Объекты, где автором является "Yakovlev O.I."

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Количество объектов: 9.

Yakovlev O.I., Pisanko Y. Radio sounding of the solar wind acceleration region with spacecraft signals. Advances in Space Research , 2018 , 61 (1). С. 552-566. ISSN 0273-1177

Matyugov S.S., Yakovlev O.I., Pavelyev A.G., Pavelyev A.A., Anufriev V.A. Refraction of Radio Waves on the Radio-Occultation Satellite-to-Satellite Paths as a Characteristic of the Atmospheric State. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics , 2017 , 60 (5). С. 347-354. ISSN 0033-8443

Yakovlev O.I., Pisanko Y. Results of Solar Wind Acceleration Region Radio-Sounding by Means of Spacecraft Signals. Advances in Spaсe Research , 2017 .

Matyugov S.S., Yakovlev O.I., Pavelyev A.G., Pavelyev A.A., Anufriev V.A. Sporadic structures in the equatorial ionosphere from the GPS—FORMOSAT-3 radio-occultation experiments. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics , 2015 , 58 (4). С. 233-244.

Yakovlev O.I., Yushkova O.V., Matyugov S.S., Pavelyev A.G., Smirnov V.M. Determination of the Lunar Ground Characteristics Using Bistatic Radar. International Journal of Geosciences , 2015 (6). С. 1267-1276.

Yushkova O.V., Smirnov V.M., Yakovlev O.I., Pavelyev A.G., Marchuk V.N. Radiolocation as an effective tool for remote sensing of the subsurface structure of the lunar soil. In: The fifth Moscow Solar System Symposium (5MS3), 2014, Moscow Russia

Pavelyev A.G., Pavelyev A.A., Matyugov S.S., Anufriev V.A., Yakovlev O.I. New Phase P4 Index of the Ionospheric Activity as Defined using GPS Radio Occultation and Its Connection with S4 Scintillation Parameter. In: OPAC-IROWG 2013» September 09 2013 Schloss Seggau Austria, Leibnitz near Graz, Austria,, 09 September, Austria , oral report published in www.uni-graz.at/opacirowg2013/. , P.90.

Pavelyev A.G., Pavelyev A.A., Matyugov S.S., Anufriev V.A., Yakovlev O.I. Monitoring Solar Wind Influence on Layers in the Lower Ionosphere Using Occultation Data. In: «ILWS-2013» June 24-28 2013 ISZF SB RAS Irkutsk. Abstracts., 24-28 June, Irkutsk , Изд. ИСЗФ СО РАН, Иркутск. 2013. , С. 26-27.

Pavelyev A.G., Gubenko V.N., Matyugov S.S., Yakovlev O.I. Perspectives of the bistatic radar and occultation studying of the Venus atmosphere and surface. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.15, EGU2013-10289 EGU General Assembly, 2013.

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