Объекты, где автором является "Ducournau G."

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Количество объектов: 4.


Watanabe T., Kawasaki T., Satou A., Boubanga-Tombet S., Suemitsu T., Ducournau G., Coquillat D., Knap W., Minamide H., Ito H., Popov V.V., Meziani Y.M., Otsuji T. Room-temperature, zero-bias plasmonic THz detection by asymmetric dual-grating-gate HEMT. Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications VIII. Proc. of SPIE , 2015 , 9362. 93620F(1)-93620F(7).

Kurita Y., Ducournau G., Coquillat D., Satou A., Kobayashi K., Tombet S. Boubanga, Meziani Y.M., Popov V.V., Knap W., Suemitsu T., Otsuji T. Ultrahigh sensitive sub-terahertz detection by InP-based asymmetric dual-grating-gate high-electron-mobility transistors and their broadband characteristics. Applied Physics Letters , 2014 , 104. 251114(1)-251114(4).

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Satou A., Kurita Y., Ducournau G., Coquillat D., K. Kobayashi S. Boubanga Tombet, Meziani Y. M., Popov V.V., Knap W., Suemitsu T., Otsuji T. Ultrahigh sensitive sub-terahertz plasmonic detector based on asymmetric dual-grating-gate HEMT. In: The 3rd Russia-Japan-USA Symposium ”The Fundamental and Applied Problems of Terahertz Devices and technologies” (RJUS TeraTech-2014), June 17-21, 2014, Buffalo, USA , С. 21-23.

Kurita Y., Ducournau G., Kobayashi K., Meziani Y.M., Popov V.V., Knap W., Otsuji T. Ultrahigh sensitive terahertz detection by asymmetric dual-grating gate HEMT structure. In: International Workshop on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology (OTST 2013). Extended Abstracts, April 1-5, 2013, Kyoto, Japan , р. 143.

Этот список был создан Mon Mar 10 19:33:37 2025 GMT-3.