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Antonov D.I., Sviatov K.V., Sukhov S.V. Continuous learning of spiking networks trained with local rules. Neural Networks, V. 155, 2022, pp. 512-522. , 2022 .
Antonov D.I., Sukhov S.V. Knowledge fusion by pruning in spiking neural networks. 2022 VIII International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT), 2022, pp. 1-6 , 2022 .
Agliukov I.N., Sviatov K.V., Sukhov S.V. A method for catastrophic forgetting prevention during multitasking reinforcement learning. Мехатроника, автоматизация, управление, Т.23, №8, 2022, с. 414-419. , 2022 .
Sviatov K., Miheev A., Lapshov Y., Shishkin V., Sukhov S.V. Detection of Scenes Features for Path Following on a Local Map of a Mobile Robot Using Neural Networks. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. – 2021. – V.337. – pp. 272–285. , 2021 .
Sviatov K., Yarushkina N., Sukhov S.V. Extraction of Charts with Hybrid Deep Learning Model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). – 2021. V.12957 LNCS. – pp. 382–393 , 2021 .
Sviatov K., Miheev A., Sukhov S.V., Lapshov Y., Rapp S. Detection of Obstacle Features Using Neural Networks with Attention in the Task of Autonomous Navigation of Mobile Robots. In International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy July 1-4, 2020). – 2020. - pp. 1013-1026. , 2020 .
Sviatov K., Miheev A., Lapshov Y., Shishkin V., Sukhov S.V. Detection of Scenes Features for Path Following on a Local Map of a Mobile Robot Using Neural Networks. In International Scientific and Practical Conference in Control Engineering and Decision Making 2020 Dec 3 (pp. 272-285). , 2020 .
Leontev M., Islenteva V., Sukhov S.V. Non-iterative Knowledge Fusion in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Neural Processing Letters. – 2020. – V.51. – N.1. - pp.1-22 , 2020 .
Sukhov S.V., Leontev M. Iu., Miheev A., Sviatov K. Prevention of catastrophic interference and imposing active forgetting with generative methods. Neurocomputing. – 2020. – V. 400. – pp. 73-85. , 2020 .
Ivinskaya А., Kostina N., Proskurin P., Petrov M.I., Bogdanov A.A., Sukhov S.V., Krasavin A.V., Karabchevsky А., Shalin A.S., Ginzburg P. Optomechanical manipulation with hyperbolic metasurfaces. American Chemical Society Photonics , 2018 .
Batarseh М., Sukhov S.V., Shen Z., Gemar H., Naraghi R., Dogariu A. Passive sensing around the corner using spatial coherence. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS , 2018 , 9. р. 3629.
Akhlaghi М., Sukhov S.V. Knowledge Fusion in Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks. NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS , 2018 , 48 (1). С. 257-272.
Ang A.S., Karabchevsky А., Minin I., Minin O., Sukhov S.V., Shalin A.S. 'Photonic Hook' based optomechanical nanoparticle manipulator. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , 2018 , 8. р. 2029.
Ivinskaya А., Kostina N., Petrov M.I., Bogdanov A.A., Sukhov S.V., Ginzburg P., Shalin A.S. Tractor beams at metamaterial substrates. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 2018 , 1092. 012132.
Sukhov S.V. The zoo of nonconservative optical forces. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series , 2018 , 1092. 012144.
Shen Zh., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. Monte Carlo method to model optical coherence propagation in random media. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION , 2017 , 34 (12). С. 2189-2193.
Naraghi R., Gemar H ., Batarseh М., Beckus А., Atia G., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. Wide-field interferometric measurement of a nonstationary complex coherence function. OPTICS LETTERS , 2017 , 42 (23). С. 4929-4932.
Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. Non-conservative optical forces. REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS , 2017 , 80 (11). р. 112001.
