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Shaikhulov T. A., Safin A. R., Stankevich K. L., Matasov A. V., Temiryazeva M. P., Vinnik D. A., Zhivulin V. E., Nikitov S. A. Magnetic Properties of an SrMnO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Heterostructure on an NdGaO3 Substrate. JETP Letters , 2023 , 117 (8). С. 618-623. ISSN 0021-3640
Temiryazev A. G., Zdoroveishchev A. V., Temiryazeva M. P. Creating Skyrmions in Thin CoPt Films with an Atomic Force Microscope Probe. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics , 2023 , 87 (3). С. 318-321. ISSN 1062-8738
Zvonkov B. N., Antonov I. N., Vikhrova O. V., Danilov Yu. A., Dorokhin M. V., Dikareva N. V., Nezhdanov A. V., Temiryazeva M. P. Formation of vertical graphene on surface of the gallium-arsenide structures. Physics of the Solid State , 2023 , 65 (4). р. 650. ISSN 1726-7498
Mamonov E. A., Novikov V. B., Maydykovskiy A. I., Temiryazeva M. P., Temiryazev A. G., Fedorova A. A., Logunov M. V., Nikitov S. A., Murzina T. V. Magnetic Force and Nonlinear Optical Microscopy of the Surface Domain Structure in an Epitaxial Iron Garnet Film. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , 2023 , 136 (1). С. 31-38. ISSN 1063-7761
Averin S.V., Zhitov V.A., Zakharov L.Yu., Kotov V.M., Temiryazeva M. P. Metal–Semiconductor–Metal–ZnS/GaP Detectors for the UV and Visible Spectrum with Electrically Tunable Spectral Photosensitivity. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2023 , 68 (9). С. 1009-1014.
Temiryazev A. G., Temiryazeva M. P. Some Methods for Improving the Quality of Magnetic Force Microscopy Images. Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques , 2023 , 17 (5). С. 1022-1027. ISSN 1027-4510
Shustin E. G., Kolodko D. V., Luzanov V. A., Mirgorodskaya E. N., Sorokin I. A., Tarakanov V. P., Temiryazeva M. P., Frolov E. S. Etching of “Microwire-on-Insulator”-Type Structures. Plasma Physics Reports , 2022 , 48 (6). С. 638-644. ISSN 1063-780X
Stepushkin M. V., Sizov V. E., Zdoroveishchev A. V., Kalentieva I. L., Mirgorodskaya E. N., Temiryazev A. G., Temiryazeva M. P. Study of the Transport Properties and Domain Structure of Thin CoPt Films Obtained by Electron Evaporation. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2021 , 66 (7). С. 868-872. ISSN 1064-2269
Kalentyeva I. L., Vikhrova O. V., Danilov Yu. A., Zdoroveyshchev A. V., Dorokhin M. V., Dudin Yu. A., Kudrin A. V., Temiryazeva M. P., Temiryazev A. G., Nikitov S. A., Sadovnikov A. V. Effect of Ion Irradiation on the Magnetic Properties of CoPt Films. Physics of the Solid State , 2021 , 63 (3). С. 386-394. ISSN 1063-7834
Pomozov A. R., Chekhov A. L., Rodionov I. A., Baburin A. S., Lotkov E. S., Temiryazeva M. P., Afanasyev K. N., Baryshev A. V., Murzina T. V. Two-dimensional high-quality Ag/Py magnetoplasmonic crystals. Applied Physics Letters , 2020 , 116 (1). 013106. ISSN 0003-6951
Logunov M. V., Nikitov S. A., Temiryazev A. G., Temiryazeva M. P., Giordano S., Mathurin T., Dusch Y., Tiercelin N., Pernod P. Equilibrium Distribution of Magnetization and Processes of Magnetization Reversal in Magnetoelastic Nanostructures. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics , 2020 , 84 (2). С. 196-198. ISSN 1062-8738
