Объекты, где автором является "Sergeev V.A."

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Количество объектов: 7.


Frolov I.V., Radaev O.A., Sergeev V.A. Measurement and analysis of the recombination coefficients distribution on the area of light-emitting InGaN/GaN heterostructures. Book of Abstracts. 6th International School and Conference on Optoelectronics, Photonics, Engineering and Nanostructures «Saint Petersburg OPEN 2019». St Petersburg, Russia, April 22 – 25, 2019. – St. Petersburg Academic University, 2019. – P. 242–243. , 2019 . С. 242-243.

Smirnov V.I., Sergeev V.A., Gavrikov A.A. Modulation method for measuring thermal resistance of solar batteries and it’s practical implementation. Hi-tech and Innovations Conference , 2019 .

Baranov A.A., Sergeev V.A. Radio-Wave Monitoring of the Heterogeneity of the Electrophysical Parameters of Dielectrics Using a Scanning Microstrip Line. Russian Microelectronics.- 2019.- Vol. 48, № 7.- pp. 1–6. , 2019 . С. 1-6.

Smirnov V.I., Sergeev V.A., Gavrikov A.A. Specificity of measuring thermal resistance in solar cells. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, Volume 9 . Is.3 , May 2019, pp. 775- 779. , 2019 .

Sergeev V.A., Rogov V.N., Ul'yanov A.V. Comparative analysis of approximation functions for spectral characteristics of serial light filters. Measurement techniques , 2014 (1). С. 415-420.

Sergeev V.A., Frolov I.V. Methodical error in Measuring Nonlinear Capacity. Measurement Techniques , 2014 (3). С. 353-359.

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Reschikoff S. E., Sergeev V.A. Advanced Noise Generator Method of Flicker Noise Measurement. In: ФIЗИКА, ЕЛЕКТРОНИКА, ЕЛЕКТРОТЕХНIКА ФЕЕ 2015: матерiали науково-техничноi конференцii, 20-25 квiтня 2015 року, Суми , Суми : СДУ. – 2015 , -.

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