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Количество объектов: 23.

Madami M., Khivintsev Yu. V., Gubbiotti G, Dudko G., Kozhevnikov Alexander, Sakharov V. K., Stal`makhov A., Khitun Alexander, Filimonov Yu. A. Nonreciprocity of backward volume spin wave beams excited by the curved focusing transducer. Applied Physics Letters , 2018 , 113 (15). р. 152403. ISSN 0003-6951

Madami M., Khivintsev Yu. V., Gubbiotti G, Dudko G., Kozhevnikov Alexander, Sakharov V. K., Stal`makhov A., Filimonov Yu. A. Brillouin light scattering investigation of the spin wave beam focusing effect under excitation by curved transducer. In: 9th Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS), 3-7 сентября 2018 г., Майнц, Германия , Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics , р. 153.

Khivintsev Yu. V., Sakharov V. K., Vysotsky S. L., Kozhevnikov Alexander, Dudko G., Filimonov Yu. A., Khitun Alexander Yttrium iron garnet microwaveguide structures for magnonic networks. In: 9th Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS), 3-7 сентября 2018 г., Майнц, Германия , Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics , р. 189.

Vysotsky S. L., Dudko G., Sakharov V. K., Khivintsev Yu. V., Filimonov Yu. A., Novitskii N.N., Stognij A. I., Nikitov S. A. Propagation of Spin Waves in Ferrite Films with Metasurface. Acta Physica Polonica A , 2018 , 133 (3). С. 508-510. ISSN 0587-4246

Vysotsky S. L., Dudko G., Khivintsev Yu. V., Filimonov Yu. A., Novitskii N.N., Stognij A. I. Backward volume magnetostatic waves in subwavelength magnonic structures. In: International Symposium Spin Waves 2018, 3-8 июня 2018 г., Санкт-Петербург , Физико-технический институт имени А.Ф.Иоффе , р. 126.

Madami M., Gubbiotti G, Khivintsev Yu. V., Dudko G., Kozhevnikov Alexander, Sakharov V. K., Stal`makhov A., Filimonov Yu. A. Brillouin light scattering investigation of the spin wave beam focusing effect under excitation by curved transducer. In: International Symposium Spin Waves 2018, 3-8 июня 2018 г., Санкт-Петербург , Физико-технический институт имени А.Ф.Иоффе , р. 23.

Balynsky M, Chiang H., Kozhevnikov Alexander, Dudko G., Filimonov Yu. A., Balandin A.A., Khitun Alexander Effects of the magnetic field variation on the spin wave interference in a magnetic cross junction. AIP Advances , 2018 , 8 (5). 056619. ISSN 2158-3226

Khivintsev Yu. V., Sakharov V. K., Nikulin Y.V., Dudko G., Filimonov Yu. A., Stalmakhov A.V. Magnetostatic surface wave propagation in yttrium iron garnet film with nickel decoration. In: International Symposium Spin Waves 2018, 3-8 июня 2018 г., Санкт-Петербург , Физико-технический институт имени А.Ф.Иоффе , р. 125.

Dudko G., Filimonov Yu. A., Kozhevnikov Alexander, Khitun Alexander Sensitivity of SW destructive interference in crossing waveguides to change of applied in-plain magnetic field. In: International Symposium Spin Waves 2018, 3-8 июня 2018 г., Санкт-Петербург , Физико-технический институт имени А.Ф.Иоффе , р. 118.

Vysotsky S. L., Khivintsev Yu. V., Dudko G., Sakharov V. K., Filimonov Yu. A., Stognij A. I., Novitskii N.N., Nikitov S. A. Spin waves in YIG films with metasurface. In: 26th International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, 18-22 июня 2018 г., Минск, Беларусь , Академия наук республики Беларусь , С. 171-172.

Balinsky M., Gutierrez D, Chiang H., Kozhevnikov Alexander, Dudko G., Filimonov Yu. A., Balandin A.A., Khitun Alexander A magnetometer based on a spin wave interferometer. Scientific Reports , 2017 , 7. р. 11539.

