. Advances in Modern Radioelectronics. 1997. No. 10. pp.4-26 (in Russian).
Andreyev, Yu.V., Dmitriev, A.S., and Kuminov D.A.
Chaotic processors,
Advances in Modern Radioelectronics. (Foreign Radioelectronics), 1997, No. 10, pp.50-79 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., and Starkov S.O.,
Information Processing in 1-D Systems with Chaos, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 1997, vol. 44, pp. 21-28.
Dmitriev A., Panas A., Starkov S. & Kuzmin L.
"Experiments on RF band communications using chaos", Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos. 1997. Vol.7, No.11. p.2511-2527.
Dmitriev A.S., Shirokov M.E., Starkov S.O.
Chaotic Synchronization in Ensembles of Coupled Maps,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 1997, vol. 44, No. 10, pp. 918-926.
Dmitriev, A.S., Kuzmin, L.V., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. "Radio communications using chaotic signals", Preprint IRE RAS, IRE RAS, Moscow, 1997. No. 1(615) (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S., Yemets, S.V., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. "Experiments on applying digital signal processors to communications using chaotic oscillations", Preprint IRE RAS, IRE RAS, Moscow, 1997. No. 4(618) (in Russian).
Dmitriev A., Maximov N., Panas A., Starkov S. "Robustness of chaotic communications systems with nonlinear information mixing", Proc. NDES'97. 1997. Moscow. Russia. pp.209-216.
Dmitriev A., Panas A., Starkov S. and Yemetz S. "Digital processing for chaos generation and information transmission", Proc. NDES'97. 1997. Moscow. Russia. pp.370-375.
Andreyev Yu., Dmitriev A., Kuminov D. & Starkov S.
Maps with stored information in multiple-access communications systems, Proc. NDES'97. 1997. Moscow. Russia. pp.185-190.
Dmitriev A. "Application maps with stored information in CDMA communication systems", Proc. COC'97. 1997. St. Petersburg. Russia. pp. 211-214.
Andreyev, Yu., Dmitriev, A., Kuminov, D. and Starkov, S.
CDMA communications using maps with stored information, Proc. ECCTD'97, Budapest, Hungary, Aug.30-Sep.3, 1997 vol. 1, pp. 324-329.
Dmitriev, A.S. "Maps with stored information for spread-spectrum communication systems", Radiotekhnika i elektronika. 1997. vol. 42. No. 11. pp. 1350-1357 (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S., Starkov, S.O., and Shirokov, M.Ye.
Synchronization of ensembles of coupled maps, Izv. VUZov, Prikladnaya nelineinaya dinamika, 1996, vol. 4, No. 4-5 pp.40-58 (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., D.A. Kuminov, Chua L.O., and Wu C.W.
1-D Maps, Chaos and Neural Networks For Information Processing, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 1996, vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 627-646.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O. "Ring oscillating systems and their application to the systhesis of chaos generators", Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos. 1996. Vol.6, No.5. p.851-865.
Andreyev Yu.V., Belsky Yu.L., Dmitriev A.S., and Kuminov D.A.,
Information processing using dynamical chaos, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1996, vol. 7, pp. 290-299.
Panas A.I., Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., and Starkov S.O. "RF-band communications using chaos", Proc. 4-th Int. Workshop NDES-96, Seville, Spain. 1996, pp. 167-171.
Starkov S.O., Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Matveev M.A., and Shirokov M.E.
Synchronization in the maps with stored information, Proc. 4-th Int. Workshop NDES-96, Seville, Spain. 1996, pp. 299-303.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Kuminov D.A., and Pavlov V.V.
Information processing in 1-D and 2-D Map: Recurrent and cellular neural networks implementation,
Proc. 4-th Int. Workshop CNNA-96, Seville, Spain. 1996, pp. 297-301.
Andreyev, Yu.V. and Dmitriev, A.S. Fractal properties of speech signals, Abst. Int. Conf. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos ICND-96, Saratov, Russia. July 8-14,1996, p. 13.
Dmitriev, A.S., Andreyev, Yu.V., Belsky, Yu.L., Kuminov, D.A., Panas, A.I., Starkov, S.O. "Method of objects recognition", Patent of Russian Federation No. 2050072, December 10, 1995 (priority March 3, 1994).
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Starkov S. O., "Experiments on speech and music signals trasmission using chaos", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 1995, vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1249-1254.
