Объекты для подразделения "228 лаб. исследования материалов квантовой электроники" с годом 2018

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Количество объектов: 54.


Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Absorptance testing of massive nonlinear optical crystal boules of polyhedron shape". Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 , 2018 , 10684. 106841N-106841N-9.

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric resonance laser calorimetry for an optical testing of crystal boules". Proceedings – International Conference Laser Optics , 2018 .

Aloyan G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Determination of surface equivalent temperature of active elements for microelectronics and photonics". Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Mechanics and Material Science , 2018 . С. 1177-1182.

Ishmametiev N. N., Khramov I. O., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Metal-Coated Fiber Sensor for Laser Radiation Power Measurement". Proceedings – International Conference Laser Optics , 2018 .

Ismagilova R. I., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Spectral measurements of thermo-optical properties of polymers used in fiber optics". Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 , 2018 , 10681.

Ismagilova R. I., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Тemperature Dependence of Optical Absorption of Polymers Used in Fiber Optics". Proceedings – International Conference Laser Optics , 2018 (843544). р. 344.

Kharasov D. R., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric Resonance Temperature Sensor for Active Fibers". KnE Energy & Physics , 2018 , 3 (3). С. 362-372.

Khramov I. O., Ishmametiev N. N., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Investigation of optical radiation losses and heating of passive copper-coated silica fibers". Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 , 2018 , 10680.

Korolkov А. Е., Belogolovskii D. I., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Solid-state laser medium temperature distribution control under lasing condition". Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 , 2018 , 10683. 106833P-106833P-6.

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Konyashkin A. V., Rуabushkin O. A. "Equivalent Surface Temperature of Optical Elements Interacting with Laser Irradiation". KnE Energy & Physics , 2018 , 3 (3). С. 32-37.

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric resonance spectroscopy for measuring surface temperature distribution of optical materials interacting with laser". Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 , 2018 , 10684. 106841S-106841S-8.

Kraftmakher G. A., Butylkin V.S., Kazantsev Yu.N., Mal'tsev V.P. Metasandwich ferrite plate/wire grating/longitudinal copper strip with varactor to achieving controlled microwave nonreciprocal absorption. IEEE Xplore , 2018 . ISSN 0018-9219

Kraftmakher G. A., Butylkin V.S., Kazantsev Yu.N., Mal’tsev V. P. Electrically and Optically Controlled Wideband Matching of Radio-Absorbing Composites to the Ambient Space. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2018 , 63 (7). С. 721-731. ISSN 1064-2269


Kraftmakher G.A., Butylkin V.S., Kazantsev Yu. N., Mal’tsev V. P. Specificities of the Microwave Reflection Coefficients of Magnetically Excited Chiral and Ring Conductive Elements for Separation of Magnetic and Electric Responses and Broadband Matching of Radio Absorbing Composites. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2018 , 63 (2). С. 95-103. ISSN 1064-2269

Mefed A. E. "Improvement of a dielectric moisture meter insensitive to the mass of material". Measurement techniques , 2018 , 61 (4). С. 412-418.

Nikitin D. G., Pigarev A. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. Ionic conductivity and its effect on the optical properties of LBO crystals. Optics Letters , 2018 , 43 (19). С. 4843-4846.

Pigarev A.V., Bazarov T.O, Fedorov V.V., Ryabushkin O. А. Novel method of optical image registration in wide wavelength range using matrix of piezoelectric crystals. Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXVI , 2018 , 10526 (10562E).

Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V., Aloyan G. A., Kovalenko N. V. "Concept of Equivalent Temperature of Laser Crystals and Glasses". Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics , 2018 , 8. р. 53. ISSN 2161-0398

Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V., Nikitin D. G. "Piezoelectric Resonance Spectroscopy of Crystals Exhibiting Ionic Conductivity". Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics , 2018 , 8. р. 73. ISSN 2161-0398

Ryabushkin O. А., Shaidullin R. I., Ismagilova R. I. "Thermal limits of fiber lasers power scaling". Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics , 2018 , 8. р. 51. ISSN 2161-0398

Ryabushkin O. А., Shaidullin R. I., Khramov I. O. "Problems of high-power laser radiation measurement". Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics , 2018 , 8. р. 72. ISSN 2161-0398

Vershinin O. I., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. «Anisotropy of Nonlinear Optical Absorption of LBO Crystals at 355 nm»,. Optics Letters , 2018 , Vol.43. С. 58-61.

