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Kuznetsov A.P., Kuznetsov S.P., Mosekilde E., Stankevich N.V. Co-existing hidden attractors in a radiophysical oscillator system. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical , 2015 , 48 (12). р. 125121. ISSN 1751-8113
Emelianova Y.P., Kuznetsov A.P., Laugesen J.L., Mosekilde E., Holstein-Rathlou N.-H. Oscillator Suppression in the Blood Flow Regulation of Interacting, Non-Identical Nephrons. Journal of Hypertension: Open Access , 2014 , 3 (3). р. 1000153. ISSN 2167-1095
Kuznetsov A.P., Kuznetsov S.P., Mosekilde E., Stankevich N.V. Generators of quasiperiodic oscillations with three-dimensional phase space. THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. SPECIAL TOPICS , 2013 , 222 (10). С. 2391-2398. ISSN 1951-6355