Объекты для подразделения "192 лаб. магнитных явлений в микроэлектронике" с годом 2016

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Количество объектов: 15.


Aliev A. M., Batdalov A. B., Khanov L. N., Kamantsev A. P., Koledov V. V., Mashirov A. V., Shavrov V. G., Grechishkin R. M., Kaul' A. R., Sampath V. Reversible magnetocaloric effect in materials with first order phase transitions in cyclic magnetic fields: Fe48Rh52 and Sm0.6Sr0.4MnO3. Applied Physics Letters , 2016 , 109 (20). р. 202407. ISSN 0003-6951

Batdalov A. B., Aliev A. M., Khanov L. N., Buchel’nikov V. D., Sokolovskii V. V., Koledov V. V., Shavrov V. G., Mashirov A. V., Dil’mieva E. T. Magnetic, thermal, and electrical properties of an Ni45.37Mn40.91In13.72 Heusler alloy. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , 2016 , 122 (5). С. 874-882. ISSN 1063-7761

Bychkov Igor V., Kuzmin Dmitry A., Kamantsev Alexander P., Koledov Victor V., Shavrov Vladimir G. Magnetostrictive hypersound generation by spiral magnets in the vicinity of magnetic field induced phase transition. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , 2016 , 417. С. 75-79. ISSN 03048853

Bychkov Igor V., Kuzmin Dmitry A., Kamantsev Alexander P., Koledov Victor V., Shavrov Vladimir G. Waves Generation by Spiral Magnets at Phase Transitions. Materials Science Forum , 2016 , 845. С. 185-188. ISSN 1662-9752

Dilmieva E. T., Kamantsev A. P., Koledov V. V., Mashirov A. V., Shavrov V. G., Cwik J., Tereshina I. S. Experimental simulation of a magnetic refrigeration cycle in high magnetic fields. Physics of the Solid State , 2016 , 58 (1). С. 81-85. ISSN 1063-7834

Kuzmin Dmitry A., Bychkov Igor V., Biryukov Ivan Yu., Kamantsev Alexander P., Koledov Victor V., Shavrov Vladimir G. Modeling of Phase Transitions Kinetics in Systems with Two Interacting Order Parameters. Materials Science Forum , 2016 , 845. С. 166-169. ISSN 1662-9752

Madiligama A. S. B., Ari-Gur P., Shavrov V. G., Koledov V. V., Calder S., Mashirov A. V., Kamantsev A. P., Dilmieva E. T., González-Legarreta L., Grande B. H., Vega V. V., Kayani A. Crystalline structure and magnetic behavior of the Ni41Mn39In12Co8alloy demonstrating giant magnetocaloric effect. Smart Materials and Structures , 2016 , 25 (8). 085013. ISSN 0964-1726

Mazaev P. V., Koledov V. V., Shavrov V. G., Lega P. V., Mashirov A. V., Kamantsev A. P., Kuchin D. S., Kolesov D. V., Yaminskii I. V., Zakharov D. I., Dikan V. A., Irzhak A. V. Thermoelastic properties of micron-size actuators based on the Ti2NiCu//Pt composite with shape-memory effect. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2016 , 61 (6). С. 630-638. ISSN 1064-2269

Sergeenkov S., Córdova C., Ari-Gur P., Koledov V. V., Kamantsev A. P., Shavrov V. G., Mashirov A. V., Gomes A. M., Takeuchi A. Y., de Lima O. F., Araújo-Moreira F. M. DecipheringM–Tdiagram of shape memory Heusler alloys: reentrance, plateau and beyond. Philosophical Magazine Letters , 2016 , 96 (10). С. 375-382. ISSN 0950-0839

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Dilmieva E., Koledov V., Kamantsev A., Shavrov V., Mashirov A., Tereshina I., Nizhankovskii V. Mo.L-P37 - Direct measurements of the crucial characteristics of MCE refrigeration in high magnetic fields in a Gd sample. In: 20th International Conference on Magnetism, 5 - 10 July 2015, Barcelona (Spain) , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Volume 400 , С. 1-384.

Dilmieva E., Mashirov A., Koledov V., Shavrov V., Topic M. Th.B.1_O5 – Giant magnetocaloric effect in alternating magnetic fields. In: 20th International Conference on Magnetism, 5 - 10 July 2015, Barcelona (Spain) , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Volume 400, Pages 1-384 , С. 1-384.

Kamantsev A., Koledov V., Shavrov V., Tereshina I., Kuzmin D., Bychkov I. Mo.L-P08 - KINETICS OF PHASE TRANSITIONS IN MAGNETOCALORIC MATERIALS. In: 20th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETISM, 5 - 10 July 2015, Barcelona (Spain) , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Volume 400 , С. 1-384.

Vlasov V., Kotov L., Shavrov V., Shcheglov V. Mo.G-P20 - Division and multiplication of a ferromagnetic resonance frequency on the basis of the nonlinear microwave magnetoelastic transducer. In: 20th International Conference on Magnetism, 5 - 10 July 2015, Barcelona (Spain) , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Volume 400 , С. 1-384.

Vlasov V., Pleshev D., Asadullin F., Poleshikov S., Kotov L., Shavrov V., Shcheglov V. Mo.G-P21 - Modeling of rf nonlinear dynamics of magnetoelastic oscillations in a ferrite layers. In: 20th International Conference on Magnetism, 5 - 10 July 2015, Barcelona (Spain) , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Volume 400, Pages 1-384 (15 February 2016) , С. 1-384.


ФГБУН ИРЭ им. В.А. Котельникова РАН Способ и устройства для измерения магнетокалорического эффекта. 2571184, 2016.

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