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Количество объектов: 57.

Ostapiv A.Yu., Tsypkin V.P., Larionov I. A., Tyrtyshnyy V. A., Konyashkin A. V. Mutual influence of intermodal and fundamental four-wave mixing of 1.0 µm and 1.5 µm nanosecond pulses in a dual-wavelength fiber laser. Optics Letters , 2023 , 48 (17). С. 4597-4600. ISSN 0146-9592

Zotov K.V., Grishchenko I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. «RF oscillator circuit for absorption coefficient measurement of piezoelectric materials». APPLIED OPTICS , 2023 , 62 (15). С. 4047-4051. ISSN 2155-3165

Aloian G. A., Denisov D.A., Grishchenko I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. “Precise measurements of the low optical absorption coefficients of massive lithium triborate crystal boules with untreated facets formed during the growth process”. APPLIED OPTICS , 2022 , 61 (36). С. 10802-10806. ISSN 2155-3165

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Grishchenko I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. «Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy of Piezoelectric Crystals under Non-Uniform Heating». Acoustical Physics , 2022 , 68 (5). С. 427-434.

Grishchenko I. V., Vorob'ev A.K., Ostapiv A.Yu., Stirmanov Yu.S., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. «Measurement of small optical absorption and scattering coefficients of high-power polarised laser radiation in lithium triborate crystals». Quantum Electronics , 2022 , 52 (3). С. 301-305.

Ivanov G.Yu., Cherpak P.S., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. " Accurate measurements of longitudinal temperature distribution of PPLN crystal in the process of second-harmonic generation”. APPLIED OPTICS , 2020 , 59 (24). С. 7330-7337. ISSN 2155-3165

Grishchenko I. V., Stirmanov Yu.S., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. Absorptance measurement of LBO crystals at high intensity levels of 1070 nm radiation using radiofrequency impedance spectroscopy. International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO-2020) , 2020 .

Konyashkin A. V., Molkov A. A., Ryabushkin O. А. «Acoustic Resonance Laser Calorimetry for Measurements of Low Optical Absorption». APPLIED OPTICS , 2020 , 59 (28). С. 8733-8739. ISSN 2155-3165

Zotov K.V., Bazarov T. O., Fedorov V. V., Savichev I.A., Korolkov А. Е., Mukhankov D.M., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. «Matrix of piezoelectric resonators for registration of spatial distribution of laser radiation». Proceedings of SPIE, Conference on Optical Sensors. , 2019 , 11028 (11028C). ISSN 0277-786X

Ivanov G.Yu., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. «Measurement of temperature gradient in periodically poled lithium niobate crystal in process of second harmonic generation of near-IR pump laser radiation». Advanced Solid State Lasers - Proceedings Laser Congress , 2019 , JM5A. (14).

Shebarshina I. V., Kozhevnikov A. V., Korolkov А. Е., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. “Piezoelectric Resonance Laser Calorimetry of LBO Crystals at Low Air Pressures”. CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC , 2019 , CD-P. 35 THU.

Savichev I.A., Muchankov D.M., Zotov K.V., Konyashkin A. V., Korolkov А. Е., Ryabushkin O. А. «Piezoelectric resonance spectroscopy of a metal-dielectric heterostructure under laser irradiation». Proceedings of SPIE, Conference on Nonlinear Optics and Applications XI. , 2019 , 11026 (UNSP). 110261C.

Ivanov G.Yu., Cherpak P.S., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. .,"A self-consistent model of second harmonic generation of laser radiation in the periodically poled nonlinear-optical crystal conditioned by its nonuniform heating". Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – IOP Publishing, , 2019 , 1391 (1). 012144.

Nikitin D. G., Pigarev A. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. Ionic conductivity and its effect on the optical properties of LBO crystals. Optics Letters , 2018 , 43 (19). С. 4843-4846.

Kovalenko N. V., Aloyan G. A., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Experimental and mathematical model for determination of the temperature distribution of optical elements during interaction with laser irradiation". In: International Conference on Photonics Research 2018, 8-12 october 2018, Antalya, Turkey , р. 13.

Grishchenko I. V., Stirmanov Y. S., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Impedance spectroscopy of nonlinear-optical crystals interacting with high power laser radiation". In: International Conference on Photonics Research 2018, 8-12 october 2018, Antalya, Turkey , р. 13.

Shebarshina I. V., Aloyan G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Kozhevnikov A. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Investigation of heat transfer conditions of nonlinear optical crystals during the laser irradiation in vacuum". In: International Conference on Photonics Research 2018, 8-12 october 2018, Antalya, Turkey , р. 13.