Dudko G., Kozhevnikov Alexander, Khivintsev Yu. V., Filimonov Yu. A., Khitun Alexander Micromagnetic simulation of the spin waves propagation in 2D YIG-based magnonic network. In: Magnetism, Interactions and Complexity: a multifunctional aspects of spin wave dynamics, Poland, Poznan , Department of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland , р. 33.

Dudko G., Stalmakhov A.V., Kozhevnikov Alexander, Khivintsev Yu. V., Sakharov V. K., Filimonov Yu. A. Form of focusing magnetostatic wave emitter modeled by micromagnetic simulations. In: Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism, 1-5 июля 2017 г., Москва , МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова , р. 221.

Dudko G., Vysotsky S. L., Khivintsev Yu. V., Filimonov Yu. A., Sakharov V. K., Novitskii N.N., Stognij A. I. Micromagnetic simulation of MSSW propagation in the subwavelength magnonic structure. In: Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism - 2017 (MISM - 2017), 2 - 5 июля 2017 г., МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, физический факультет , МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова , р. 1087.

Vysotsky S. L., Khivintsev Yu. V., Dudko G., Sakharov V. K., Filimonov Yu. A., Novitskii N.N., Stognij A. I. Fano resonances in side-coupled magnonic crystal/rectangular YIG-resonator system. In: European Conference Physics of Magnetism 2017, Poland, Poznan , Adam Mickiewicz University and the Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences , р. 140.

Dudko G., Khivintsev Yu. V., Sakharov V. K., Novitskii N.N., Stalmakhov A., Filimonov Yu. A. MSSW nonreciprocity and focusing in YIG/ferromagnetic metal structure. In: European Conference Physics of Magnetism 2017, Poland, Poznan , Adam Mickiewicz University and the Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences , р. 142.

Vysotsky S. L., Dudko G., Sakharov V. K., Khivintsev Yu. V., Filimonov Yu. A., Novitskii N.N., Stognij A. I., Nikitov S. A. Propagation of spin waves in ferrite films with metasurface. In: European Conference Physics of Magnetism 2017, Poland, Poznan , Adam Mickiewicz University and the Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences , р. 132.

Vysotsky S. L., Khivintsev Yu. V., Sakharov V. K., Dudko G., Kozhevnikov Alexander, Nikitov S. A., Novitskii N.N., Stognij A. I., Filimonov Yu. A. Magnetostatic surface wave dispersion and losses in subwavelength periodic structure. IEEE Magnetics Letters , 2017 , 8. р. 3706104. ISSN 1949-307X

Balynsky M, Kozhevnikov Alexander, Khivintsev Yu. V., Bhowmick T, Gutierrez D, Chiang H., Dudko G., Filimonov Yu. A., Liu G, Jiang C, Balandin A. A., Lake R. E., Khitun Alexander Magnonic interferometric switch for multi-valued logic circuits. Journal of Applied Physics , 2017 , 121. 024504.

Khivintsev Yu. V., Vysotsky S. L., Dudko G., Sakharov V. K., Kozhevnikov Alexander, Pavlov E. S., Filimonov Yu. A., Novitskii N.N., Stognij A. I., Nikitov S. A. Spin waves in YIG-based metastructures. In: Magnetism, Interactions and Complexity: a multifunctional aspects of spin wave dynamics, Poland, Poznan , Department of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland , р. 33.

Vysotsky S. L., Dudko G., Sakharov V. K., Khivintsev Yu. V., Filimonov Yu. A., Nikitov S. A., Novitskii N.N., Stognij A. I. Wood resonances in 1D magnonic crystals. In: VI Euro-Asian Symposium «Trends in Magnetism», 15-19 августа 2016 г., Красноярск , L. V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS , С. 15-19.

Gertz Frederick, Kozhevnikov Alexander, Khivintsev Yu. V., Dudko G., Ranjbar M., Gutierrez D., Chiang H., Filimonov Yu. A. Parallel read-out and database search with magnonic holographic memory. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics , 2016 , 52 (7). р. 3401304. ISSN 0018-9464

Kozhevnikov A., Gertz F., Dudko G., Filimonov Y., Khitun A. Pattern recognition with magnonic holographic memory device. Applied Physics Letters , 2015 , 106 (14). р. 142409. ISSN 0003-6951

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