Belsky, Yu.L. and Dmitriev, A.S. "Effect of perturbing factors on the performance of communication systems with chaotic carrier", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1995, vol.40, No. 2, pp.265-281 (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S. and Shirokov, M.Ye. "Synchronizators of chaotic signals", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1995, vol.40, No. 11, p. 1667 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A., and Starkov S.O. "Transmission of complex analog signals by means of dynamical chaos", Proc. 3-rd Int. Workshop NDES-95, Dublin, Ireland. 1995, pp. 241-244.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Matveev M.A.
Application of chaotic dynamical systems to the problems of recognition and classification, Proc. 3-rd Int. Workshop NDES-95, Dublin, Ireland. 1995, pp. 249-252.
Dmitriev A.S., Shirokov M., and Starkov S.O. "Chaotic synchronization of ensembles of locally and globally coupled discrete-time dynamical systems. Rigorous results and computer simulation", Proc. 3-rd Int. Workshop NDES-95, Dublin, Ireland. 1995, pp. 287-290.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O. "Experiments on music and speech transition in system with nonlinear mixing of chaotic and information oscillations",
Proc. ECCTD, Istanbul, Turkey. 1995, pp. 471-474.
Dmitriev A.S. and Kuminov D.A. "Recurrent neural networks with chaos for storing and retrieving information", Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputers, Rostov-Don, Russia. 1995, pp. 24-31.
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O. "Ring oscillating systems and their application to the systhesis of chaos generators", Preprint IRE RAS, IRE RAS, Moscow, 1995.
Andreyev, Yu.V. and Dmitriev, A.S.,
Storing and retrieving pictires in 1-D dynamic systems,
Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1994, vol. 39, no. 1, pp.104-113 (in Russian).
Andreyev, Yu.V., Belsky, Yu.L., and Dmitriev, A.S.,
Storing and retrieving information as stable cycles of 2-D and multi-dimensional maps, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1994, vol. 39, no. 1, pp.114-123 (in Russian).
Andreyev, Yu.V., Belsky, Yu.L., Dmitriev, A.S., and Kuminov, D.A.
Dynamic chaotic systems as a medium for storing and processing information, Izv. VUZov, Radiofizika, 1994, vol.37, pp. 1003-1019 (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S. and Kuminov, D.A. "Chaotic scanning and image recognition in learned neural-like systems", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1994, vol.39, pp. 633-641 (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S., Starkov, S.O., and Shirokov, M.Ye. "Structure of periodic orbits of a chaotic oscillating system described by 2nd order difference equations",
Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1994, vol. 39, no. 9, pp.1392-1395 (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. "Experiments on transmission of music and speech signals using dynamic chaos", Preprint IRE RAS, No. 12(600) IRE RAS, Moscow, 1994 (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S. "Chaos and information processing in nonlinear dynamic systems", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1993, vol.38, No. 1, pp. 1-24 (in Russian).
Belsky, Yu.L. and Dmitriev, A.S. "Information transmission using deterministic chaos", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1993, vol.38, No. 7, pp. 1310-1315 (in Russian).
Andreyev, Yu.V., Dmitriev, A.S., and Starkov, S.O.
Processing pictures in one-dimensional dynamic systems. Software pack 'InformChaos', Preprint IRE RAS, IRE RAS, Moscow, 1993, No. 2(584) (in Russian).
Dmitriev, A.S., Kuminov, D.A., Pavlov, V.V., and Panas, A.I. "Storing and processing texts using one-dimensional dynamic systems", Preprint IRE RAS, IRE RAS, Moscow, 1993, No. 3(585) (in Russian).
Andreyev Yu.V., Belsky Yu.L., Dmitriev A.S.
Information processing in nonlinear systems with dynamic chaos, Proc. Int. Seminar Nonlinear Circuits and Systems, Moscow, Russia, 1992, Vol.1, pp.51-60.
Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Chua L.O. and Wu C.W. "Associative and Random Access Memory Using One-Dimensional Maps", Int. Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 1992, v.3, pp.483-504.
Andreyev Yu., Belsky Yu., Dmitriev A., and Kuminov D.
Inhomogeneos cellular neural networks: Possibility of functional device design, Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop CNNA-92, Munich, Germany, 1992, pp.135-140.
Dmitriev, A.S. "Storing and recovering information in 1-D dynamic systems", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1991, vol.36, No. 1, pp. 101-108 (in Russian).
Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O.
Storing and recognizing information based on stable cycles of one-dimensional map, Phys. Lett. A, 1991, v.155, pp.494-499.
Dmitriev A., Jdanova L., and Kuminov D. "The simplest neural-like systems with chaos", Proc. Int. Conf. Noise in Phys. Systems and 1/f Fluctuations, Kyoto, Japan, 1991, pp.501-504.