Nikitin D. G., Pigarev A. V., Stirmanov Y. S., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric Resonance Spectroscopy of Ionic Conductivity in Nonlinear Optical LBO Crystals". In: 8th EPS-QEOD EUROPHOTON CONFERENCE, 02-07 September, 2018, Barcelona, Spain , р. 24.

Korolkov А. Е., Belogolovskii D. I., Nikitin D. G., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Longitudinal Temperature Distribution Control of Active Medium During Solid-state Laser Operation". In: 8th EPS-QEOD EUROPHOTON CONFERENCE, 02-07 September, 2018, Barcelona, Spain , р. 24.

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarshina I. V., Ryabushkin O. А., Nikitin D. G., Konyashkin A. V. "Piezoelectric Resonance Laser Calorimetry for Determination of Low Optical Absorption of Massive Polyhedron Nonlinear-Optical Crystal Boules". In: 8th EPS-QEOD EUROPHOTON CONFERENCE, 02-07 September, 2018, Barcelona, Spain , р. 24.

Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V., Aloyan G. A., Kovalenko N. V. "Concept of Equivalent Temperature of Laser Crystals and Glasses". Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics , 2018 , 8. р. 53. ISSN 2161-0398

Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V., Nikitin D. G. "Piezoelectric Resonance Spectroscopy of Crystals Exhibiting Ionic Conductivity". Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics , 2018 , 8. р. 73. ISSN 2161-0398

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric resonance laser calorimetry for measuring surface temperature of optical materials interacting with laser radiation". In: International Conference Laser Optics, 04 Jun – 08 Jun 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia , р. 68.

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric resonance laser calorimetry for an optical testing of crystal boules". Proceedings – International Conference Laser Optics , 2018 .

Korolkov А. Е., Belogolovskii D. I., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Solid-state laser medium temperature distribution control under lasing condition". Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 , 2018 , 10683. 106833P-106833P-6.

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Absorptance testing of massive nonlinear optical crystal boules of polyhedron shape". Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 , 2018 , 10684. 106841N-106841N-9.

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric resonance spectroscopy for measuring surface temperature distribution of optical materials interacting with laser". Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 , 2018 , 10684. 106841S-106841S-8.

Korolkov А. Е., Belogolovskii D. I., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Novel method of Measuring Longitudinal Temperature Distribution in End-Pumped Laser Medium". In: OSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress, 26-28 march 2018, Strasburg, France

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarsina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric Resonance Laser Calorimetry for Determination of Low Optical Absorption Coefficients of Polyhedron Crystal Boules". In: OSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress, 26-28 march 2018, Strasburg, France

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Shebarsina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Surface Temperature Distribution of Optical Materials Heated by Laser Irradiation". In: OSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress, 26-28 march 2018, Strasburg, France

Vershinin O. I., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. «Anisotropy of Nonlinear Optical Absorption of LBO Crystals at 355 nm»,. Optics Letters , 2018 , Vol.43. С. 58-61.

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Konyashkin A. V., Rуabushkin O. A. "Equivalent Surface Temperature of Optical Elements Interacting with Laser Irradiation". KnE Energy & Physics , 2018 , 3 (3). С. 32-37.

Ryabushkin O. А., Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V. "Piezoelectric Resonance Laser Calorimetry for Optical Absorptance Testing of Crystal Boules". In: International Scientific Conference, CLEO Pacific Rim 2018, 29 July - 03 August, 2018, Hong Kong

Kharasov D. R., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric Resonance Temperature Sensor for Active Fibers". KnE Energy & Physics , 2018 , 3 (3). С. 362-372.

Konyashkin A. V., Korolkov А. Е., Ryabushkin O. А. "Probe piezoelectric crystals as temperature sensors for optical materials". In: 5th Annual International Conference on Physics (ATINER 2017), 16-22 July 2017, Athens, Greece , р. 17.

Molkov A. A., Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V. Determination of low optical absorption coefficient of laser materials using acoustic resonances induced by laser radiation. In: PIERS 2017, 22-25 May 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia. , PIERS , С. 1563-1564.

Korolkov А. Е., Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V. Laser media temperature and low absorption coefficient measurement with piezoelectric probe crystal. In: PIERS 2017, 22-25 May 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia , PIERS , С. 1553-1554.

