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Kurita Y., Ducournau G., Coquillat D., Satou A., Kobayashi K., Tombet S. Boubanga, Meziani Y.M., Popov V.V., Knap W., Suemitsu T., Otsuji T. Ultrahigh sensitive sub-terahertz detection by InP-based asymmetric dual-grating-gate high-electron-mobility transistors and their broadband characteristics. Applied Physics Letters , 2014 , 104. 251114(1)-251114(4).
Kurita Y., Ducournau G., Kobayashi K., Meziani Y.M., Popov V.V., Knap W., Otsuji T. Ultrahigh sensitive terahertz detection by asymmetric dual-grating gate HEMT structure. In: International Workshop on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology (OTST 2013). Extended Abstracts, April 1-5, 2013, Kyoto, Japan , р. 143.