Объекты, где автором является "Zolotovskii I."

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Количество объектов: 13.

Popov S. M., Butov O.V,, Chamorovskiy Yu.K., Isaev V. A., Kolosovskiy A.O., Voloshin V. V., Vorob’ev I. L., Vyatkin M. Yu., Mégret P., Odnoblyudov Maxim, Korobko D., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi А. Short cavity Tunable Brillouin Random Laser. In: 18th International Conference, Laser Optics (ICLO) 2018, 4–8 June 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia , IEEE Xplore , р. 299.

Popov S.M., Butov Oleg V., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Isaev V. A., Kolosovskii A. O., Voloshin V. V., Vorob’ev I. L., Vyatkin M. Yu., Mégret P., Odnoblyudov Maxim, Korobko D., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi A. A. Brillouin lasing in single-mode tapered optical fiber with inscribed Fiber Bragg Grating Array. Results in Physics , 2018 , 9. С. 625-627.

Popov S.M., Butov Oleg V., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Isaev V. A., Mégret P., Korobko D., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi A. A. Narrow linewidth short cavity Brillouin random laser based on Bragg Grating array fiber and dynamical population inversion gratings. Results in Physics , 2018 , 9. С. 806-808.

Popov S.M., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Isaev Victor A., Mégret P., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi A. A. Electrically tunable Brillouin fiber laser based on a metal-coated single-mode optical fiber. Results in Physics , 2017 .

Dadoenkova Y., Glukhov I., Moiseev S., Svetukhin V., Zhukov A., Zolotovskii I. Optical generation in an amplifying photonic crystal with an embedded nanocomposite polarizer. Optics Communications , 2017 , 389. С. 1-4.

Moiseev S., Korobko D., Zolotovskii I., Anzulevich A. Thin film generator of surface plasmon polariton pulses. In: International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics "METANANO- 2016", 5 - 9 September 2016,, Anapa, Russia , р. 52.

Moiseev S., Korobko D., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi A. A. Evolution of surface plasmon polariton wave in a thin metal film: the modulation instability effect thickness. In: ICONO/LAT 2016 - Nanophotonics and Plasmonics, 26-30 September 2016, Minsk, Belarus , р. 109.

Moiseev S., Korobko D., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi А. Induced modulation instability of surface plasmon polaritons in a layer structure of subwavelength thickness. Proc. SPIE 9884, Nanophotonics VI 2016 , 2016 . pp. 98843I..

Moiseev S., Korobko D., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi A. A. Induced modulation instability of surface plasmon polaritons in a layer structure of subwavelength thickness. In: SPIE Photonics Europe 2016,, 3-7 April, 2016, Brussels, Belgium.

Moiseev S., Korobko D., Zolotovskii I. Induced modulation instability of surface plasmon polaritons in an ultra-thin metal film. IEEE Xplore - 2016 International Conference Laser Optics (LO), , 2016 .

Popov S.M., Butov O.V,, Chamorovsky Yu. K., Mégret P., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi A. A. Short cavity Brillouin Random Laser. In: 17th International Conference, Laser Optics 2016, 27 June – 1 July 2016, Saint-Petersburg , IEEE Xplore

Popov S. M., Chamorovskiĭ Yu. K., Mégret P., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi A. A. Brillouin Random Lasing in Artifice Rayleigh Fiber. In: 2015 European Conference on Year: 2015, 27 September - 1 October 2015, Valensia, Spain

Korobko D., Moiseev S., Zolotovskii I. Induced modulation instability of surface plasmon polaritons. Optics Letters. , 2015 , 40 (20). С. 4619-4622.

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