Объекты, где автором является "Filippenko L.V."

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Количество объектов: 7.

Faley M.I., Kostyurina E.A., Rodrigo R., Cheng S., Filippenko L.V., Skryabina O., Stolyarov V. S., Koshelets V.P., Dunin-Borkowski R. E. NanoSQUID based on niobium Dayem bridges and direct injection of flux biasing current. In: 2018 Applied Superconductivity Conference ASC'2018, October 28 – November 2, 2018, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Washington 98101-2350, USA (Подан в публикацию)

Kinev N.V., Rudakov K.I., Filippenko L.V., Baryshev A. M., Koshelets V.P. Wideband Josephson THz flux-flow oscillator integrated with the slot lens antenna and the harmonic mixer. In: 3rd International Conference Terahertz and Microwave Radiation: Generation, Detection and Applications TERA-2018, 22 - 25 октября 2018г., г. Нижний Новгород

Dmitriev P.N., Filippenko L.V., Kalashnikov K.V., Paramonov M.E., Rudakov K.I., Koshelets V.P. Superconducting Local Oscillators: Development and Optimization. In: 27th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, 12-15 April 2016, Nanjing, China

Kozin M.G., Romashkina I.L., Filippenko L.V., Koshelets V.P. Observation of nuclear gamma resonance with superconducting tunnel junction detectors. AIP Advances , 2016 , 6 (2). ISSN 2158-3226

Kinev N.V., Filippenko L.V., Ozhegov R.V., Gorshkov K.N., Goltsman G.N., Koshelets V.P. Superconducting Integrated Receiver with HEB-Mixer. In: 25th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology ISSTT-2014, 27-30 April 2014, Москва , р. 89.

Kinev N.V., Filippenko L.V., Li M. Y., Yuan J., Wang H.B., Koshelets V.P. Spectral properties of a terahertz oscillator based on the Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ mesastructure. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics , 2014 , 56 (8-9). С. 582-590. ISSN 0033-8443

Ozhegov R.V., Gorshkov K.V., Vachtomin Yu.B., Smirnov K.V., Finkel M.I., Goltsman G.N., Kiselev O.S., Kinev N.V., Filippenko L.V., Koshelets V.P. Terahertz Imaging System Based on Superconducting Heterodyne Integrated Receiver. Springer , 2014 .

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