Объекты для подразделения "139 лаб. оптических волноводных систем" с годом 2014

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Количество объектов: 10.


Anyutin A. P. Diffraction of a cylindrical wave by a perfectly conducting cylinder enclosed in a metamaterial shell with a negative refractive index. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2014 , 59 (1). С. 31-39. ISSN 1064-2269

Anyutin A. P., Demin D. B., Korshunov I. P., Kyurkchan A. G., Shatrov A. D. High-Q Quasistatic Resonances Excited in a Metamaterial Sphere by a Meridional Dipole. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics , 2014 , 57 (6). С. 455-466. ISSN 0033-8443

Anyutin A. P., Korshunov I. P., Shatrov A. D. Degeneracy of low-frequency resonances in a chiral anisotropically conducting cylinder filled with a metamaterial. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , 2014 , 119 (3). С. 375-383. ISSN 1063-7761

Anyutin A. P., Korshunov I. P., Shatrov A. D. High-Q resonanaces of surface waves in thin metamaterial cylinders. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2014 , 59 (11). С. 1087-1094. ISSN 1064-2269

Anyutin A. P., Korshunov I. P., Shatrov A. D. Resonance transformation of the field of a linear source into multipole radiation with the help of a cylindrical metamaterial layer. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2014 , 59 (7). С. 704-709. ISSN 1064-2269

Anyutin A. P., Korshunov I. P., Shatrov A. D. The field of a point source near planar and cylindrical boundaries of a metamaterial. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , 2014 , 118 (1). С. 27-33. ISSN 1063-7761

Anyutin A. P., Korshunov I. P., Shatrov A. D. The resonance properties of multiturn wire helices filled with a metamaterial. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2014 , 59 (5). С. 400-406. ISSN 1064-2269

Anyutin A.P., Korshunov I.P., Shatrov A.D. Diffraction of a Cylindrical Wave by a Metamaterial Elliptic Cylinder. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics , 2014 , 57 (5). С. 379-384. ISSN 0033-8443


Otrokhov S. Yu., Chamorovskiĭ Yu. K., Shatrov A. D. Characteristics of the modes of planar W-lightguides with arbitrary contrast of the refractive-index profile. Journal of Optical Technology , 2014 , 81 (1). р. 44. ISSN 1070-9762


Volkov V. A., Dubrov M. N. Geodynamical observations using spatially distributed gravimeters, tiltmeters, and laser strainmeters. Bulletin d'Information des Marees Terrestres , 2014 , 148. С. 11971-11986. ISSN 0542-6766

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