Объекты, где автором является "Ushakov N.M."

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Количество объектов: 11.

Fedorov F.S., Vasilkov M.Yu., Ushakov N.M. Tailoring electrochemical efficiency of hydrogen evolution by fine tuning of TiOx/RuOx composite cathode architecture. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 2019 , 44 (21). С. 10593-10603.

Gadomsky O.N., Ushakov N.M., Shchukarev I.A., Katnov V.E. Masking of a High-Reflectivity Sphere by a Layer with a Random Quasi-Zero Refractive Index. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , 2018 , 127 (6). С. 994-1002. ISSN 1063-7761

Ushakov N.M., Vasil’kov M.Yu., Shaturnyi V.R., Kosobudskii I. D. Spectral Optical Properties of Polymer Composite Nanomaterials Based on Carbon Nanotubes in a High-Density Polyethylene Matrix. Optics and Spectroscopy , 2018 , 125 (5). С. 673-678. ISSN 0030-400X

Ushakov N.M., Kosobudskii I. D. Impact of UV Pulsed Laser Radiation and of the Electron Flow on Dielectric States of Polymer Composite Nanomaterial Based on LDPE Matrix. Semiconductors , 2018 , 52 (4). С. 543-547. ISSN 1063-7826

Ushakov N.M., Vasilkov M.Yu., Shaturnuy V.R. Influence of the Pore Structure on the Electron Barrier Height of Metal-Ceramic Nanomaterials Based on Gold-Anodic Aluminum Oxide. Semiconductors , 2018 , 52 (16). С. 2078-2080. ISSN ISSN 1063-7826

Ushakov N.M., Vasil’kov M.Yu., Shaturnuy V.R. Influence of the pore structure on the electron barrier heght of metal-ceramic nanomaterials based on gold-anodic aluminum oxide. In: Proc. of 26th Int. Symp. “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, June 18-22, 2018, Minsk, Belarus , С. 213-214.

Ushakov N.M., Vasil'kov M.Yu., Shaturnuy V.R. Influence of the pore structure on the electron barrier height of metal-ceramic nanomaterials based on gold-anodic aluminum oxide. Semiconductors , 2018 , 52 (16). С. 2076-2078. ISSN ISSN 1063-7826

Ushakov N.M., Kosobudskii I. D. Impact of UF pulsed laser radiation and of the electron flow on dielectric states of polimer composite nonmaterial based on LDPE matrix. In: Proc. of 25th Int. Symp. “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, June 26-30, 2017, St. Peterburg, Russia , С. 156-157.

Ushakov N.M., Vasilkov M.Yu., Fedorov F.S. The Influence of a Thin Gold Film on the Optical Spectral Characteristics of a Porous Anodic Aluminum-Oxide Membrane. Technical Physics Letters , 2017 , 43 (7). С. 648-651. ISSN 1063-7850

Gadomsky O.N., Ushakov N.M., Shchukarev I.A. Violation of Light Beam Reversibility Principle in Optical Media with a Random Quasi-Zero Refractive Index. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , 2017 , 125 (4). С. 564-571. ISSN 1063�-7761

Molchanov S.Yu., Litvinenko A.N., Ushakov N.M. Microstrip transmission line for determing dielectric constant of nanocomposite films in MW rang. In: Proc. of 2016 International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering, September 22-23, 2016, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov , С. 431-438.

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