Sukhov S.V., Batarseh М., Naraghi R., Gemar Н., Tamasan А., Dogariu A. Babinet's principle for mutual intensity. OPTICS LETTERS , 2017 , 42 (19). С. 3980-3983.
Akhlaghi MI, Sukhov S.V. KNOWLEDGE FUSION IN FEEDFORWARD ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS. Neural Processing Letters , 2017 . С. 1-16.
Ang A.S., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A., Shalin A.S. Scattering Forces within a Left-Handed Photonic Crystal. Scientific Reports , 2017 , 7.
Naraghi R., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. Disorder fingerprint: Intensity distributions in the near field of random media. PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 2016 , 94 (17). р. 174205.
Tao G., Kaufman J., Shabahang S., Naraghi R., Sukhov S.V., Joannopoulos J., Fink Yo., Dogariu A., Abouraddy A. Digital design of multimaterial photonic particles. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (PNAS) , 2016 , 113 (25). С. 6839-6844.
Sukhov S.V., Shalin A.S., Bogdanov A.A., Belov P.A., Ginzburg P. Attraction Optical Forces inside Hyperbolic Metamaterials. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest , 2016 . paper JW2A.17.
Bogdanov A.A., Petrov M.I., Sukhov S.V., Shalin A.S., Dogariu A. Optical pulling force in the vicinity of plasmonic interfaces. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest , 2016 . FM2B.5.
Petrov M.I., Sukhov S.V., Bogdanov A.A., Shalin A.S., Dogariu A. Surface plasmon polariton assisted optical pulling force. Laser Photonics Rev , 2016 , 10 (1). С. 116-122.
Sukhov S.V., Kajorndejnukul V., Naraghi R. Dynamic consequences of optical spin-orbit interaction. NATURE PHOTONICS , 2015 , 917 (12). С. 809-812.
Naraghi R., Sukhov S.V., Saenz J. Near-Field Effects in Mesoscopic Light Transport. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS , 2015 , 15 (20). р. 203903.
Kajorndejnukul V., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. Efficient mass transport by optical advection. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , 2015 , 5. р. 14861.
Naraghi R., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. Directional control of scattering by all-dielectric core-shell spheres. OPTICS LETTERS , 2015 , 40 (4). С. 585-588.
Sukhov S.V., Shalin A.S., Haefner D., Dogariu A. Actio et reactio in optical binding. OPTICS EXPRESS , 2015 , 23 (1). С. 247-252.
Sukhov S.V., Kajorndejnukul V., Naraghi R., Dogariu A. MECHANICAL ACTION OF OPTICAL SPIN-ORBIT INTERACTION. Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics 2015, FIO 2015 , 2015 .
Naraghi R., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. NEAR FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF THE SCATTERING PHASE FUNCTION WITH EVANESCENT FIELD EXCITATION. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest Сер. "2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2015" , 2015 . р. 7183581.
Sukhov S.V., Haefner D., Dogariu A., Shalin A.S. NONRECIPROCAL OPTICAL INTERACTION OF DISSIMILAR PARTICLES. CLEO: QELS - Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2015 , 2015 . р. 1551.
Shalin A.S., Sukhov S.V., Bogdanov A.A., Belov P.A., Ginzburg P. Optical pulling forces in hyperbolic metamaterials. Physical Review A, , 2015 , v.91. 063830.
Sukhov S.V., Kajorndejnukul V., Broky J. Forces in Aharonov-Bohm optical setting. OPTICA , 2014 , 1 (6). С. 383-387.
Kohlgraf-Owens D., Greusard L., Sukhov S.V., De Wilde Yan, Dogariu A. Multi-frequency near-field scanning optical microscopy. Nanotechnology , 2014 , 25 (3). 035203.
Kohlgraf-Owens D., Sukhov S.V., Greusard L. Optically induced forces in scanning probe microscopy. NANOPHOTONICS , 2014 , 3 (1-2). С. 105-116.
