Объекты, где автором является "Liou Y.A."

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Количество объектов: 6.


Gubenko V.N., Pavelyev A.G., Kirillovich I.A., Liou Y.A. Case study of inclined sporadic E layers in the Earth’s ionosphere observed by CHAMP/GPS radio occultations: Coupling between the tilted plasma layers and internal waves. Advances in Space Research , 2018 , 61 (7). С. 1702-1716.

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Gubenko V.N., Kirillovich I.A., Liou Y.A. Сoupling between the internal atmospheric waves and tilted sporadic E-layers in the Earth’s ionosphere. In: Ninth Moscow Solar System Symposium (9m-s3), 08–12 October 2018, Space Research Institute (IKI RAS), Moscow, Russia , Space Research Institute (IKI RAS)

Kirillovich V.A., Gubenko V.N., Liou Y.A., Pavelyev A.G. Internal wave activity in the polar atmospheric regions during 2006–2009 revealed by COSMIC radio occultation data. In: Abstracts of presentations at the 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 8-10 August, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia , Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, http://cospar2014moscow.com/.

Gubenko V.N., Liou Y.A., Yan S.K. S.K., Pavelyev A.G., Kirillovich I.A I.A. Atmospheric gravity wave activity in the polar regions during 2006 – 2009 revealed by COSMIC radio occultation data. In: International Workshop for Probing Atmosphere and Climate (OPAC–IROWG 2013), 5 – 11 September, Schloss Seggau, Leibnitz near Graz, Austria , Programme and Abstract Book, P. 60, oral report published in www.uni -graz.at/opacirowg2013/. , р. 60.

Pavelyev A.G., Liou Y.A., Zhang K., Pavelyev A.A., Kuleshov Yu Radio Occultation as a Tool to Measure the Total Absorption in the Earth’s and Planetary Atmospheres. In: OPAC-IROWG, 09 September, Seggau Austria. Poster.

Pavelyev A.G., Liou Y.A., Pavelyev A.A., Zhang K. Principle of Locality and Remote Sensing from Space 33rd Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS). In: (PIERS) Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, March 25-28, Taipei, Taiwan , P.399.

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