Pigarev A. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Impedance spectroscopy of nonlinear-optical crystals for measuring its low optical absorption coefficients". In: The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-24), 21-25 August 2017, Tokyo, Japan

Molkov А. Е., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. “Laser excitation of ultrasound modes of nonlinear-optical crystals for optical absorption measurement”. In: ICONO/LAT 2016, 25 September - 01 October 2016, Minsk, Belarus.

Korolkov A. E., Ryabushkin, O. A., Konyashkin A. V. “Temperature Measurement of Laser Materials with Probe Piezoelectric Crystals”. In: ICONO/LAT 2016, 25 September - 01 October 2016, Minsk, Belarus.

Pigarev A. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. “Radiofrequency Impedance Spectroscopy of Nonlinear- Optical Crystal Piezoelectric modes for measuring low optical absorption coefficients”. In: IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 17-24 september 2016, Tours, France.

Molkov A. A., Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V. "Laser excitation of ultrasound modes of nonlinear-optical crystals for optical absorption measurement". Журнал прикладной спектроскопии , 2016 , 83 (6-16). С. 563-564.

Korolkov А. Е., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Probe Crystal as Temperature Sensor for Piezoelectric Resonance Laser Calorimetry". In: The 37th PIERS (Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium), August 8 – 11, 2016, Shanghai, CHINA, , р. 66.

Korolkov А. Е., Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V. "Temperature measurement of laser materials with probe piezoelectric crystals". Журнал прикладной спектроскопии , 2016 , 83 (6-16). С. 527-528.

Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V., Vershinin O. I. "Precise Optical Absorption Measurement of Nonlinear-Optical Crystals". In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2015, 21-25 June 2015, Munich, Germany

Baranov A. I., Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V. "Temperature Gradient of Nonlinear-Optical Crystals in Process of Second Harmonic Generation". In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2015, 21-25 June 2015, Munich, Germany

Baranov A. I., Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V. Precise crystal temperature measurement in process of nonlinear frequency conversion of laser radiation. In: SPIE- Photonics Europe, 14-17 April, SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre (Не опубликован)

Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. Precise piezoelectric resonance laser calorimetry of crystal. In: SPIE-Photonics Europe, 14-17 April, SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre (Не опубликован)

Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А., Ulyanov I. S. "Crystal Equivalent Temperature Concept for Laser Calorimetry and Nonlinear Optics". In: CLEO: Applications and Technology, 8-13 June, 2014, San Jose, California, USA

Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А., Myasnikov D. V. Piezoelectric resonance calorimetry of nonlinear-optical crystals under laser irradiation. In: Conference Optics+Photonics, 25-29 August, San Diego, California, USA. , SPIE , С. 8847-26.

Ryabushkin O. А., Myasnikov D. V., Konyashkin A. V. Novel Method for Identification of intrinsic Vibration Modes in Piezoelectric crystals. In: XXV IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics, August 20-24, 2013, Moscow, Russia , р. 89.

Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V., Myasnikov D. V., Tyrtyshnyy V. A., Baranov A. I. "Acousto-Resonance Spectroscopy of Nonlinear-Optical Crystals in Course of Laser Frequency Conversion". In: ICONO LAT 2013, 18-22 June, 2013, Moscow, Russia , р. 116.

Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V., Myasnikov D. V., Tyrtyshnyy V. A., Vershinin O. I., Baranov A. I. "Acousto-Resonance Spectroscopy of Nonlinear-Optical Crystals in Process of Laser Frequency Conversion". Journal of Modern Physics , 2013 , 4. С. 23-28.

Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V., Myasnikov D. V., Tyrtyshnyy V. A., Baranov A. I. "Equivalent Temperature of Nonlinear-Optical Crystals in Process of Laser Frequency Conversion". In: CLEO EUROPE IQEC 2013, 12-16 May 2013, Munich, Germany

Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V., Myasnikov D. V., Tyrtyshnyy V. A., Vershinin O. I., Nikitin D. G. "Impedance Spectroscopy in Laser Calorimetry of Nonlinear-Optical Crystals". In: 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium, July 21-25, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic , р. 116.

Ryabushkin O. А., Myasnikov D. V., Konyashkin A. V., Vershinin O. I. "Kinetics Equivalent Temperature of Nonlinear-Optical Crystals". In: CLEO EUROPE IQEC 2013, 12-16 May 2013, Munich, Germany

Ryabushkin O. А., Konyashkin A. V., Myasnikov D. V., Tyrtyshnyy V. A., Vershinin O. I. "Piezoelectric Resonant Laser Calorimetry of Nonlinear-Optical Crystals". In: ICONO LAT 2013, 18-22 June, 2013, Moscow, Russia , р. 116.

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