Воронков Н. В., Сыпин В. Е., Рябушкин О. А. "Продольное распределение температуры в активных волокнах при генерации лазерного излучения". Нелинейный мир , 2018 , 16 (2). С. 47-49.

Мефёд А. Е. "Нечувствительный к массе материала диэлькометрический влагомер с новым измеряемым параметром влажности". Измерительная техника , 2018 (10). С. 56-59.

Мефёд А. Е. "Усовершенствование нечувствительного к массе материала диэлькометрического влагомера". Измерительная техника , 2018 (4). С. 69-72.

Стирманов Ю. С., Никитин Д. Г., Коняшкин А. В., Рябушкин О. А. "Радиочастотная спектроскопия нелинейно-оптических кристаллов с ионной проводимостью". Нелинейный мир , 2018 , 16 (2). С. 50-51.

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarshina I. V., Ryabushkin O. А., Nikitin D. G., Konyashkin A. V. "Piezoelectric Resonance Laser Calorimetry for Determination of Low Optical Absorption of Massive Polyhedron Nonlinear-Optical Crystal Boules". In: 8th EPS-QEOD EUROPHOTON CONFERENCE, 02-07 September, 2018, Barcelona, Spain , р. 24.

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarsina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric Resonance Laser Calorimetry for Determination of Low Optical Absorption Coefficients of Polyhedron Crystal Boules". In: OSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress, 26-28 march 2018, Strasburg, France

Grishchenko I. V., Stirmanov Y. S., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Impedance spectroscopy of nonlinear-optical crystals interacting with high power laser radiation". In: International Conference on Photonics Research 2018, 8-12 october 2018, Antalya, Turkey , р. 13.

Ismagilova R. I., Khramov I. O., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Temperature Dependence of Laser Radiation Absorption in Polymers Used in Fiber Laser Optics". In: 8th EPS-QEOD EUROPHOTON CONFERENCE, 02-07 September, 2018, Barcelona, Spain , р. 23.

Ismagilova R. I., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Thermo-optical characteristics of polysiloxane polymers used in industrial fiber lasers". In: OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2018, 02-06 July 2018, Switzerland, Zurich , р. 61.

Khramov I. O., Ishmametiev N. N., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Metal-Coated Silica Fiber Sensor for High-Power Laser Radiation Measurement". In: OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2018, 02-06 July 2018, Switzerland, Zurich , р. 48.

Khramov I. O., Ismagilova R. I., Ishmametiev N. N., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "A Metal-Clad Silica Fiber Sensor for Measurement of Fiber Laser Radiation Power". In: 8th EPS-QEOD EUROPHOTON CONFERENCE, 02-07 September, 2018, Barcelona, Spain , р. 29.

Korolkov А. Е., Belogolovskii D. I., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Novel method of Measuring Longitudinal Temperature Distribution in End-Pumped Laser Medium". In: OSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress, 26-28 march 2018, Strasburg, France

Korolkov А. Е., Belogolovskii D. I., Nikitin D. G., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Longitudinal Temperature Distribution Control of Active Medium During Solid-state Laser Operation". In: 8th EPS-QEOD EUROPHOTON CONFERENCE, 02-07 September, 2018, Barcelona, Spain , р. 24.

Kostrov A. S., Vanyushkin N. A., Tereshchenko N. V., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Radio-frequency impedance spectroscopy of the active fiber under condition of laser generation". In: International Conference on Photonics Research 2018, 8-12 october 2018, Antalya, Turkey , р. 13.

