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Количество объектов: 34.


Yurkov G. Yu., Kozinkin A. V., Kubrin S., Zhukov A. M., Podsukhina S., Vlasenko V. G., Fionov A. S., Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Zvyagintsev D., Vyatkina M., Solodilov V. Nanocomposites Based on Polyethylene and Nickel Ferrite: Preparation, Characterization, and Properties. Polymers , 2023 , 15. р. 3988. ISSN 2073-4360

Shamsutdinova E. S., Anisimkin V. I., Fionov A. S., Smirnov Andrey, Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Kuznetsova I. E. Improvement of Methods for Studying the Electrophysicala Viscous Properties of Liquids. Acoustical Physics , 2023 , 69. С. 87-92. ISSN 1063-7710

Khachaturov A. A., Fionov A. S., Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Potapov E. E., Safonov S. S., Tlegenov R. Magnetically structured composite materials based on elastomeric matrices with different viscoelastic properties. РЭНСИТ: Радиоэлектроника. Наносистемы. Информационные технологии , 2022 , 14 (4). С. 415-426. ISSN 2218-3000

Yurkov G. Yu., Koksharov Yu. A., Fionov A. S., Taratanov N. A., Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Kirillov V., Makeev M., Mikhalev P., Ryzhenko D., Solodilov V. Polymer Nanocomposite Containing Palladium Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization, and Properties. Polymers , 2022 , 14. р. 3795. ISSN 2073-4360

Fionov A. S., Kraev I., Yurkov G. Yu., Solodilov V., Zhukov A. M., Surgay A., Kuznetsova I. E., Kolesov Vladimir/VV Radio-Absorbing Materials Based on Polymer Composites and Their Application to Solving the Problems of Electromagnetic Compatibility. Polymers , 2022 , 14. р. 3026. ISSN 2073-4360

Kholodkova Anastasia, Smirnov Aleksey, Danchevskaya Marina, Ivakin Yurii, Muravieva Galina, Ponomarev Sergey, Fionov Alexandr, Kolesov Vladimir/VV Bi2O3-Modified Ceramics Based on BaTiO3 Powder Synthesized in Water Vapor. Inorganics , 2020 , 8 (2). С. 8-22. ISSN 2304-6740

Kuznetsova I. E., Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Fionov A. S., Kramarenko E. Yu., Stepanov G. V., Mikheev M. G., Verona E., Solodov I. Magnetoactive elastomers with controllable radio-absorbing properties. Materials Today Communications , 2019 , 21. ISSN 2352-4928

Kholodkova Anastasia, Danchevskaya Marina, Ivakin Yu. D., Smirnov A.D., Ponomarev S.G., Fionov A. S., Kolesov Vladimir/VV Solid state synthesis of barium titanate in air and in supercritical water: Properties of powder and ceramics. Ceramics International , 2019 , 45. С. 23050-23060. ISSN 0272-8842

Kuznetsova I. E., Nedospasov I.A., Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Qian Z., Wang B., Zhu F. Influence of electrical boundary conditions on profiles of acoustic field and electric potential of shear horisontal acoustic waves in potassium niobate plates. Ultrasonics , 2018 , 86. С. 6-13.

Kholodkova A.A., Danchevskaya Marina, Ivakin U.V., Muravieva G.P., Smirnov A.D., Tarasovskii V.P., Ponomarev S.G., Fionov Aleksander /A.S., Kolesov Vladimir/VV Properties of barium titanate ceramics based on powder sythesized in supercritical water. Ceramics International , 2018 , 44. С. 13129-13138. ISSN 0272-8842

Kuznetsova /I. E., Anisimkin Vladimir/V. I., Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Kashin Vadim/VV, Osipenco /V.A., Gubin Sergey/S.P., Tkachev /S.V., Verona Enrico, Sun /S., Kuznetsova /A.S. Sezava wave acoustic humidity sensor based on graphene oxide sensitive film with enhansed sensivity. Sensors and Actuators:B Chemical Journal , 2018 . С. 1-7.

Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Plekhanova Yulia/Yu.V., Kitova Anna/A.E., Tarasov /C.E., Reshetilov Anatolii/AN The Fuel cells based on the nanocarbon materials. Proceedings of 26-th Int/ Crimean Conference"Microwave & Telecommunication Technology"(CriMiCo'2016) , 2016 , 7. С. 1485-1491.

Kuznetsova Iren/I. E., Anisimkin Vladimir/V. I., Gubin Sergey/S.P., Tkachev /S., Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Kashin Vadim/VV, Zaizev Boris/B.D., Shikhabudinov Alexander/A. M. Graphene containing films for chemical accustoelectronic sensors. Proceedings of International Conference "Advances in Multifunctional Composite Materials", (AFM-2016), Jeju, South Korea ,August 8-11, 2016 , 2016 . С. 6-7.

Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Kitova Anna/A.E., Krupenin Sergey/SV, Reshetilov Anatolii/AN Nanocarbon material for biofuel elements. Proceedings of International Conference "Advances in Multifunctional Composite Materials" (AFM 2016). 8-11august 2016 ,Jeju, South Korea , 2016 . С. 37-38.

Val'chuk /V.P., Zmienko /D.S., Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Dolotova /T.S., Golberg /D., Chernozatonskii /L.A. Whiskers in Ni-Cr-C System. Proceedings of International Conference "Advanced in Multifunctional Composite Materials" (AFM 2016) , 2016 . С. 305-306.

Kolesov Vladimir/VV Development of Hybride nano-biosensors for a wide range of biomedical application. IV Междисциплинарный конгресс по заболеваниям органов головы и шеи. 5-27 мая 2016 Москва , 2016 .

Kuznetsova Iren/I.E., Anisimkin Vladimir/V.I., Gubin Sergey/S.P., Tkachev /S., Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Kashin Vadim/VV, Zaitsev Boris/B.D., Shikhabudinov /A.M. Graphene Containing Films for Chemical Acoustoelectronic Sensors. Meterials Research Bulletin , 2016 . ISSN 0025-5408

Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Kitova Anna/A.E., Krupenin Sergey/SV, Reshetilov Anatolii/AN Nanocarbon materials for biofuel elements. Materials Research Bulleten , 2016 . ISSN 0025-5408

Val'chuck /V.P., Zmienko /D.S., Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Bokova-Syrosh /S.N., Dolotova /D.S., Golberg / D., Chernozatonskii /L.A. Super hard Crystalline Cr3C2 whiskers in the Ni-Cr-C system: synthesis, structure and mechanical properties. MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN , 2016 . ISSN 0025-5408

Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Plekhanova Yulia/Yu. V., Kitova Anna/A.E., Tarasov Sergey/S.E., Reshetilov Anatolii/AN The fuel cells based on the nanocarbon materials. 26-International Crimea Conference "Microwave & Telecommunication Technology " (CriMiCo'2016) 4-10 September, Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia , 2016 . С. 1485-1491.

Vasilov Raif/R.G., Kashin Vadim/VV, Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Reshetilov Anatoliy/AN The system with energy accumulation on the basys of nanocomposite materials. IEEE Proceedings on Microwave and Telecommunication Technology of 25 Int. Crimean Conference (CriMiCo'2015) , 2015 , 2. С. 750-751.

Reshetilov Anatoliy/AN, Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Gubin Sergey/S.P., Alferov /V.A. The Application of Graphene in biofuel cells. Electrochemical EnergeticsI , 2015 , 14 (4). С. 173-186. ISSN 1608-4039. ISSN (electronic version) 1680-9505

Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Krupenin Sergey/SV, Soldsov Evgeniy/ES, Reshetilov Anatoliy /AN Biosensor on the Basis of Planar Nanostructure with builte-in Enzimatic molecular Complexes. Journal of Materials and Manufacturin (UMMM) , 2013 , 1 (2).

Belyaev Rostislav/RV, Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Ryabenkov Viktor/VI, Menshikova Galina/GYa Analysis of videoinformation on basis of eyes movement tracking technology for apply in telecommunication systems. IEEE Conference Publication 21 International Crimean Conference Microwave and Telecommunication Technology (CriMiCo-2011) , 2011 . С. 1030-1031.

Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Sapkov Ivan. /I.V., Soldatov Evgeniy/E.S. Preparation of Electrodes for molecular transistor by focused ion beam. Proceedings SPIE , 2010 , 7521 (752110).

Aksenov Andrey/AV, Belyaev Rostislav/RV, Kalinin Valeriy/VI, Kislov Vladimir/VYa, Kolesov Vladimir/VV Spectrum spreading communication system on the basis of chaotic binary signals. IEEE Publication. 13 International Crimean Conference Microwave and Telecommunication Technology (CriMiCo 2003) , 2003 . С. 315-316.

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Anisimkin V.I., Kuznetsova Iren/I.E., Soldatov Evgeniy/E.S., Dagesyan S., Melnikov A., Kashin V., Smirnov A. Development of hybrid acousto-nano-biosensors. In: Micro- and Nanoelectronics – 2018: Proceed. of Int.Conf. (Oct.1-5. Zvenigorod) 1–5, 2018, Zvenigorod, Russia):, october, 2018, Zvenigorod, Russia , Micro and Nanoelectroniks

Belyaev Rostislav/RV, Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Menshikova Galina/GYa, Popov Aleksandr/A.M., Ryabenkov Viktor/V.I. Dynamic properties of return sweep saccades during reading. In: 19th Europia Conference on Eye Movements, 20-24 August 2017, Germany, Bergische Universitat Wuppertal , Germany, Bergische Universitat Universitat , ID: 489.

Men'shikova Galina/GY, Belyaev Rostislav/RV, Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Ryabenkov Viktor/VI The evaluation of individual differences using fractal analysis of scanpaths. In: Poster P1-16 .Conference on Eye Movements at University of Vienna , Vienna, Austria, 16-21 August 2015, 18th European Conference on Eye Movements at University of Vienna , Vienna, Austria , Journal of Eye Movement Research,8(4):1. Special issues ECEM 18. P.282 The Journal of Eye Movement Research the Abstract Book of the 18-th ECEM , С. 1-16.

Kashin Vadim/VV, Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Krupenin Sergey/SV, Parshintsev Alexandr/AA, Soldatov Evgeniy/ES, Reshetilov Anatoliy/AN Nanobiosensor on the basis of glucose oxydas enzyme. In: 23-th Int. Crimean Conference "Microwave & Telecommunication Technology "(Crimico'2013), 8-13 September 2013,, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine, Proceedings , IEEE , С. 867-868.

Belyaev Rostislav/RV, Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Men'shikova Galina/GY, Ryabenkov Viktor/VI Statistical and Fractal Characteristics of Local Eyes Moving on Viewing Images. In: 17th Europien Conferens on Eye Movements (ECEM 2013), 11-16 August 2013, Lund University, Lund, Sweden , Book of Abstracts of 17th Europien Conferens on Eye Movements (ECEM 2013) , р. 157.

Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Krupenin Sergey/SV, Soldatov Evgeniy/ES, Reshetilov Anatoliy/AN Biosensor on the Basis of Planar Nanostructure with builte-in Enzimatic molecular Complexes. In: International Conference on Electronics, Nanomaterial and Component (ICNENC 2013), 16-17 March 2013, Bali, Indonesia, Proceedings , С. 60-65.

Belyaev Rostislav/RV, Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Ryabenkov Victor/VI, Men'shikova Galina/GYa Investigation of features of sensing video infomation in telecommunication systems. In: 2010 20th International Conference "Microwave & Telecommunication Technology"(CriMiCo'2010), 13-17 september, Sevastopol , Crimea ,Ukraine , CrSTC.ISBN. 978-966-335-329-6 , С. 486-487.

Belyaev Rostislav/RV, Kolesov Vladimir/VV, Ryabenkov Viktor/VI CODING AND PROCESSING OF GRAPHYC INFORMATION IN TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORKS. In: XVII International Crimean Conference-Microwave and Telecommunication Tehnology, 10-14 september 2007, Sevastopol , Sevastopol, Weber , С. 283-284.

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