Объекты, где автором является "Moiseev S.G."

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Количество объектов: 21.

Moiseev S.G., Glukhov I.A., Dadoenkova Yu.S., Bentivegna Florian F. L Polarization-selective defect mode amplification in a photonic crystal with intracavity 2D arrays of metallic nanoparticles. JOSA B, V. 36, No. 6, pp. 1645-1652 (2019) , 2019 .

Zolotovskii I.O., Moiseev S.G., Dadoenkova Y.S., Kadochkin A.S., Ivanov O.V. Surface plasmon polariton generation in carbon nanotube with electric current pump. In: International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), 4 June 2018 до 8 June 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia , р. 8435784.

Zolotovskii I.O., Moiseev S.G., Dadoenkova Y.S., Kadochkin A.S., Ivanov O.V. Surface plasmon polariton generation in graphene-semiconductor structure with distributed feedback and direct current pump. International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), 4 - 8 June 2018 , 2018 (843549). р. 363.

Anzulevich A., Butko L., Bychkov I., Kalganov D.A., PavloV D.A., Moiseev S.G. Dependencies of dynamical magnetic losses in conductor-coated dielectric particles on radius of dielectric core, thickness and conductivity of conductive shell. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. , pp. 040001.

Anzulevich A., Butko L., Bychkov I.V., Kalganov D.A., PavloV D.A., Moiseev S.G. Dependencies of dynamical magnetic losses in conductor-coated dielectric particles on radius of dielectric core, thickness and conductivity of conductive shell. In: International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics (METANANO 2017), 18-22 сентября 2017 г., Владивосток

Butko L., Anzulevich A., PavloV D.A., Moiseev S.G. Effective Permittivity and Permeability of Metamaterial from Rectilinear Thin Wires Array. In: OSA Frontiers in Optics, 18–21 September 2017, Washington, United States , p. JW3A.117.

Dadoenkova Y.S., Moiseev S.G., Abramov A.S., Kadochkin A.S., Fotiadi A. A., Zolotovskii I.O. Electric current induced amplification of slow surface plasmon polaritons in semiconductor-graphene-dielectric structure. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction, DD 2017,, 2017, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation , Р. 44...

Moiseev S.G., Dadoenkova Y.S., Zolotovskii I.O. Electrically Pumped Spaser Based on Semiconductor Film with Graphene Nanosheet. In: Frontiers in Optics 2017, OSA Technical Digest (online), 18–21 September 2017, United States , paper JW3A.53.

Dadoenkova Y.S., Moiseev S.G., Zolotovskii I.O., PavloV D.A. Electrically pumped spaser based on semiconductor film / graphene / dielectric structure. In: METANANO 2017, 18-22 сентября 2017, Владивосток

Moiseev S.G., Korobko D.A., Zolotovskii I.O., Fotiadi A. A. Evolution of surface plasmon-polariton wave in a thin metal film: The modulation-instability effect. Annalen der Physik , 2017 , 529ё (3). UNSP 1600167. ISSN Leipzig

Moiseev S.G., Korobko D., Zolotovskii I.O. Generation of intensive surface plasmon polariton pulses due to the induced modulation instability effect. In: SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, 2017,, 16 May 2017, Prague, Czech Republic , Proceedings Volume 10228, Nonlinear Optics and Applications X; 1022818 (2017) , pp. 1022818.

Moiseev S.G., Korobko D., Zolotovskii I.O., Fotiadi A. A. Modulation instability of intensive surface plasmon polaritons in a thin film structure. In: META'17, the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Jul 25, 2017 - Jul 28, Abramov 2017, Incheon, South Korea, , pp. 1199.

Korobko D., Fotiadi A. A., Moiseev S.G., Zolotovskii I.O. Pulse Train Generation in Fiber Lasers with Tunable Repetition Rate. Frontiers in Optics 2017 OSA Technical Digest (online) , 2017 . JTu3A.6.

Glukhov I.A., Moiseev S.G. Spectra and field distribution of photonic-crystal structure with inclusions of metal nanoparticles. CEUR Workshop Proceedings , 2017 , 1900. С. 43-47.

Moiseev S.G., Dadoenkova Y.S., Zolotovskii I.O., Abramov A.S., PavloV D.A., Anzulevich A.P. Surface Plasmon Polariton Amplification in Semiconductor Film / Graphene / Dielectric Structure by Direct Electric Current. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. V. 1874 , 040037.

Moiseev S.G., Dadoenkova Y.S., Zolotovskii I.O., Abramov A.S., PavloV D.A., Anzulevich А.Р. Surface Plasmon Polariton Amplification in Semiconductor Film [Текст] / Graphene / Dielectric Structure by Direct Electric Current. In: METANANO 2017, 18-22 сентября 2017 г., г. Владивосток

Moiseev S.G., Kadochkin A.S., Dadoenkova Y.S., Zolotovskii I.O. Surface Plasmon Polariton Amplification in a Single Carbon Nanotube by Direct Electric Current. In: Frontiers in Optics 2017, OSA Technical Digest (online) , OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2017) , paper JW3A.45..

Moiseev S.G., Dadoenkova Y.S., Fotiadi A. A., Abramov A.S., Kadochkin A.S., Zolotovskii I.O. Surface plasmon polariton amplification by direct current in semiconductor–graphene–dielectric structure. In: META'17 the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Jul 25 - Jul 28, 2017, Incheon, South Korea , pp. 1198.

Dadoenkova Y.S., Moiseev S.G., Abramov A.S., Kadochkin A.S., Fotiadi A. A., Zolotovskii I.O. Surface plasmon polariton amplification in semiconductor-graphene-dielectric structure. Annalen der Physik , 2017 , 529 (5).

Kadochkin A.S., Moiseev S.G., Dadoenkova Y.S., Svetukhin V.V. Surface plasmon polariton amplification in single-walled carbon nanotube. Optics Express. , 2017 , 25 (22). С. 27165-27171.

Moiseev S.G., Korobko D.A., Zolotovskii I.O., Sukhov S.V. Induced modulation instability of surface plasmon polaritons in an ultra-thin metal film. In: Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics Torremolinos, July 25, 2016 – July 28, 2016,,, Malaga

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