Объекты, где автором является "Bychkov Igor V."

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Количество объектов: 6.

Anzulevich A., Butko L., Bychkov Igor V., Buchelnikov Vasiliy, Kalganov D.A., PavloV D.A., Fediy A.A., Kharitonova O.G., Moiseev S. Dynamic magnetic losses in powders consisting of metallized dielectric particles at microwaves. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. , 2017 (444). С. 307-312.

Bychkov Igor V., Kuzmin Dmitry A., Kamantsev Alexander P., Koledov Victor V., Shavrov Vladimir G. Magnetostrictive hypersound generation by spiral magnets in the vicinity of magnetic field induced phase transition. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , 2016 , 417. С. 75-79. ISSN 03048853

Kuzmin Dmitry A., Bychkov Igor V., Biryukov Ivan Yu., Kamantsev Alexander P., Koledov Victor V., Shavrov Vladimir G. Modeling of Phase Transitions Kinetics in Systems with Two Interacting Order Parameters. Materials Science Forum , 2016 , 845. С. 166-169. ISSN 1662-9752

Bychkov Igor V., Kuzmin Dmitry A., Kamantsev Alexander P., Koledov Victor V., Shavrov Vladimir G. Waves Generation by Spiral Magnets at Phase Transitions. Materials Science Forum , 2016 , 845. С. 185-188. ISSN 1662-9752

Kuzmin Dmitry A., Bychkov Igor V., Shavrov Vladimir G. Electromagnetic Waves Reflectance of Graphene-Magnetic Semiconductor Superlattice in Magnetic Field. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics , 2014 , 50 (11). р. 2505004. ISSN 0018-9464

Kuzmin Dmitry A., Bychkov Igor V., Shavrov Vladimir G. Electromagnetic waves reflection, transmission and absorption by graphene–magnetic semiconductor–graphene sandwich-structure in magnetic field: Faraday geometry. Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications , 2014 , 12 (5). С. 473-481. ISSN 1569-4410

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