Объекты, где автором является "Dubrov M.N."

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Количество объектов: 8.


Bulatov I.S., Korobov N.A., Aleksandrov D.V., Dubrov M.N. Investigation of characteristics of interferogram visibility in three-mirror laser interferometric rangefinder. Journal of Radio Electronics , 2022 , 2022 (5). ISSN 16841719

Minin Iu.B., Aleksandrov D.V., Dubrov M.N., Fedorov M.V. Investigation of high-precision laser instrument for fabrication of integrated circuits and monitoring of seismic and gravitational processes. Проблемы разработки перспективных микро- и наноэлектронных систем (МЭС) , 2021 (4). С. 182-186. ISSN 2078-7707

Dubrov M.N., Aleksandrov D.V. Generation of Coupled Modes in an Unmatched Three-Mirror Laser Cavity. JETP Letters , 2018 , 107 (6). С. 338-344. ISSN 0021-3640

Dubrov M.N., Volkov V. A., Golovachev S.P. Eartquake and hurricane coupling as ascertained by ground-based laser strainmeters , seismogravivimeter and satellite observing techniques. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. , 2014 (2). С. 935-961.

Раздел книги

Minin Iu.B., Shevchenko V.M., Dubrov M.N. Development and Investigation of Precision Laser-Interferometric Meter for Distance and Displacement Monitoring. In: ADVANCED OPTOELECTRONICS AND LASERS. IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. 8TH 2019. (CAOL 2019). IEEE, Curran Associates, Inc., New York, United States , 2020 , С. 220-224. ISBN 978-1-7281-1815-4

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Volkov V.A., Dubrov M.N., Larionov I.A., Mrlina J., Polak V., Aleksandrov D.V., Golovachev S.P. Atmosphere and lithosphere interaction could triggered the 2023 Mw 7.8 Turkey earthquake. In: Solar-terrestrial relations and physics of earthquakes precursors: XIII International Conference. Collection of the Abstracts, September 25 – 29, 2023, Paratunka, Kamchatka , IKIR FEB RAS, ISBN 978-5-6045275-2-8 , С. 231-232.

Volkov V.A., Dubrov M.N., Mrlina J., Polak V. Investigation of seismic activity by means of spaced tide-recording systems. In: 19th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides, Abstract book, 22–26 June, 2021, Wuhan, China , Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology (APM) et al, China , р. 32.

Dubrov M.N., Volkov V.A. Observation of global atmosphere and lithosphere disturbances by means of spatially distributed strainmeters, gravimeters and tiltmeters. In: Collection of the reports of X Anniversary international conference "Solar-terrestrial relations and physics of earthquakes precursors", 01-05 October 2019, v. Paratunka, Kamchatsky kray , IKIR FEB RAS , р. 155.

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