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Количество объектов: 12.

Gavrik A.L., Kolomiets S.F., Bondarenko M.I., Lukanina L.A., Kopnina T.F., Ilyushin Ya.A. Radio occultation on the VENERA-D mission: A concept of radio frequency subsystem and radio science technique. RADIOELECTRONICS. NANOSYSTEMS. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. , 2019 , 11 (1). С. 5-12. ISSN 2218-3000

Kolomiets S.F., Gavrik A.L., Gavrik Yu.A., Kopnina T., Ilyushin Ya.A. A new criterion of the geometrical optics applicability as a foundation of a novel approach to radio occultation data interpretation. In: The Ninth Moscow Solar System Symposium (9M-S3), 8-12 October 2018, Moscow. Russia. Space Research Institute

Ilyushin Ya.A., Kutuza B.G. Multispectral polarization features of the outgoing microwave radiation of the rain. Физические основы приборостроения , 2018 , 7 (1). С. 62-72. ISSN 22254293

Kolomiets S.F., Gavrik A.L., Gavrik Y.A., Kopnina T.F., Ilyushin Ya.A. A new criterion of the geometrical optics applicability as a foundation of a novel approach to radio occultation data interpretation. In: The Ninth Moscow Solar System Symposium (9M-S3), 8-12 October 2018, Moscow. Russia. Space Research Institute

Gavrik A.L., Kolomiets S.F., Bondarenko M.I., Ilyushin Ya.A., Kopnina T.F., Gavrik Yu.A. Radio-occultation measurements of plasma layers in Venusian ionosphere. In: Венера-Д. Конференция по моделированию атмосферы (GCM), внутреннего строения, поверхности, окружающей плазмы Венеры., 5-7 October 2017, Институт Космических Исследований, Москва , ИКИ РАН

Ilyushin Ya.A., Zakharov V.I., Gavrik A.L., Vorontsov A.M., Borisova N.Yu. Development of complex methods for regional atmospheric monitoring based on space-borne and ground-based registration of navigational signals. In: The Seventh Moscow Solar System Symposium (7MS3), 10-14 октября 2016, Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia (Институт космических исследований) , С. 280-282.

Ilyushin Ya.A. Subsurface radar location of the putative ocean on Ganymede: Numerical simulation of the surface terrain impact. Planetary and Space Science , 2014 , 92. С. 121-126.

Levin G.G., Moiseev N.N., Ilyushin Ya.A., Minaev V.L. The effect of focusing on the lateral resolution of an interference microscope. Measurement Techniques , 2014 (57(1)). С. 69-73.

Gavrik A.L., Ilyushin Ya.A. Structure of the multi-ray radio wave field in the Venusian ionosp-here: numerical simulations with parabolic diffraction equation. In: The Fourth Moscow Solar System Symposium, 14-18 October, IKI RAN, Moscow

Ilyushin Ya.A. Coherent backscattering enhancement in medium with variable refractive index. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Volume 117, March , 2013 . С. 133-139.

Ilyushin Ya.A. Coherent backscattering enhancement in refracting media: diffusion approximation. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 30 , 2013 . С. 1305-1309.

Ilyushin Ya.A. Propagation of a Collimated Beam in the Refractive Scattering Medium. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics , 2013 , 55 (10-11). С. 648-653.

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