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1. Ozhegov R.V., Gorshkov K.N., Okunev O.V., Gol'tsman G.N., Superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixer as element of thermal imager matrix, Technical Physics Letters, 2010, Vol. 36, No. 11.
2. Tret'yakov I.V., Ryabchun S.A., Kaurova N.S., Larionov P.A., Lobastova A.A., Voronov B.M., Finkel M.I., Gol'tsman G.N., Optimum absorbed heterodyne power for superconducting NbN hot-electron bolometer mixer, Technical Physics Letters, 2010, Vol. 36, No. 12.
3. Goltsman G. N, Korneev A. A, Finkel M. I., Divochiy A. V, Florya I. N, Korneeva Y.P., Tarkhov M. A, Maslennikov S. N, Kaurova N. S, Chulkova G. M, Voronov B. M, Superconducting hot-electron bolometer as THz mixer, direct detector and IR single-photon counter, 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 2010.
4. Ozhegov R.V., Gorshkov K.N., Gol'tsman G.N., Kinev N.V., Koshelets V.P., The stability of a terahertz receiver based on a superconducting integrated receiver, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2011, Vol. 24, No. 3.
5. Manova N.N., Korneeva Y.P., Korneev A.A., Slysz W., Voronov B.M., Gol'tsman G.N., Superconducting NbN singlephoton detector integrated with quarter-wave resonator, Technical Physics Letters, 2011 Vol. 37, No. 5.
6. Korneeva Y., Florya I., Semenov A., Korneev A., Goltsman G., Ultrawide noise bandwidth of NbN hot-electron bolometer mixers with in situ gold contacts, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2011, Vol. 21, No. 3, part 1.
7. Lobanov Y.V., Tong C.-Y.E., Hedden A.S., Blundell R., Voronov B.M., Gol'tsman G.N., Direct measurement of the gain and noise bandwidths of HEB mixers, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2011, Vol. 21, No. 3, part 1.
8. Lobanov Y., Tong E., Blundell R., Hedden A., Voronov B., Gol'tsman G., Large-signal frequency response of an HEB mixer: From 300 MHz to terahertz, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2011, Vol. 21, No. 3, part 1.
9. Korneev A., Divochiy A., Vachtomin Y., Korneeva Y., Florya I., Elezov M., Manova N., Tarkhov M., An P., Kardakova A., Isupova A, Chulkova G., Smirnov K., Kaurova N., Seleznev V., Voronov B., Goltsman G., Recent advances in superconducting NbN singlephoton detector development, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2011, P. 8072.
10. Tretyakov I., Ryabchun S., Finkel M., Maslennikova A., Kaurova N., Lobastova A., Voronov B., Gol'tsman G., Low noise and wide bandwidth of NbN hot-electron bolometer mixers, Applied Physics Letters, 2011, Vol. 98, No. 3.
11. Zhang W., Miao W., Yao Q. J., Lin Z. H, Schi S. C, Gaj J. R, Goltsman G. N, Spectral response and noise temperature of a 2.5 THz spiral antenna coupled NbN HEB mixer, Physics Procedia, 2012 Vol. 36.
12. Shurakov A., Seliverstov S., Kaurova N., Finkel M., Voronov B., Goltsman G., Input bandwidth of hot electron bolometer with spiral antenna, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2012, Vol. 2, No. 4.
13. Smirnov A.V., Baryshev A.M., De Bernardis P., Vdovin V.F., Gol'tsman G.N., Kardashev N.S., Kuz'min L.S., Koshelets V.P., Vystavkin A.N., Lobanov Y.V., Ryabchun S.A., Finkel M.I., Khokhlov D.R., The current stage of development of the receiving complex of the millimetron space observatory, Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 2012, Vol. 54, No. 8-9.
14. Zhang W, Miao W, Li S. L, Zhou K. M, Shi S. C, Gao J. R, Goltsman G. N., Measurement of the Spectral Response of Spiral-Antenna Coupled Superconducting Hot Electron Bolometers, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, 2013, Vol. 23, No. 3.
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1. Progress in the Area of New Energy Efficient Basic Elements for Superconducting Electronics Bakurskiy S.V., Gudkov A.L., Klenov N.V., Kuznetsov A.V., Kupriyanov M.Yu, Soloviev I.I. � ������� MOSCOW UNIVERSITY PHYSICS BULLETIN, ��� 69, � 4, �. 275-286, 2014
2. Signal and noise characteristics of bi-SQUID. Kornev V.K., Sharafiev A.V., Soloviev I.I., Mukhanov O.A. � ������� Superconductor Science and Technology, ��� 27, �. 115009 , 2014
3. Superconducting Quantum Arrays Kornev V., Sharafiev A., Soloviev I., Kolotinskiy N., Scripka V., Mukhanov O. � ������� IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, ��� 24, � 4, �. 1800606, 2014
4. Superconducting Quantum Arrays for Broadband RF Systems Kornev V., Sharafiev A., Soloviev I., Kolotinskiy N., Mukhanov O. � ������� Journal of Physics: Conference Series, ��� 507, � 4, �. 042019, 2014.
5. Symmetrical Josephson vortex interferometer as an advanced ballistic single-shot detector Soloviev I.I., Klenov N.V., Bakurskiy S.V., Pankratov A.L., Kuzmin L.S. � ������� Applied Physics Letters, ��� 105, � 202602, �. 202602-1-202602-5, 2014
6. Multi-element Josephson structures for implementing broadband devices. Kolotinskiy N.V., Kornev V.K., Sharafiev A.V., Soloviev I.I., Mukhanov O.A. � ������� Physics of Wave Phenomena, ��� 21, � 4, �. 294-299 2013
7. Progress in high linearity multi-element Josephson structures. Kornev V.K., Soloviev I.I., Klenov N.V., Mukhanov O.A. � ������� Physica C, ��� 470, �. 886-889 2010
8. Superconducting Josephson structures with high linearity of transformation of magnetic signal into voltage Soloviev I.I., Kornev V.K., Klenov N.V., Mukhanov O.A. � ������� Physics of the Solid State, ��� 52, � 11, �. 2252-2258, 2010.
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2. COLD ELECTRON BOLOMETERS: HIGH-PRECISION SENSORS OF EXTREMELY WEAK SIGNALS IN TERAHERTZ WAVE BAND. Abashin A.E., Bol'Shakov O.S., Vdovin V.F., Kovalev F.N., Kuz'Min L.S., Lesnov I.V., Morugin S.L., Mukhin A.S., Shiryaev M.V. Automation and Remote Control. 2013. �. 74. � 1. �. 123-127.
3. THE CURRENT STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE RECEIVING COMPLEX OF THE MILLIMETRON SPACE OBSERVATORY. Smirnov A.V., Vdovin V.F., Gol'Tsman G.N., Kardashev N.S., Finkel M.I., Lobanov Y.V., Ryabchun S.A., Baryshev A.M., De Bernardis P., Kuz'Min L.S., Koshelets V.P., Vystavkin A.N., Khokhlov D.R. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. 2012. �. 54. � 8-9. �. 557-568.
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