Объекты, где автором является "Latyshev Yu.I."

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Количество объектов: 7.


Orlov A.P., Sinchenko A.A., Brazovskii S.A., Monceau P., Latyshev Yu.I. Hall voltage drives pulsing counter-currents of the sliding charge density wave and of quantized normal carriers at selffilled Landau levels. npj Quantum Materials , 2017 , 2. р. 61. ISSN 2397-4648

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Monceau P., Orlov A.P., Sinchenko A.A., Brazovskii S.A., Latyshev Yu.I. Charge density wave sliding under the Hall voltage. In: International research school and workshop on electronic crystals ECRYS 2017, August 21-September 2, 2017, Cargese, France , University Paris-sud, Univ. Pris-Saclay, Orsay, France , р. 121.

Latyshev Yu.I., Sinchenko A.A., Orlov A.P., Frolov A.V., Brazovskii S.A., Monceau P. Interlayer electronic transport in quasi-two-dimensional compounds. In: International Conference Electronic states and phases induced by electric and optical impacts (IMPACT-2016), august22-september 3, 2016, Gargese, France , Univ. Paris-sud, Universite Paris-Saclay, orsay, France , р. 84.

Latyshev Yu.I., Sinchenko A. A., Orlov A.P., Brazovskii S.A., Monceau P. Nonstationary Hall effect in mesa junction of a charge density wave conductor. In: International Conference Electronic states and phases induced by electric and optical impacts (IMPACT-2016), august22-september 3, 2016, Gargese, France , univ. Paris-sud11, Universite Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France , р. 159.

Latyshev Yu.I., Orlov A.P., Frolov A.V., Skuratov V.A., Vyvenko O.F., Petrov Yu.V. Aharonov-Bohm resistance magneto-oscillations on single nanoholegraphite and graphene structures. In: 4th International scientific conference state-of-the-art trends of scientific research of artificial and natural nanoobjects (strann ’14), 22-25, April 2014, Saint-Petersburg,

Latyshev Yu.I., Orlov A.P., Frolov A.V., Skuratov V.A., Kalinin A.S., Bykov V.A. Nanoperforated graphene: production, stracture and electronic properties. In: 9th Advanced Research Workshop Fundamentals of Electronic Nanosystems, (NanoPeter 2014), 21-27 июня 2014, Санкт-Петербург , р. 61.

Latyshev Yu.I., Frolov A.V., Orlov A.P., Smolovich A.M., Vlasenko V.S. Proximity effect in periodic arrays of superconducting nanoislands on thin graphite layer. In: 4th International scientific conference state-of-the-art trends of scientific research of artificial and natural nanoobjects (strann ’14), 22-25, April 2014, Saint-Petersburg

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