Объекты, где автором является "Presnov Denis /D.E"

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Количество объектов: 5.

Tsiniaikin I.I., Presnova Galina /G.V., Shorokhov V.V., Rubtsova M.Yu., Bojev I.V., Trifonov Artem/A.S., Dageciane S.A., Ulyashova M.M., Krupenin V.A., Presnov Denis /D.E Biosensor with two independent Si NW FETs for cancer biomarker detection. In: International Conf. on Micro - and Nanoelectronics, 1-5 October 2018, Russia, Zvenigorod, , Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (Не опубликован)

Dorofeev A., Presnov Denis /D.E, Bozhev I, Trifonov Artem/A.S., Kafanov S., Pashkin Yu. A., Krupenin V. Silicon Nanobridge as a high quality mechanical resonator. In: Internat. Conf. "Micro- and Nanoelectron-2018", Zvenigorod, Russia? 1-5 October , 2018, 1-5 October , 2018, Zvenigorod, Russia (Не опубликован)

Presnov Denis /D.E, Bozhjiev Ivan/I.V.., Miakonkikh Аndrey/A.V., Simakin Sergei/S.G., Trifonov Artem/A.S, Krupenin Vladimir/V.A. Local sensor based on nanowire field effect transistor from inhomogeneously doped silicon on insulator. Journal of Applied Physics , 2018 , 123 (5). ISSN 00218979

Ieshkin A.E., Kireev D.S., Ermakov Yu.A., Trifonov Artem /A.S., Presnov Denis /D.E, Garchev A.V., Anufriev Yu.V., Prokhorova I.G., Krupenin V.A., Chernish V.S. The quantitive analisys of silicon carbide surface smoothing by Ar and Xe claster ions. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Amoms , 2018 , 421. С. 27-31. ISSN 0168-9002

Presnova Galina /G.V., Presnov Denis /D.E, Krupenin Vladimir /V., Grigorenko Vitaly /V., Trifonov Artem /A., Andreeva Irina /I., Ignatenko Olga /O., Egorov Alexey /A., Rubtsova Maya /M.Yu. Biosensor based on a silicon nanowire field-effect transistor functionalized by gold nanoparticles for the highly sensitive determination of prostate specific antigen. Biosensors and Bioelectronics , 2017 , 88. С. 283-289. ISSN 0956-5663

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