Объекты, где автором является "Bychkov I. V."

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Количество объектов: 4.

Kamantsev A. P., Koledov V. V., Shavrov V. G., Kalenov D. S., Parkhomenko M. P., von Gratowski S. V., Shahmirzadi N.vV., Pakizeh T., Irzhak A. V., Serdyuk V. M., Novoselova I. P., Komlev A. A., Komlev A. E., Kuzmin D. A., Bychkov I. V. Interaction of Optical and EHF Waves with VO2 Nanosized Films and Particles. IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology , 2019 , 3 (1). С. 17-24. ISSN 2469-7249

Koledov V. V., Shavrov V. G., Shahmirzadi N. V., Pakizeh T., Kamantsev A. P., Kalenov D. S., Parkhomenko M. P., von Gratowski S. V., Irzhak A. V., Serdyuk V. M., Titovitsky J. A., Komlev A. A., Komlev A. E., Kuzmin D. A., Bychkov I. V., Yupapin P. Interaction of electromagnetic waves with VO2 nanoparticles and films in optical and millimetre wave ranges: Prospective for nano-photonics, nano-antennas, and sensors. Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2018 , 1092. 012108. ISSN 1742-6588

Kamantsev A. P., Koledov V., Shavrov V., Tereshina I., Kuzmin D. A., Bychkov I. V. Experimental and theoretical studies of kinetics of phase transitions in magnetocaloric materials. In: 2015 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2015, 11-15 May 2015, Beijing, China , р. 7157649.

Bychkov I. V., Kuzmin D. A., Shavrov V. G. Reflection of electromagnetic waves from the layered structure of a high-temperature superconductor-multiferroic with cycloidal antiferromagnetic structure. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics , 2014 , 78 (8). С. 748-750. ISSN 1062-8738

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