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Kinev N. V., Rudakov K. I., Filippenko L. V., Koshelets V. P. Study of Josephson Generation Harmonics in a Long Josephson Junction. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics , 2023 , 65 (8). С. 593-601. ISSN 0033-8443
Yusupov R. A., Filippenko L. V., Fominskiy M. Yu., Koshelets V. P. Experimental Study of Elements of a Josephson Traveling-Wave Parametric Amplifier on SQUID Chains. Physics of the Solid State , 2023 . ISSN 1063-7834
Khan Fedor, Khudchenko A. V., Chekushkin A. M., Koshelets V. P. Characterization of the Parameters of Superconducting NbN and NbTiN Films Using Parallel Plate Resonator. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity , 2022 , 32 (4). С. 1-5. ISSN 1051-8223
Khudchenko A., Lap B. N. R., Rudakov K. I., Hesper R., Koshelets V. P., Dmitriev P. N., Chekushkin A., Khan F. V., Zhukova E. S., Kadyrov L. S., Gorshunov B. P., Baryshev A. M. Dispersive Spectrometry At Terahertz Frequencies for Probing the Quality of NbTiN Superconducting Films. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity , 2022 , 32 (4). С. 1-6. ISSN 1051-8223
Lap B. N. R., Khudchenko A., Hesper R., Rudakov K. I., Dmitriev P., Khan F., Koshelets V. P., Baryshev A. M. Characterization of superconducting NbTiN films using a dispersive Fourier transform spectrometer. Applied Physics Letters , 2021 , 119 (15). ISSN 0003-6951
Fominskii M. Yu., Filippenko L. V., Chekushkin A. M., Koshelets V. P. Electron Beam Lithography Fabrication of Superconducting Tunnel Structures. Physics of the Solid State , 2021 , 63 (9). С. 1351-1355. ISSN 1063-7834
Kinev N. V., Koshelets V. P. Study and Comparison of Laboratory Terahertz Sources Based on a Backward Wave Oscillator, a Semiconductor Microwave Frequency Multiplier with Large Numbers of Harmonics, and a Long Josephson Junction. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2021 , 66 (3). С. 278-288. ISSN 1064-2269
Dmitriev P. N., Ermakov A. B., Kinev N. V., Kiselev O. S., Filippenko L. V., Fominskii M. Yu., Koshelets V. P. Superconducting Structures for Study and Phase Synchronization of Integrated Terahertz Oscillators. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2021 , 66 (4). С. 473-479. ISSN 1064-2269
Kinev N. V., Rudakov K. I., Filippenko L. V., Koshelets V. P. Terahertz Spectroscopy System of Gas Mixtures Based on a Solid State Superconducting Source and a Terahertz Receiver. Physics of the Solid State , 2021 , 63 (9). С. 1414-1418. ISSN 1063-7834
Paramonov M. E., Filippenko L. V., Dmitriev P. N., Fominsky M. Yu., Ermakov A. B., Koshelets V. P. Parameters of the Tunnel Barrier of Superconducting Niobium-Based Structures. Physics of the Solid State , 2020 , 62 (9). С. 1534-1538. ISSN 1063-7834
Gulevich D. R., Koshelets V. P., Kusmartsev F. V. Bridging the terahertz gap for chaotic sources with superconducting junctions. Physical Review B , 2019 , 99 (6). ISSN 2469-9950
Paramonov M. E., Filippenko L. V., Dmitriev P. N., Fominsky M. Yu., Koshelets V. P. Determination of the Parameters of Tunneling Barriers of Superconducting Tunnel Structures for Submillimeter Receivers. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2019 , 64 (10). С. 1144-1148. ISSN 1064-2269
Kinev N. V., Rudakov K. I., Filippenko L. V., Baryshev A. M., Koshelets V. P. Flux-flow Josephson oscillator as the broadband tunable terahertz source to open space. Journal of Applied Physics , 2019 , 125 (15). ISSN 0021-8979
Rudakov K. I., Dmitriev P. N., Baryshev A. M., Khudchenko A. V., Hesper R., Koshelets V. P. Low-Noise Sis Receivers for New Radio-Astronomy Projects. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics , 2019 , 62 (7-8). С. 547-555. ISSN 0033-8443
Gulevich D. R., Filippenko L. V., Koshelets V. P. Microscopic Tunneling Model of Nb–AlN–NbN Josephson Flux-Flow Oscillator. Journal of Low Temperature Physics , 2019 , 194 (3-4). С. 312-324. ISSN 0022-2291
Trepanier M., Zhang Daimeng, Filippenko L. V., Koshelets V. P., Anlage Steven M. Tunable superconducting Josephson dielectric metamaterial. AIP Advances , 2019 , 9 (10). ISSN 2158-3226
Kiselev E. I., Averkin A. S., Fistul M. V., Koshelets V. P., Ustinov A. V. Two-tone spectroscopy of a SQUID metamaterial in the nonlinear regime. Physical Review Research , 2019 , 1 (3). ISSN 2643-1564
Kinev N.V., Rudakov K.I., Baryshev A. M., Koshelets V. P. A 0.3-0.7 THz flux-flow oscillator integrated with the slot antenna and elliptical lens. In: 5th International School and Conference "Saint Petersburg OPEN 2018": Optoelectronics, Photonics, Engineering and Nanostructures, 2-5 апреля 2018г., г. Санкт-Петербург , С. 486-487.