Shalin A.S., Sukhov S.V., Krasnok A.E., Nikitov S. A. Plasmonic nanostructures for local field enhancement in the UV region. Photon. Nanostruct.: Fundam. Appl. , 2014 (12). С. 2-8.
Sukhov S.V., Shalin A.S., Dogariu A. Ultra-Fast Motion of Optically Driven Metallic Nanoparticles. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) June 8 – 13 2014 , 2014 . JW2A.107.
Shalin A.S., Sukhov S.V. Plasmonic Nanostructures as Accelerators for Nanoparticles: Optical Nanocannon. Plasmonics. - 2013. - Vol. 8. Issue 2. - P. 625-629. , 2013 , 8 (2). С. 625-629.
Baterseh М., Shen Z., Naraghi R., Gemar H., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. Transfer of Complex Spatial Coherence Function in Reflection from Inhomogeneous Scattering Media. In: 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE-Photonics-Society (IPC), OCT 01-05, 2017, Orlando, FL, USA , IEEE , р. 17393258.
Bogdanov A.A., Petrov M.I., Sukhov S.V., Shalin A.S., Dogariu A. Recoil Force of Surface Plasmon Polariton. In: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS), MAY 22-25, 2017, St Petersburg, RUSSIA
Ang A.S., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A., Shalin A.S. Electromagnetic Forces in Negatively Refracting Photonic Crystals. In: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS), MAY 22-25, 2017, St Petersburg, RUSSIA , С. 1511-1516.
Sukhov S.V., Petrov M.I., Bogdanov A.A., Shalin A.S., Dogariu A. Optical negative forces on particles near plasmonic interfaces. In: META’16, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, July 25-28, 2016, Malaga, Spain
Naraghi R., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. Disorder fingerprint - the distribution of local density of states in random media. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO),, JUN 05-10, 2016, San Jose, CA
Naraghi R., Burdge М., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. Near-field interactions and anomalous diffusion of light in disordered media. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016),, JUN 05-10, 2016, San Jose, CA , FW4D.4.
Naraghi R., Tao G., Kaufmann J., Shabahang S., Sukhov S.V., Abouraddy А., Dogariu A. Tuning Light with Photonic Particles. In: CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), JUN 05-10, 2016, San Jose, CA , SM1R.2.
Constant C., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. Artificial Thermodynamics with Optical Stochastic Pumps. In: CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), JUN 05-10, 2016, San Jose, CA
Moiseev S.G., Korobko D.A., Zolotovskii I.O., Sukhov S.V. Induced modulation instability of surface plasmon polaritons in an ultra-thin metal film. In: Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics Torremolinos, July 25, 2016 – July 28, 2016,,, Malaga
Shalin A.S., Bogdanov A.A., Belov P.A., Sukhov S.V., Ginzburg P. Optical Forces and Metamaterials. In: METANANO 2016, 5-9 of September 2016, Anapa, Russia , р. 16.
Shalin A.S., Sukhov S.V., Bogdanov A.A., Belov P.A., Ginzburg P. Optical Forces inside Hyperbolic Metamaterials. In: EMN MEETING ON QUANTUM 2016, 8-11 April, 2016, Phuket, Thailand
Sukhov S.V., Kajorndejnukul V., Broky J. Experimental Detection of Forces in an Optical Analog of Aharonov-Bohm Effect. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), MAY 10-15, 2015, San Jose, CA
Naraghi R., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. Near Field Measurements of the Scattering Phase Function with Evanescent Field Excitation. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), MAY 10-15, 2015, San Jose, CA
Petrov M.I., Bogdanov A.A., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A., Shalin A.S. Optical forces induced at the metal surface. In: International Conference Days on Diffraction, MAY 25-29, 2015 7354869, St Petersburg, RUSSIA , С. 250-254.
Constant C., Sukhov S.V., Dogariu A. Effective temperature of optically-controlled active media. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO),, June 8 – 13 2014, San Jose, California, USA