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Dilmieva E. T., Kamantsev A. P., Koledov V. V., Mashirov A. V., Shavrov V. G., Cwik J., Tereshina I. S. Experimental simulation of a magnetic refrigeration cycle in high magnetic fields. Physics of the Solid State , 2016 , 58 (1). С. 81-85. ISSN 1063-7834
Kamantsev A. P., Koledov V. V., Mashirov A. V., Dilmieva E. T., Shavrov V. G., Cwik J., Tereshina I. S., Lyange M. V., Khovaylo V. V., Porcari G., Topic M. Properties of metamagnetic alloy Fe48Rh52 in high magnetic fields. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics , 2015 , 79 (9). С. 1086-1088. ISSN 1062-8738
Kamantsev A. P., Koledov V. V., Mashirov A. V., Dilmieva E. T., Shavrov V. G., Cwik J., Tereshina I. S. Direct measurement of magnetocaloric effect in metamagnetic Ni43Mn37.9In12.1Co7 Heusler Alloy. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics , 2014 , 78 (9). С. 936-938. ISSN 1062-8738