Объекты, где автором является "Ismagilova R. I."

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Количество объектов: 14.

Khramov I. O., Shaidullin R. I., Kovalenko N. V., Ismagilova R. I., Karpova T.K., Ryabushkin O. А. “ Modeling of optical absorption and scattering of laser radiation in silicone polymers used in fiber optics”. Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology VIII. – SPIE , 2021 , 11783. С. 22-27.

Ismagilova R. I., Shaidullin R. I., Khramov I. O., Kovalenko N. V., Ryabushkin O. А. «Scattering and absorption coefficients measurements in silicone polymers used in fiber optics». Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2021 , 1919 (1). 012012.

Ismagilova R. I., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. Model of fiber laser unit heating considering thermo�optical properties of silicone polymers. International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO-2020) , 2020 .

Shaidullin R. I., Ismagilova R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. Influence of optical absorption of polysiloxane polymers on active fiber heating under lasing conditions. Optical Materials Express , 2019 , 9 (4). С. 1577-1582.

Shaidullin R. I., Ismagilova R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. « Influence of optical absorption of polysiloxane polymers on active fiber heating under lasing conditions». Optical Materials Express (OSA) , 2019 , 9 (4). С. 1577-1582.

Ismagilova R. I., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. «Temperature dependence of magnetic permeability and optical polarization rotation of gallium-terbium garnet crystals». Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Part F140-CLEO_Europe , 2019 , 2019- (се-Р). р. 27.

Khramov I. O., Ismagilova R. I., Ishmametiev N. N., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "A Metal-Clad Silica Fiber Sensor for Measurement of Fiber Laser Radiation Power". In: 8th EPS-QEOD EUROPHOTON CONFERENCE, 02-07 September, 2018, Barcelona, Spain , р. 29.

Ismagilova R. I., Khramov I. O., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Temperature Dependence of Laser Radiation Absorption in Polymers Used in Fiber Laser Optics". In: 8th EPS-QEOD EUROPHOTON CONFERENCE, 02-07 September, 2018, Barcelona, Spain , р. 23.

Ryabushkin O. А., Shaidullin R. I., Ismagilova R. I. "Thermal limits of fiber lasers power scaling". Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics , 2018 , 8. р. 51. ISSN 2161-0398

Ismagilova R. I., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Thermo-optical characteristics of polysiloxane polymers used in industrial fiber lasers". In: OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2018, 02-06 July 2018, Switzerland, Zurich , р. 61.

Ismagilova R. I., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Тemperature Dependence of Optical Absorption of Polymers Used in Fiber Optics". Proceedings – International Conference Laser Optics , 2018 (843544). р. 344.

Ismagilova R. I., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Spectral measurements of thermo-optical properties of polymers used in fiber optics". Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 , 2018 , 10681.

Ismagilova R. I., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. "Temperature Dependence of Optical Scattering and Absorption Coefficients of Polymer Used for Silica Fiber Coating". In: The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-24), 21-25 August 2017, Tokyo, Japan

Ismagilova R. I., Shaidullin R. I., Ryabushkin O. А. Radiofrequency Impedance Spectroscopy of Polymers Used In Fiber Optics. In: PIERS 2017, 22-25 May 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia , PIERS , С. 716-717.

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