Объекты, где автором является "Protasenya D. V."

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Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Ryabushkin O. А., Protasenya D. V. "Measurement of Surface Temperature of Metal under Laser Ablation". In: 40th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 01-04 August, 2018, Toyama, Japan

Protasenya D. V., Aleksakhina A. S., Ryabushkin O. А. "Surface defects detection in optical materials by radiofrequency-optical spectroscopy". In: 5th Annual International Conference on Physics (ATINER 2017), 16-22 July 2017, Athens, Greece , р. 24.

Protasenya D. V., Aloyan G. A., Alexahina A. S., Ryabushkin O. А. Radiofrequency Fiber-optic Probe for Surface Temperature Measurement with High Spatial Resolution. In: PIERS 2017, 22-25 May 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia , PIERS , С. 1016-1017.

Protasenya D. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Measurement of free carrier concentration in semiconductor with high spatial resolution by optical fiber with two electrodes". In: The 37th PIERS (Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium), August 8 – 11, 2016, Shanghai, CHINA, , р. 125.

Этот список был создан Mon Mar 10 19:28:27 2025 GMT-3.