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Faley M.I., Maslennikov Y V, Koshelets V.P., Dunin-Borkowski R E Flip-Chip High-Tc DC SQUID Magnetometer with a Ferromagnetic Flux Antenna. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity , 2018 , 28 (4). р. 1600505.
Faley M I, Dammers J, Maslennikov Y V, Schneiderman J F, Winkler D, Koshelets V P, Shah N J, Dunin-Borkowski R E High-Tc SQUID biomagnetometers. Superconductor Science and Technology , 2017 , 30 (8). 083001_1-083001_21. ISSN 0953-2048
Faley M.I., Gerasimov I. A., Faley O. M., Chocholacs H., Dammers J, Eich E., Boers F., Shah N. J., Sobolev A. S., Slobodchikov V. Yu., Maslennikov Yu. V., Koshelets V.P., Dunin-Borkowski R E Integration issues of graphoepitaxial high-Tc SQUIDs into multichannel MEG systems. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity , 2015 , 25 (3). р. 1601605.
Dammers J., Chocholacs H., Eich E., Boers F., Faley M.I., Dunin-Borkowski R E, Shah N J Source localization of brain activity using helium-free interferometer. Appl. Phys. Lett. , 2014 , 104. р. 213705.
Faley M.I., Kostyurina E.A., Kalashnikov K.V., Maslennikov Yu. V., Koshelets V.P., Dunin-Borkowski R E Superconducting Quantum Interferometers for Nondestructive Evaluation. In: Intelligent Sensing Technologies for Nondestructive Evaluation. MDPI Books, Basel, Switzerland , 2018 , С. 192-207. ISBN ISBN 978-3-03842-877-0 (Pbk); ISBN 978-3-03842-878-7 (PDF)