Rudakov K. I., Koshelets V. P., Baryshev A. M., Dmitriev P. N., Khudchenko A. V. The 700–950 GHz Superconducting Receiving Structures for Radio Astronomy. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics , 2017 , 59 (8-9). С. 711-714. ISSN 0033-8443
Trepanier Melissa, Zhang Daimeng, Mukhanov Oleg, Koshelets V. P., Jung Philipp, Butz Susanne, Ott Edward, Antonsen Thomas M., Ustinov Alexey V., Anlage Steven M. Coherent oscillations of driven rf SQUID metamaterials. Physical Review E , 2017 , 95 (5). 050201_1-050201_5. ISSN 2470-0045
Kostyurina E. A., Kalashnikov K. V., Filippenko L. V., Kiselev O. S., Koshelets V. P. High-symmetry DC SQUID based on the Nb/AlOx/Nb Josephson junctions for nondestructive evaluation. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , 2017 , 62 (11). С. 1306-1310. ISSN 1064-2269
Gulevich D. R., Koshelets V. P., Kusmartsev F. V. Josephson flux-flow oscillator: The microscopic tunneling approach. Physical Review B , 2017 , 96 (2). 024515_1-024515_12. ISSN 2469-9950
Revin L. S., Vopilkin E. A., Chiginev A. V., Koshelets V. P., Pankratov A. L., Kraev S. A., Vaks V. L., Wang H., Shovkun A. D., Kulakov A. B. Quick Technology for Fabrication of BiSrCaCuO Mesas and Its Application for Spectroscopy. In: 16th International Superconductive Electronics Conference , С. 1-3.
Faley M.I., Kostyurina E.A., Kalashnikov K.V., Maslennikov Yu. V., Koshelets V. P., Dunin-Borkowski R. E. Superconducting Quantum Interferometers for Nondestructive Evaluation. Sensors , 2017 , 17. р. 2798.
Faley M.I., Kostyurina E.A., Diehle P., Poppe U., Kovacs A., Maslennikov Yu. V., Koshelets V. P., Dunin-Borkowski R. E. Non-destructive evaluation using a high-Tc SQUID microscope. In: Applied Superconductivity Conference, 4 - 9 September 2016, Denver, Colorado, USA
Hao L Y, Ji M, Yuan J., An D.Y., Li M.Y., Zhou X.J., Huang Y., Sun H.C., Zhu Q., Rudau F., Wieland R., Kinev N, Li J., Xu Weiwei, Jin B.B., Wang H B, Koshelets V. P. Compact Superconducting Terahertz Source Operating in Liquid Nitrogen. Phys. Rev. Applied , 2015 .
Rudau F., Tsujimoto M., Gross B., Judd T.E., Wieland R., Goldobin E., Kinev N., Yuan J., Huang Y., Ji M., Zhou X.J., An D.Y., Ishii A., Mints R.G., Wu P.H., Hatano T., Wang H B, Koshelets V. P., Koelle D., Kleiner R. Thermal and electromagnetic properties of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 intrinsic Josephson junction stacks studied via one-dimensional coupled sine-Gordon equations. Phys. Rev. B , 2015 , 91 (104513). ISSN SSN 2469-9969 (online), 2469-9950 (print)
Zhou X.J., Yuan J., Wu H., Gao Z.S., Ji M., An D.Y., Huang Y., Rudau F., Wieland R., Gross B., Kinev N., Li J., Ishii A., Hatano T., Koshelets V. P., Koelle D., Kleiner R., Wang H.B., Wu P.H. Tuning the Terahertz Emission Power of an Intrinsic Josephson-Junction Stack with a Focused Laser Beam. Phys. Rev. Applied , 2015 , 3 (044012).
Ji M., Huang Y., Zhou X.J., An D.Y., Kinev N., Sobolev A., Gross B., Hatano T., Koshelets V. P., Wang H.B. Terahertz Radiation above 1 THz from Intrinsic Josephson Junction Arrays. In: 9th International Symposium on Intrinsic Josephson Effects and THz Plasma Oscillations in High-Tc Superconductors (THz-PLASMA 2014), Япония
Ji M, Huang Y, Zhou X.J., An D.Y., Wang P., Kinev N., Sobolev A., Gross B., Hatano T., Koshelets V. P., Kleiner R., Xu W.W., Wang H.B., Wu P.H. Continuous Wave Terahertz Radiation above 1 THz from Josephson Junction Arrays. In: 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2014), США
Jung P., Butz S., Marthaler M., Fistul M. V., Leppäkangas J., Koshelets V. P., Ustinov A. V. Multistability and switching in a superconducting metamaterial. Nature Communications , 2014 , 5 (1). ISSN 2041-1723