Zvonkov B. N., Vikhrova O. V., Danilov Yu. A., Dorokhin M. V., Demina P. B., Drozdov M. N., Zdoroveyshchev A. V., Kriukov R. N., Nezhdanov A. V., Antonov I. N., Plankina S. M., Temiryazeva M. P. Formation of Carbon Layers by the Thermal Decomposition of Carbon Tetrachloride in a Reactor for MOCVD Epitaxy. Semiconductors , 2020 , 54 (8). С. 956-960. ISSN 1063-7826
Zdoroveyshchev A. V., Vikhrova O. V., Demina P. B., Dorokhin M. V., Kudrin A. V., Temiryazev A. G., Temiryazeva M. P. Magneto-Optical and Micromagnetic Properties of Ferromagnet/Heavy Metal Thin Film Structures. International Journal of Nanoscience , 2019 , 18 (03n04). р. 1940019. ISSN 0219-581X
Temiryazev A. G., Temiryazeva M. P., Zdoroveyshchev A. V., Vikhrova O. V., Nikulin Yu. V., Khivintsev Yu. V., Nikitov S. A. Formation of Magnetic Nanostructures Using an Atomic Force Microscope Probe. Technical Physics , 2019 , 64 (11). С. 1716-1721. ISSN 1063-7842
Zdoroveyshchev A. V., Vikhrova O. V., Demina P. B., Dorokhin M. V., Kudrin A. V., Temiryazev A. G., Temiryazeva M. P. Micromagnetic and Magnetooptical Properties of Ferromagnetic/Heavy Metal Thin Film Structures. Physics of the Solid State , 2019 , 61 (9). С. 1577-1582. ISSN 1063-7834
Kalentyeva I. L., Vikhrova O. V., Danilov Yu. A., Dorokhin M. V., Dudin Yu. A., Zdoroveyshchev A. V., Kudrin A. V., Temiryazeva M. P., Temiryazev A. G., Nikitov S. A., Sadovnikov A. V. Modification of Magnetic Properties of a CoPt Alloy by Ion Irradiation. Physics of the Solid State , 2019 , 61 (9). С. 1646-1651. ISSN 1063-7834
Vedeneev A. S., Rylkov V. V., Napolskii K. S., Leontiev A. P., Klimenko A. A., Kozlov A. M., Luzanov V. A., Nikolaev S. N., Temiryazeva M. P., Bugaev A. S. Effects of electron drag of gold in pores of anodic aluminum oxide: Reversible resistive switching in a chain of point contacts. JETP Letters , 2017 , 106 (6). С. 411-415. ISSN 0021-3640
Shustin E. G., Isaev N. V., Luzanov V. A., Temiryazeva M. P. Formation of thin graphite films upon carbon diffusion through nickel. Technical Physics , 2017 , 62 (7). С. 1069-1072. ISSN 1063-7842
Sukhanova T. E., Temiryazeva M. P., Vylegzhanina M. E., Valueva S. V., Volkov A. Ya., Kutin A. A., Temiryazev A. G. Examination of biogenic selenium-containing nanosystems based on polyelectrolyte complexes by atomic force, Kelvin probe force and electron microscopy methods. AIP Conference Proceedings , 2016 , 1748. 020003. ISSN 0094-243X
Luzanov V. A., Vedeneev A. S., Ryl’kov V. V., Temiryazeva M. P., Kozlov A. M., Dukhnovskii M. P., Bugaev A. S. Synthesis of thin tantalum films by magnetron sputtering. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2015 , 60 (12). С. 1325-1327. ISSN 1064-2269
Stepushkin M. V., Zdoroveyshchev A. V., Temiryazev A. G., Temiryazeva M. P. Influence of a change in the domain structure on the Hall effect in CoPt thin films. In: XXII International Youth Scientific School, 22 - 26 августа, Казань , р. 12.
Sorokin I.A., Kolodko D.V., Shustin E. G., Luzanov V.A., Temiryazeva M. P., Mirgorodskaya E. N. Synthesis of nanodimensional carbon films in hollow cathode discharge. In: 14 INtern. conf. @Gas discharge and their applications, г. Томск , р. 62.
Gan’shina E.A., Golik L.L., Kun'kova Z.E., Zykov G.S., Rukovishnikov A.I., Temiryazeva M. P., Lesnikov V.P., Markin Yu.V. Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors InFeSb Prepared by Laser Ablation. In: Spectroscopic and Microscopic Investigations, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM 2017), July 1-5, 2017, Moscow, Russia , р. 892.