Объекты для подразделения "СФ-8 лаб. фотоники" с годом 2016

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Количество объектов: 17.


Koseki Y., Ryzhii V., Otsuji T., Popov V. V., Satou A. Giant plasmon instability in a dual-grating-gate graphene field-effect transistor. Physical Review B , 2016 , 93 (24). ISSN 2469-9950

Kozina O. N., Melnikov L. A., Zotkina A. S. Reflection and transmission on the finite thickness SiC-graphene slab of hyperbolic medium and the threshold conditions for THz generation. Saratov Fall Meeting 2015: Third Annual Symposium Optics and Biophotonics; Seventh Finnish-Russian Photonics and Laser Symposium (PALS) , 2016 , 9917. 99173E. ISSN 0277786X

Melnikov L.A., Kozina O.N., Nefedov I.S. Super-Planck Thermal Emission in a Cavity with Hyperbolic Medium. Журнал прикладной спектроскопии. , 2016 , Т. 83. (№ 6-16). С. 138-139. ISSN 0514-7506

Melnikova V.S., Polischuk O.V., Popov V.V. Graphene-based magnetless converter of the terahertz wave polarization. Proceedings of SPIE , 2016 , 9917. 99172B 1-6.

Morozov Yuri A. Transient power characteristics of a compact singly resonant intracavity optical parametric oscillator pumped by a semiconductor disk laser. Journal of the Optical Society of America B , 2016 , 33 (7). р. 1470. ISSN 0740-3224

Olbrich P., Kamann J., König M., J. Munzert О., L. Tutsch L., J. Eroms J., D. Weiss D., Liu Ming-Hao, Golub L. E., Ivchenko E. L., Popov V. V., Fateev D. V., Mashinsky K. V., Fromm F., Seyller Th., Ganichev S. D. 10.25. Terahertz ratchet effects in graphene with a lateral superlattice. Phys. Rev. B. , 2016 , 93. С. 1-15.

Polischuk O. V., Melnikova V. S., Popov V. V. Giant cross-polarization conversion of terahertz radiation by plasmons in an active graphene metasurface. Applied Physics Letters , 2016 , 109 (13). р. 131101. ISSN 0003-6951

Popov V. V. Polarization-dependent plasmonic photocurrents in two-dimensional electron systems. Applied Physics Letters , 2016 , 108 (26). р. 261104. ISSN 0003-6951

Satou Akira, Koseki Yuki, Watanabe Takayuki, Popov Vyacheslav V., Ryzhii Victor, Otsuji Taiichi Cooperative promotion of plasma instabilities for emission of terahertz radiation in an asymmetric dual-grating-gate graphene-channel FET. Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems X: Advanced Applications in Industry and Defense, edited by Mehdi F. Anwar, Thomas W. Crowe, Tariq Manzur, Proc. of SPIE , 2016 , 9856. 98560F. ISSN 0277786X

Мельникова В.С., Полищук О.В., Попов В.В. Полное преобразование поляризации терагерцевого излучения в оптически накачанном графене в отсутствие магнитного поля. Нелинейный мир , 2016 (1). С. 32-33.

Морозов М.Ю., Моисеенко И.М., Попов В.В. Усиление плазменных волн в экранированном активном графене. Письма в ЖТФ, , 2016 , 42 (1). С. 80-86. ISSN 0320-0116

Полищук О.В., Мельникова В.С., Попов В.В. Широкоапертурное полное поглощение терагерцовой волны в нанопериодической плазмонной структуре на основе графена. Физика и техника полупроводников , 2016 , 50 (11). С. 1565-1569. ISSN 0015-3222

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Kozina O. N., Melnikov L. A., Zotkina A. S., Nefedov I. S. THz-wave gain in asymmetric graphene-SiC hyperbolic metamaterial. In: 2016 International Conference “Laser Optics 2016” (LO), 27 June-1 July 2016, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation , R9-10.

Kozina O.N., Melnikov L.A., Zotkina A.S., Nefedov I.S. Amplification of the THz oscillations and lasing effect in asymmetrical graphene-semiconductor hyperbolic metamaterials. In: International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics METANANO-2016, 5-9 September, 2016, Anapa, Russia

Melnikov L.A., Kozina O.N., Nefedov I.S. Super-Planck Thermal Emission in a Cavity with Hyperbolic Medium. In: International Conference ICONO/LAT 2016, September 26-30 2016, Minsk, Belarus , Институт физики им. Б.И. Степанова НАН Беларуси (Минск) , С. 138-139.

Morozov Yu. A. Radiation dynamics of a singly-resonant intracavity optical parametric oscillator pumped by a semiconductor disk laser. In: 24-th Annual International Conference on Advanced laser Technologies (ALT'2016), Sep.12-16, Galway, Ireland , LSM-P.

Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov A.M., Teplykh А.А., Borodina I.A. The influence of the electrical boundary conditions near the free side of the piezoelectric resonator with lateral electric field on its characteristics. In: 26nd Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”, Sept.4-10, 2016, Sevastopol, Russia , Proceedings of 26nd Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.” , С. 2097-2103.

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