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1) Udalov O.G., Sapozhnikov M.V., Karashtin E.A., Gribkov B.A., Gusev S.A., Skorohodov E.V., Rogov V.V., Klimov A.Yu., Fraerman A.A. NONRECIPROCAL LIGHT DIFFRACTION BY A LATTICE OF MAGNETIC VORTICES Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2012. �. 86. � 9. �. 094416.

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 7) Karashtin E.A., Fraerman A.A. INSTABILITY OF A DOMAIN WALL IN ELECTRIC CURRENT: ROLE OF TOPOLOGICAL CHARGE Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2015. . 92. � 1. . 014401.

 8) Fraerman A.A., Shereshevskii I.A. MAGNETOCALORIC EFFECT IN FERROMAGNET/PARAMAGNET MULTILAYER STRUCTURES Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters (JETP Letters). 2015. . 101. � 9. . 618-621. 

9) Fraerman A.A., Ermolaeva O.L., Skorohodov E.V., Gusev N.S., Mironov V.L., Vdovichev S.N., Demidov E.S. SKYRMION STATES IN MULTILAYER EXCHANGE COUPLED FERROMAGNETIC NANOSTRUCTURES WITH DISTINCT ANISOTROPY DIRECTIONS Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2015. . 393. . 452-456.

 10) Demidov E.S., Budarin L.I., Karashtin E.A., Mironov V.L., Fraerman A.A., Gusev N.S. INTERLAYER INTERACTION IN MULTILAYER [CO/PT]N/PT/CO STRUCTURES Journal of Applied Physics. 2016. . 120. � 17. . 173901.

 11) Sapozhnikov M.V., Vdovichev S.N., Ermolaeva O.L., Gusev N.S., Fraerman A.A., Gusev S.A., Petrov Yu.V. ARTIFICIAL DENSE LATTICE OF MAGNETIC BUBBLES  Applied Physics Letters. 2016. �. 109. � 4. �. 042406.

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 14) E.A. Karashtin, A.A. Fraerman Influence of an electric field on the ferromagnetic resonance in a plane-layered magnetic system. Physics of the Solid State 58(11):2228-2232 � November 2016 

15) E. V. Skorokhodov E. S. Demidov, S. N. Vdovichev, A. A. Fraerman Ferromagnetic resonance in a system of magnetic films with different Curie temperatures. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 124(4):617-622 � April 2017


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