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Количество объектов: 43.

Borodina I.A., Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh А.А. Effect of the conductivity of a thin film located near the acoustic delay line on the characteristics of propagating SH0 wave. Ultrasonics , 2019 , 91. С. 62-67. ISSN 0041-624X

Guliy O. I., Zaitsev B.D., Borodina I.A., Burygin G.L., Karavaeva O.A., Semyonov A.P. Analysis of the microbial cell-Ab binding in buffer solution by the piezoelectric resonator. Analytical Biochemistry , 2018 , 554. С. 53-60. ISSN 0003-2697

Zaitsev B.D., Smirnov A.V., Guliy O.I., Karavaeva O.A., Borodina I.A. Biological sensor based on microwave resonator for the detection of bacteriophages. In: 28th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”, Sept. 9-15, 2018, Sevastopol, Russia , Proceedings of 28th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.” , С. 1494-1500.

Guliy O. I., Zaitsev B.D., Borodina I.A., Shikhabudinov A.M., Staroverov S.A., Dykman L.A., Fomin A.S. Electro-acoustic sensor for the real-time identification of the bacteriophages. Talanta , 2018 , 178. С. 743-750.

Guliy O.I., Zaitsev B.D., Semyonov A.P., Larionova O.S., Karavaeva O.A., Borodina I.A. An Electroacoustic Analysis for Determining the Effect of Amoxicillin on Microbial Cells. Biophysics , 2018 , 63 (3). С. 375-380. ISSN 0006-3509

Borodina I.A., Zaitsev B.D., Guliy O.I. Increasing the sensitivity of an acoustic sensor to determine microbial cells by using their interaction with antibody conjugates containg the gold nanoparticles. In: 28th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”, Sept. 9-15, 2018, Sevastopol, Russia , Proceedings of 28th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.” , С. 1501-1507.

Zaitsev B.D., Semyonov A.P., Teplykh А.А., Borodina I.A. Influence of thin metal film on the characteristics of the piezoelectric resonator with lateral electric field based on piezoceramics PZT-19. In: 28th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”, Sept. 9-15, 2018, Sevastopol, Russia , Proceedings of 28th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.” , С. 778-784.

Borodina I.A., Zaitsev B.D., Burygin G.L., Guliy O. I. Sensor based on the slot acoustic wave for the non-contact analysis of the bacterial cells -antibody binding in the conducting suspensions. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2018 , 268. С. 217-222. ISSN 09254005

Teplykh А.А., Zaitsev B.D., Borodina I.A., Semyonov A.P. Theoretical model of slot mode acoustic wave in a structure of two finite piezoplates. In: 28th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”, Sept. 9-15, 2018, Sevastopol, Russia , Proceedings of 28th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.” , С. 785-790.

Guliy O. I., Zaitsev B.D., Borodina I.A., Shikhabudinov Alexander /A.M., Teplykh А.А., Staroverov S.A., Fomin A.S. The biological acoustic sensor to record the interactions of the microbial cells with the phage antibodies in conducting suspensions. Talanta , 2018 , 178. С. 569-576.

Borodina I.A., Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh А.А. The effect of the conductivity of a thin film located near a piezoelectric plate on the characteristics of the propagating SH0 wave. In: 28th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”, Sept. 9-15, 2018, Sevastopol, Russia , Proceedings of 28th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.” , С. 819-825.

Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh А.А., Shikhabudinov A.M., Borodina I.A., Kisin V.V., Sinev I.V. The influence of the conducting film on the characteristics of the lateral electric field excited piezoelectric resonat. Ultrasonics , 2018 , 84. С. 96-100. ISSN 0041624X

Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov A. M., Teplykh А.А., Borodina I.A. The influence of the metal film, placed close to the free side of the piezoelectric lateral electric field excited resonator, on its characteristics/. Ultrasonics , 2018 , 84. С. 107-111. ISSN 0041624X

Borodina I.A., Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh А.А. The influence of viscous and conducting liquid on the characteristics of the slot acoustic wave. Ultrasonics , 2018 , 82. С. 39-43. ISSN 0041-624X

Teplykh A.A., Zaitsev B.D., Krasnopolyskaya L.M., Avtonomova A.V., Kuznetsova I.E., Shikhabudinov A.M., Kolesov V.V. Humidity Sensor Based on Resonator Loaded by Mushroom Film. In: 3rd International Conference on Sensors Engineering and Electronics Instrumentation Advances (SEIA' 2017), 20-22 September 2017, Moscow, Russia , р. 17.

