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Количество объектов: 13.


Kharasov D R, Bengalskii D M, Vyatkin M Yu, Nanii Oleg Evgen'evich, Fomiryakov E A, Nikitin S P, Popov Sergei M., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Treshchikov V.N. Extending the operation range of a coherent optical reflectometer using fibre with chirped fibre Bragg gratings. Quantum Electronics , 2020 , 50 (5). С. 510-513. ISSN 1063-7818

Popov S.M., Butov Oleg V., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Isaev V. A., Kolosovskii A. O., Voloshin V. V., Vorob’ev I. L., Vyatkin M. Yu., Mégret P., Odnoblyudov Maxim, Korobko D., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi A. A. Brillouin lasing in single-mode tapered optical fiber with inscribed Fiber Bragg Grating Array. Results in Physics , 2018 , 9. С. 625-627.

Petrov Andrey B., Gumenyuk Regina, Alimbekov Mikhail S., Zhelezov Pavel E., Kikilich Nikita E., Aleynik Artem S., Meshkovsky Igor K., Golant Konstantin M., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Odnoblyudov Maxim, Filippov Valery Broadband superluminescent erbium source with multiwave pumping. Optics Communications , 2018 , 413. С. 304-309. ISSN 00304018

Popov S.M., Butov Oleg V., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Isaev V. A., Mégret P., Korobko D., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi A. A. Narrow linewidth short cavity Brillouin random laser based on Bragg Grating array fiber and dynamical population inversion gratings. Results in Physics , 2018 , 9. С. 806-808.

Popov S.M., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Isaev Victor A., Mégret P., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi A. A. Electrically tunable Brillouin fiber laser based on a metal-coated single-mode optical fiber. Results in Physics , 2017 .

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Ryakhovskii D.V., Popov S.M., Rybaltovskii A.A., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Butov Oleg V. Infrared random laser based on artificial Rayleigh fiber. In: Abstracts of the 30th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, 18-21 September 2023, Samara, Russia , LS-O-3.

Rissanen Joona, Filippov Valery, Chamorovskii Yuri K., Ustimchik V, Popov S. M., Alimbekov Mikhail, Zhelezov Pavel, Okhotnikov Oleg G. Characterization of Tapered Fibers with High Birefringence. In: Optics & Photonics Days 2016, May 17-18 2016, Tampere, Finland

Filippov Valery, Chamorovskii Yuri K., Golant Konstantin M., Vorotynskii Andrei, Okhotnikov Oleg G. Optical amplifiers and lasers based on tapered fiber geometry for power and energy scaling with low signal distortion. In: Fiber Lasers XIII: Technology, Systems, and Applications, март, 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA , SPIE , 97280V.

Ustimchik V, Vyatkin M. Yu., Popov S.M., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Filippov Valery, Nikitov S. A. State of Polarization in Anisotronic Tapered Fiber with Extremely Large Core Diameter. In: 17th International Conference, Laser Optics 2016, 27 June – 1 July 2016, Saint-Petersburg , IEEE Xplore

Filippov Valery, Ustimchik V, Chamorovskii Yuri K., Golant Konstantin M., Vorotynskii Andrei, Okhotnikov Oleg G. Impact of axial profile of the gain medium on the mode instability in lasers: regular versus tapered fibers. In: CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015, Sunday June 21st, 2015 to Thursday June 25th, 2015, Munich, Germany , IEEE

Popov S. M., Vorobyov I.L., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Mégret P., Fotiadi A. A. Electrically tunable Brillouin fiber laser. In: Icono Lat 2013, 18-22 June 2013, Moscow

Ulanov A.E., Nikitov S. A., Ustimchik V.E., Chamorovskii Yuri K. INVESTIGATION OF MODAL CONTENT OF RADIATION IN MULTILAYER CYLINDRICAL W-FIBERS. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL. 2013

Popov S. M., Isaev V.A., Chamorovskii Yuri K. Rayleigh and Brillouin scattering in metal-coated optical fibers at high temperatures. In: Annual Symposium of the IPS Benelux Chapter - RANDFIELD EU FP7 IRSES Workshop, 29 & 30 November 2012, Mons, Belgium

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