The Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE) of Russian Academy of Sciences was founded in 1953. It is
situated in the building of former Physics Department of Moscow State University at
Mokhovaya street not far from the Kremlin. In 1955 a new
part of the Institute in
the city of Fryazino, 40 km from the centre of Moscow, and then two branches in
Saratov and Ulyanovsk were founded.
Outstanding scientists in radio science and electronics - academicians A.I. Berg, N.D.
Devyatkov, Yu.B. Kobzarev, V.A. Kotelnikov, V.V. Migulin,
B.A. Vvedensky,- were organizers of the Institute and leaders of it's first research
divisions. Academician V.A.Kotelnikov
was the honourable director of the Institute.
The main scientific directions of the IRE are fundamental researchs in radio
science, physical and quantum electronics, radioengineering, computer science. The
Institute carries out applied researchs in the field of development of high technologies
and designing of new scientific instruments. A large number of scientific and applied
researchers of the Institute are awarded the States Prizes and documented as discoveries
and inventions.
The Institute consists of several research divisions, it has Special design bureau and
two engineering centres.
At present, when development of science in Russia has many problems, Institute
continues to work. In spite of financial difficulties, the most talented and dedicated to
science employees develop new research fields and obtain results of first class.
Structure or the Instiute:
Board of
IRE RAS - Moscow
branch in Fryazino
branch in Saratov
branch in Ulyanovsk