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Количество объектов: 14.


Koseki Y., Ryzhii V., Otsuji T., Popov V. V., Satou A. Giant plasmon instability in a dual-grating-gate graphene field-effect transistor. Physical Review B , 2016 , 93 (24). ISSN 2469-9950

Otsuji T., Satou A., Watanabe T., Boubanga-Tombet S.A., Ryzhii M., Dubinov A., Popov V.V., Mitin V., Shur M., Ryzhii V. Recent advances in the research toward graphene-based terahertz lasers. Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers XIV. Proc. of SPIE , 2015 , 9382. 938219(1)-938219(10).

Otsuji Т., Popov V.V., Ryzhii V. Active graphene plasmonics for terahertz device applications. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics , 2014 , 47. 094006(1)-094006(10).

Otsuji T., Satou A., Ryzhii M., Popov V., Mitin V., Ryzhii V. Challenges to create graphene terahertz lasers. Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2014 , 486. 012007(1)-012007(3).

Otsuji T., Watanabe T., Tombet S.A. Boubanga, Satou A., Ryzhii V., Popov V., Knap W. Emission and detection of terahertz radiation using two-dimensional plasmons in semiconductor nanoheterostructures for nondestructive evaluations. Optical Engineering , 2014 , 53. 031206(1)-031206(13).

Popov V.V., Polischuk O.V., Nikitov S.A., Ryzhii V., Otsuji T., Shur M.S. Amplification and lasing of terahertz radiation by plasmons in graphene with a planar distributed Bragg resonator. Journal of Optics , 2013 , 15. 114009(1)-114009(8).

Otsuji T., Watanabe T., Tombet S.A. Boubanga, Satou A., Knap W.M., Popov V.V., Ryzhii M., Ryzhii V. Emission and detection of terahertz radiation using two-dimensional electrons in III–V semiconductors and graphene. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , 2013 , 3 (1). С. 63-71.

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Otsuji T., Satou A., Boubanga-Tombet S., Ryzhii V., Popov V.V., Mitin V., Shur M.S. Emission and detection of terahertz radiation using two-dimensional plasmonic metamaterials. In: The 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2015), 4-7 August 2015, New York, USA , С. 1301-1302.

Popov V.V., Otsuji T., Ryzhii V. Amplification of terahertz radiation by plasmonic graphene metasurfaces. In: 8th international Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS 2014), 25-30 August, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark , С. 244-246.

Popov V.V., Polischuk O.V., Nikitov S.A., Ryzhii V., Otsuji T., Shur M.S. Plasmonic terahertz amplification and lasing in graphene with a planar Bragg resonator. In: 22th International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, June 23-27, 2014, Saint Petersburg, Russia, St Petersburg Academic University , С. 62-63.

Watanabe T., Satou A., Suemitsu T., Knap W., Popov V.V., Ryzhii V., Shur M., Otsuji T. Plasmonic terahertz monochromatic coherent emission from an asymmetric chirped dual-grating-gate InP-HEMT with highly asymmetric resonant cavities. In: The 3rd Russia-Japan-USA Symposium ”The Fundamental and Applied Problems of Terahertz Devices and technologies” (RJUS TeraTech-2014), June 17-21, 2014, Buffalo, USA , С. 39-40.

Popov V.V., Polischuk O.V., Davoyan A.R., Ryzhii V., Otsuji T., Shur M.S. Amplification and lasing of terahertz radiation by plasmons in graphene nanocavities. In: 7th Terahertz Days and GDR-I Workshop, March 25th-27th 2013, Cargèse, Corsica, France

Polischuk O.V., Otsuji T., Shur M.S., Popov V.V., Davoyan A.R., Ryzhii V. Amplification of terahertz radiation by stimulated emission of plasmons in graphene. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves. Program Guide., September 1-6, 2013, Mainz on the Rhine, Germany , С. 95-96.

Popov V.V., Polischuk O.V., Davoyan A.R., Ryzhii V., Otsuji T., Shur M.S. Superradiance, amplification, and lasing of terahertz radiation in an array of graphene plasmonic nanocavities. Graphene Nanophotonics. In: Graphene Nanophotonics, March 3-8, 2013, Benasque, Spain

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