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Prikhod’ko O. V., Sukhorukova O. S., Tarasenko S. V., Shavrov V. G. Magnetoelastic rearrangement of the spectrum of surface phonons in a piezomagnetic crystal. JETP Letters , 2015 , 100 (11). С. 737-741. ISSN 0021-3640
Levchenko G. G., Savchenko A. S., Tarasenko A. S., Tarasenko S. V., Shavrov V. G. Peculiarities of the resonant transmission of a TM (TE) wave through an antiferromagnet plate in crossed dc magnetic and electric fields. Low Temperature Physics , 2014 , 40 (1). С. 49-57. ISSN 1063-777X
Prikhod’ko O. V., Sukhorukova O. S., Tarasenko S. V., Shavrov V. G. Elasto-dipolar magnons—a new class of nonexchange spin-wave excitations. JETP Letters , 2014 , 100 (5). С. 319-323. ISSN 0021-3640