Объекты, где автором является "Gabova A.V."

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Количество объектов: 11.


Sushkova O.S., Morozov A.A., Gabova A.V. A new method of EEG analysis and visualization based on wave trains in early stages of Parkinson's disease. Mechanisms, Clinical Strategies, and Promising Treatments of Neurodegenerative Diseases. , 2017 , 17 (1). р. 1572.

Sushkova O.S., Morozov A.A., Gabova A.V. EEG Beta Wave Trains are not the Second Harmonic of Mu Wave Trains in Parkinson’s Disease patients. CEUR-WS.ORG , 2017 , 1901. С. 226-234. ISSN 1613-0073

Sushkova O.S., Morozov A.A., Gabova A.V. Investigation of Specificity of Parkinson’s Disease Features Obtained Using the Method of Cerebral Cortex Electrical Activity Analysis Based on Wave Trains. 13th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems , 2017 . С. 168-172.

Sarkisova K.Yu., Gabova A.V., Kulikov M.A., Fedosova E.A., Shatskova A.B., Morosov A.A. Rearing by Foster Wistar Mother with High Level of Maternal Care Counteracts the Development of Genetic Absence Epilepsy and Comorbid Depression in WAG/Rij Rats. Doklady Biological Sciences , 2017 , 473. С. 39-42.

Sushkova O.S., Morozov A.A., Gabova A.V. A method of analysis of EEG wave trains in early stages of Parkinson's disease. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS AND SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 2016 , 2016 .

Sushkova O.S., Morozov A.A., Gabova A.V. Development of method of analysis of EEG wave packets in early stages of parkinson's disease. CEUR-WS.ORG , 2016 , 1638. С. 681-690. ISSN 1613-0073

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Obukhov Yu.V., Sushkova O.S., Obukhov K.Yu., Gabova A.V., Karabanov A.V., Kershner I.A. Electrophysiological diagnostics of the early stage Parkinson's disease. In: Инновационный форум “Пуцзян”, 22-28 октября 2014, Шанхай, Китай , р. 16.

Sushkova O.S., Gabova A.V., Karabanov A.V., Kershner I.A., Obukhov K.Y., Obukhov Y.V. Joint analysis of electroencephalogram, electromyogram, and tremor in the early stage of Parkinson’s disease. In: -th Open German-Russian Workshop on Pattern recognition and Image understanding (OGRW 2014), 1-5 декабря 2014, Кобленц, Германия , С. 140-143.

Obukhov Yu.V., Sushkova O.S., Obukhov K.Y., Gabova A.V., Karabanov A.V., Kershner I.A. A new approach for time-frequency features extraction of electrical brain activity: application to quantitative diagnostics of early stage Parkinson's disease. In: 9-th Open German-Russian Workshop on Pattern recognition and Image understanding (OGRW 2014), 1-5 декабря 2014, Кобленц, Германия , С. 1-4.

Obukhov Yu.V., Korolev M.S., Obukhov K.Yu., Sushkova O.S., Nigmatullina R.R., Zaljalova Z.A., Gabova A.V., Kuznetsova G.D., Ugrumov M.V. Time-frequency spontaneous eeg features of early stage Parkinson's disease. In: The 11th International Conference «PATTERN RECOGNITION and IMAGE ANALYSIS: NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES» (PRIA-11-2013), 23-28 сентябрь 2013, Самара, Россия , С. 60-63.


Sushkova O.S., Morozov A.A., Gabova A.V. Data mining in EEG wave trains in early stages of Parkinson's disease. Advances in Soft Computing: 15th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligenc . Springer International Publishing, Cham , 2017 .

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