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Gulevich D. R., Filippenko L. V., Koshelets V. P. Microscopic Tunneling Model of Nb–AlN–NbN Josephson Flux-Flow Oscillator. Journal of Low Temperature Physics , 2019 , 194 (3-4). С. 312-324. ISSN 0022-2291
Gulevich D. R., Koshelets V. P., Kusmartsev F. V. Bridging the terahertz gap for chaotic sources with superconducting junctions. Physical Review B , 2019 , 99 (6). ISSN 2469-9950
Khudchenko Andrey, Fominsky Michael, Heiter Christopher, Heyminck Stefan, Gusten Rolf, Klein Bernd, Hesper Ronald, Baryshev Andrey M., Barkhof Jan, Rudakov Kirill, Montofre Daniel, van Nguyen Duc, Dmitriev Pavel N., Koshelets Valery P. Design and Performance of a Sideband Separating SIS Mixer for 800–950 GHz. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2019 , 9 (6). С. 532-539. ISSN 2156-342X
Kinev N. V., Rudakov K. I., Filippenko L. V., Baryshev A. M., Koshelets V. P. Flux-flow Josephson oscillator as the broadband tunable terahertz source to open space. Journal of Applied Physics , 2019 , 125 (15). ISSN 0021-8979
Kinev Nickolay V., Rudakov Kirill I., Filippenko Lyudmila V., Baryshev Andrey M., Koshelets Valery P. Terahertz Source Radiating to Open Space Based on the Superconducting Flux-Flow Oscillator: Development and Characterization. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2019 , 9 (6). С. 557-564. ISSN 2156-342X
Kiselev E. I., Averkin A. S., Fistul M. V., Koshelets V. P., Ustinov A. V. Two-tone spectroscopy of a SQUID metamaterial in the nonlinear regime. Physical Review Research , 2019 , 1 (3). ISSN 2643-1564
Monaco Roberto, Mygind Jesper, Koshelets Valery P. Flux-flow effects in annular Josephson tunnel junctions. Physical Review B , 2019 , 100 (6). ISSN 2469-9950
Paramonov M. E., Filippenko L. V., Dmitriev P. N., Fominsky M. Yu., Koshelets V. P. Determination of the Parameters of Tunneling Barriers of Superconducting Tunnel Structures for Submillimeter Receivers. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2019 , 64 (10). С. 1144-1148. ISSN 1064-2269
Rudakov K. I., Dmitriev P. N., Baryshev A. M., Khudchenko A. V., Hesper R., Koshelets V. P. Low-Noise Sis Receivers for New Radio-Astronomy Projects. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics , 2019 , 62 (7-8). С. 547-555. ISSN 0033-8443
Trepanier M., Zhang Daimeng, Filippenko L. V., Koshelets V. P., Anlage Steven M. Tunable superconducting Josephson dielectric metamaterial. AIP Advances , 2019 , 9 (10). ISSN 2158-3226
Zhang Huili, Wieland Raphael, Chen Wei, Kizilaslan Olcay, Ishida Shigeyuki, Han Chao, Tian Wanghao, Xu Zuyu, Qi Zaidong, Qing Tong, Lv Yangyang, Zhou Xianjing, Kinev Nickolay, Ermakov Andrey B., Dorsch Eric, Ziegele Marc, Koelle Dieter, Eisaki Hiroshi, Yoshida Yoshiyuki, Koshelets Valery P., Kleiner Reinhold, Wang Huabing, Wu Peiheng Resonant Cavity Modes in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x Intrinsic Josephson Junction Stacks. Physical Review Applied , 2019 , 11 (4). ISSN 2331-7019
Кинев Н. В., Рудаков К. И., Филиппенко Л. В., Барышев А. М., Кошелец В. П. Антенно-фидерная система для сверхпродникового джозефсоновского генератора терагерцового излучения с системой фазовой стабилизации. Радиотехника и электроника , 2019 , 64 (10). С. 970-975. ISSN 0033-8494