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric resonance laser calorimetry for measuring surface temperature of optical materials interacting with laser radiation". In: International Conference Laser Optics, 04 Jun – 08 Jun 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia , р. 68.

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Shebarsina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Surface Temperature Distribution of Optical Materials Heated by Laser Irradiation". In: OSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress, 26-28 march 2018, Strasburg, France

Kovalenko N. V., Aloyan G. A., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Experimental and mathematical model for determination of the temperature distribution of optical elements during interaction with laser irradiation". In: International Conference on Photonics Research 2018, 8-12 october 2018, Antalya, Turkey , р. 13.

Nikitin D. G., Pigarev A. V., Stirmanov Y. S., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric Resonance Spectroscopy of Ionic Conductivity in Nonlinear Optical LBO Crystals". In: 8th EPS-QEOD EUROPHOTON CONFERENCE, 02-07 September, 2018, Barcelona, Spain , р. 24.

Pigarev A. V., Bazarov T. O., Fedorov V. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Novel concept of optical image registration using matrix of piezoelectric crystals". In: OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2018, 02-06 July 2018, Switzerland, Zurich , р. 48.

Pigarev A. V., Bazarov T. O., Fedorov V. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Thermodynamic Model of Laser Beam Distribution Analysis System Based on matrix of Piezoelectric Crystals". In: IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics 2018, 29 July - 02 August, 2018, Davis, California, USA

Ryabushkin O. А., Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V. "Piezoelectric Resonance Laser Calorimetry for Optical Absorptance Testing of Crystal Boules". In: International Scientific Conference, CLEO Pacific Rim 2018, 29 July - 03 August, 2018, Hong Kong

Ryabushkin O. А., Protasenya D. V. "Measurement of Surface Temperature of Metal under Laser Ablation". In: 40th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 01-04 August, 2018, Toyama, Japan

Shebarshina I. V., Aloyan G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Kozhevnikov A. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Investigation of heat transfer conditions of nonlinear optical crystals during the laser irradiation in vacuum". In: International Conference on Photonics Research 2018, 8-12 october 2018, Antalya, Turkey , р. 13.

Sypin V. E., Voronkov N. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Longitudinal Temperature Distribution inside Active Optical Fiber in Lasing Condition". In: OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2018, 02-06 July 2018, Switzerland, Zurich , р. 29.

Tereshchenko N. V., Kostrov A. S., Vanyushkin N. A., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Investigation of fiber laser heating in different heat sinks". In: International Conference on Photonics Research 2018, 8-12 october 2018, Antalya, Turkey , р. 13.

Vanyushkin N. A., Kostrov A. S., Tereshchenko N. V., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Measurement of the high-power laser radiation beam profile using the matrix of the copper-coated passive optical fibers". In: International Conference on Photonics Research 2018, 8-12 october 2018, Antalya, Turkey , р. 13.

Voronkov N. V., Sypin V. E., Ryabushkin O. А. "Longitudinal Temperature Distribution inside Active Optical Fiber in Lasing Condition". In: 40th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 01-04 August, 2018, Toyama, Japan

Алоян Г. А., Коваленко Н. В., Рябушкин О. А. "Измерение малых коэффициентов оптического поглощения объемных кристаллов". In: VII Международная конференция по фотонике и информационной оптике, 24-26 января 2018 г., Москва, НИЯУ МИФИ , С. 44-45.

Коваленко Н. В., Алоян Г. А., Коняшкин А. В., Рябушкин О. А. "Эквивалентная температура поверхности ". In: VII Международная конференция по фотонике и информационной оптике, 24-26 января 2018 г., Москва, НИЯУ МИФИ , С. 134-135.

Харасов Д. Р., Коняшкин А. В., Рябушкин О. А. "Пьезорезонансный датчик температуры активного волокна". In: VII Международная конференция по фотонике и информационной оптике, 24-26 января 2018 г., Москва, НИЯУ МИФИ , С. 530-531.


Пигарев А. В. "Способ измерения малых коэффициентов оптического поглощения нелинейно-оптических кристаллов". 2017103700, 2018.

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