S.V. Zaitsev-Zotov, Dr. Sci., Professor at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, head of the laboratory, phone +7 (495) 629 33 94, fax +7 (495) 629 36 78, serzz@cplire.ru
V.E. Minakova,, Ph.D., senior research fellow, mina@cplire.ru
A. B. Odobesku, Ph.D.,research fellow, arty@cplire.ru, now at University of Wurzburg
V. F. Nasretdinova, Ph.D., junior research fellow, venera@cplire.ru, now postdoc at CENN Nanocenter, Ljubljana, Slovenia
N.I. Fedotov, junior research fellow, nfedotov89@mail.ru
A.A. Mayzlakh, junior research fellow, mayzlah@cplire.ru
K.P. Shchukin, engineer, Ph.D student of MIPT, skpmipt@gmail.com
D.A. Labutov, student of MIPT, skpmipt@gmail.com
Our former students:
N.D. Semenov
M.O. Kaladzhyan, Ph.D student at Forschungszentrum Julich
A.Yu. Dmitriev, Laboratory of artificial quantum systems, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technologies (MIPT)
O.Yu. Lakhmanskaya (Sergeeva), Universitat Innsbruck, Institut fur Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik - Molekulare Systeme
A.A. Rogozin
A.A. Kozikov, ETH Zurich, Solid State Physics Laboratory