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Trifonov Artem/A., Presnov /D.E, Bozhev /I.V., Evplov /D.A., Desmaris /V., Krupenin /V.A. Non-contact scanning probe technique for electrique field measurements based on nanowire field-effect transistor. Ultramicroscopy , 2017 (179). С. 33-40.
Trifonov Artem /A.S., Dagesyan S.A., Shorokhov V.V., Presnov /D.E, Soldatov Evgeniy/E.S., Krupenin V.A. Sequential reduction of the silicon single-electron transistor structure to atomic scale. Nanotechnology , 2017 , 28 (225304). ISSN 0957-4484
Presnov /D.E, Presnova /G.V., Bozhjiev /I., Rubtsova /M.Yu., Trifonov Artem/A.C., Krupenin /V.A. Nanowire based Field-Effect Transistors for detection of different biological objacts. Micro and Nanoelectronics-2016": Proceedings of International Conference October 3-7. 2016, Zvenigorod. Russia. Book of Abstracts , 2016 . р. 177.
Presnov /D.E, Bozhev /I.V., Trifonov Artem /A.S., Presnova Galina /G.V., Rubtsova M.Yu, Snigirev O.V., Krupenin V.A. Nanowire field/charge sensors for biodetection and local measurements. MSU, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, MSU, Faculty of physics. Russia, 2018. (Не опубликован)