Verona Enrico, Kuznetsova Iren/I.E., Anisimkin Vladimir/V. I., Gubin Sergey/S.P., Tkachev /S.V., Kolesov Vladimir/V. V., Kashin Vadim/VV, Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov Alexander /A.M. Elastic Properties of Graphen Oxide Films and Changes due to Gas Phase Adsorption. IEEE International Frequency Controle Symposium , 2017 . С. 345-346.

Borodina I.A., Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh А.А., Guliy O.I. Acoustic sensor for non-contact identification of bacterial cells. In: 27th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”, September 10-16 2017, Sevastopol, Russia , Proceedings of 27th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”

Kuznetsova I.Е., Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov A.M., Tsivileva O.M., Pankratov A.N., Verona E. Acousto-electronic gas sensor based on mushroom mycelial extracts. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2017 , 243. С. 525-531. ISSN 09254005

Guliy O. I., Zaitsev B.D., Borodina I.A., Shikhabudinov A.M., Teplykh А.А. Analysis of Interaction of Bacterial Cells and Bacteriophages in Conducting Suspensions with an Acoustic Sensor // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. Applyed Biochemistry and Microbiology , 2017 , 53 (4). С. 464-469. ISSN 1608-3024

Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov A.M., Borodina I.A., Teplykh A.A., Kuznetsova I.E. Composite lateral electric field excited piezoelectric resonator. Ultrasonics , 2017 , 73. С. 125-129. ISSN 0041624X

Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh A.A., Borodina I.A., Kuznetsova I.E., Verona E. Gasoline sensor based on piezoelectric lateral electric field excited resonator. Ultrasonics , 2017 , 80. С. 96-100. ISSN 0041624X

Kuznetsova I. E., Anisimkin V. I., Gubin S.P., Tkachev S.V., Kolesov Vladimir/ V.V., Kashhin V.V., Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov /A.M., Verona Enrico, Sun S Super High Sensitive PLate Acoustic Wave Humidity Sensor basedon Graphen Oxide Film. Ultrasonics , 2017 , 81. С. 135-139. ISSN 0041-624X

Borodina I.A., Zaitsev B.D., Guliy O.I., Teplykh А.А., Shikhabudinov A.M. The acoustic sensor for rapid analysis of bacterial cells in the conductive suspensions. Ultrasonics , 2017 , 81. С. 174-177. ISSN 0041-624X

Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh А.А., Shikhabudinov A. M., Borodina I.A., Kisin V.V., Sinev I.V. The influence of the conducting layers on the characteristics of resonator with lateral electric field. In: 27th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”, Sept. 10-16, 2017, Sevastopol, Russia , Proceedings of 27th Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”

Borodina I.A., Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh А.А., Guliy O. I., Shikhabudinov A.M. The Acoustic Sensor for Bacterial Cell Detection in Conductive Suspensions. In: 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Sept. 18-21, 2016, Tours, France , Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium

Guliy O.I., Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov A.M., Borodina I.A., Korzhenevich V., Ignatov O.V. Estimation of ampicillin resistance of microbial cells suspensions by electro-acoustical analytical method. In: 68th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology, September 11-14, 2016, Ulm. Germany , Abstracts of 68th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology

Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh А.А., Borodina I.A., Kuznetsova I. E. Gasoline Sensor Based on Piezoelectric Lateral Electric Field Resonator. In: 7th Int. Conf. on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications, Jul. 24-28, 2016, Nice, France

Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh А.А., Borodina I.A., Kuznetsova I. E. Gasoline Sensor Based on Piezoelectric Lateral Electric Field Resonator’. In: The Seventh Inter. Conf. on Sensor Devices Technologies and Applications, 2016, Nice, France , Proceedings of the Conf. Sensor Devices: The Seventh Inter. Conf. on Sensor Devices Technologies and Applications , С. 17-21.

Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov A.M., Teplykh А.А., Borodina I.A., Kisin V.V. The Meter of Microdisplacements Based on Piezoelectric Lateral Electric Field Excited Resonator. In: 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Sept. 18-21, 2016, Tours, France , Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium

Kuznetsova I. E., Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov A.M., Tsivileva O.M., Pankratov A.N. Mycelium extracts as sensitive element for acoustoelectronic gas sensor. In: 26, May 25-27, 2016, 26th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors , р. 182.

Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov A.M., Teplykh А.А., Borodina I.A. The influence of the electrical boundary conditions near the free side of the piezoelectric resonator with lateral electric field on its characteristics. In: 26nd Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”, Sept.4-10, 2016, Sevastopol, Russia , Proceedings of 26nd Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.” , С. 2097-2103.

Zaitsev B.D., Kuznetsova I. E., Seleznev E.P., Verona Enrico Acousto-electronic identifier of gasoline. In: 7th Int. Workshop Novel Developments and Applications in sensor and Actuator Technology, Sept. 16-17, 2015, Coburg, Germany , С. 32-33.

Borodina I.A., Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh A.A., Shikhabudinov A.M., Kuznetsova I.E. Array of piezoelectric lateral electric field excited resonators. Ultrasonics , 2015 , 62 (9). С. 200-202. ISSN 0041624X

Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov A.M., Teplykh А.А., Kuznetsova I. E. Exciting of bulk acoustic waves by the noncontact method using SH0 waves in piezoelectric plates. In: 25nd Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”, Sept. 6-12, 2015, Sevastopol, Russia , С. 521-522.

Kuznetsova I. E., Zaitsev B.D., Nedospasov I.A., Kuznetsova A.S. Influence of Liquid on Properties of Backward Acoustic Waves in Piezoelectric Plates. In: IEEE Ultrasonics Symp, Oct. 21-24, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan

Teplykh А.А., Zaitsev B.D., Kuznetsova I. E. Numerical Model of Lateral Electric Field Excited Resonator on Piezoelectric Plate Bordered with Viscous and Conductive Liquid. In: Int. Congress on Ultras, May 11-14, 2015, Metz, France , р. 79.

Teplykh А.А., Zaitsev B.D., Kuznetsova I.E. Numerical Model of Piezoelectric Lateral Electric Field Excited Resonator. Sensors & Transducers journal , 2015 , 184 (1). С. 60-65. ISSN 1726-5479

Kuznetsova I.Е., Zaitsev B.D. The peculiarities of the Bleustein–Gulyaev wave propagation in structures containing conductive layer. Ultrasonics , 2015 , 59 (5). С. 45-49. ISSN 0041624X

Teplykh А.А., Zaitsev B.D., Kuznetsova I. E. Numerical Model of Piezoelectric Lateral Electric Field Excited Resonator as Basic Element of Acoustic Sensors. In: 5th Int. Conf. on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications, Nov. 16–20, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal , С. 23-25.

Zaitsev B.D., Kuznetsova I.E., Shikhabudinov A.M., Teplykh A.A., Borodina I.A. The study of piezoelectric lateral Electric Field - Excited Resonator. IEEE Transaction on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectric and Frequency Control , 2014 , 61 (1). С. 166-172. ISSN 0885-3010

Kuznetsova I.E., Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov A.M. Characterization of mechanical and electrical properties of nanocomposites. In: Polymer Composites. Wiley-VCH, Germany , 2013 , С. 163-184. ISBN 978-3-527-32979-3

Kuznetsova I.E., Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh A. A., Shikhabudinov A. M., Borodina I.A., Manga E., Feuillard G. Gydroacoustic emmiter/receiver based on A0 Lamb wave in piezoelectric structure. In: 23nd Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave and Telecomm. Technol.”, Sept.9-13, 2013, Sevastopol, Ukraine , СевГУ , С. 1024-1025.

Tsivileva O.M., Pankratov A.N., Kuznetsova I.E., Shikhabudinov A. M., Zaitsev B.D. Mushroom Mycelial Preparations for Biosensing Device: Sorption Sensitivity to Ammonia Vapor by the Data of Acoustic Waves Propagation Analysis. In: V Международной научно-практич. конфер. "Актуальные проблемы биологии, нанотехнологий и медицины", 3-5 октября, 2013, Ростов-на-Дону , ЮФУ , р. 153.

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