Объекты, где автором является "Melnikova Maria M."

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Количество объектов: 5.

Melnikova Maria M., Ryskin Alexandra V., Rozhnev Andrey G., Ryskin Nikita M. Theoretical Analysis of Gyrotron Self-Injection Locking by Delayed Reflection. In: 2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 9-14 сентября 2018 г., Nagoya, Japan , IEEE , С. 1-2.

Adilova Asel B., Gerasimova Svetlana A., Melnikova Maria M., Tyshkun Alexandra V., Rozhnev Andrey G., Ryskin Nikita Using phase locking for improving frequency stability and tunability of THz-band gyrotrons. Proceedings of SPIE, 10717, Saratov Fall Meeting 2017: Laser Physics and Photonics XVIII; and Computational Biophysics and Analysis of Biomedical Data IV , 2018 , 10717. р. 135. ISSN 0277786X

Melnikova Maria M., Rozhnev Andrey G., Ryskin Nikita M., Tatematsu Yoshinori, Fukunari Masafumi, Yamaguchi Yuusuke, Saito Teruo Electromagnetic Modeling of a Complex-Cavity Resonator for the 0.4-THz Second-Harmonic Frequency-Tunable Gyrotron. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , 2017 , 64 (12). С. 5141-5146. ISSN 0018-9383

Khutoryan Eduard M., Idehara Toshitaka, Melnikova Maria M., Ryskin Nikita M., Dumbrajs Olgierd Influence of Reflections on Frequency Tunability and Mode Competition in the Second-Harmonic THz Gyrotron. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves , 2017 , 38 (7). С. 824-837. ISSN 1866-6892

Melnikova Maria M., Rozhnev Andrey G., Ryskin Nikita M., Tyshkun Alexandra V., Glyavin Mikhail Yu., Novozhilova Yulia V. Frequency Stabilization of a 0.67-THz Gyrotron by Self-Injection Locking. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , 2016 , 63 (3). С. 1288-1293. ISSN 0018-9383

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