Объекты, где автором является "Butov Oleg V."

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Количество объектов: 25.


Popov Sergei M., Rybaltovsky Andrey, Bazakutsa Alexei, Smirnov Alexander, Ryakhovskiy Dmitry, Voloshin Viktor, Kolosovskii Alexander, Vorob’ev Igor, Isaev Viktor, Chamorovskiy Yuriy, Lipatov Denis, Butov Oleg V. High Efficient Random Laser with Cavity Based on the Erbium-Doped Germanophosphosilicate Artificial Rayleigh Fiber. Photonics , 2023 , 10 (7). р. 748. ISSN 2304-6732

Butov Oleg V. Bragg gratings inscription in weakly-doped fibers. Results in Physics , 2019 , 15. ISSN 2211-3797

Laktaev Ivan D., Przhiialkovskii Dmitrii V., Ustimchik Vasily E., Butov Oleg V. Thermal aging of Bragg gratings inscribed in pristine Ge- and N-doped fibers. APPLIED OPTICS , 2019 , 58 (34). С. 9326-9330. ISSN 2155-3165

Manuylovich Egor S., Tomyshev Kirill A., Butov Oleg V. Method for Determining the Plasmon Resonance Wavelength in Fiber Sensors Based on Tilted Fiber Bragg Gratings. Sensors , 2019 , 19 (19). ISSN 1424-8220

Butov Oleg V., Bazakutsa Alexey P., Chamorovskiy Yuri K., Fedorov Artem N., Shevtsov Igor' A. All-Fiber Highly Sensitive Bragg Grating Bend Sensor. Sensors , 2019 , 19 (19). ISSN 1424-8220

Tomyshev Kirill A., Tazhetdinova Diana K., Manuilovich Egor S., Butov Oleg V. Ultrastable combined planar-fiber plasmon sensor. Physica Status Solidi A , 2019 , 216 (3). ISSN 1862-6300

Smirnov Alexander M., Bazakutsa Alexey P., Chamorovskiy Yuri K., Nechepurenko Igor A., Dorofeenko Alexander V., Butov Oleg V. Thermal Switching of Lasing Regimes in Heavily Doped Er3+ Fiber Lasers. ACS Photonics , 2018 , 5 (12). С. 5038-5046. ISSN 2330-4022

Popov S.M., Butov Oleg V., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Isaev V. A., Kolosovskii A. O., Voloshin V. V., Vorob’ev I. L., Vyatkin M. Yu., Mégret P., Odnoblyudov Maxim, Korobko D., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi A. A. Brillouin lasing in single-mode tapered optical fiber with inscribed Fiber Bragg Grating Array. Results in Physics , 2018 , 9. С. 625-627.

Tomyshev Kirill A., Tazhetdinova Diana K., Manuilovich Egor S., Butov Oleg V. High-resolution fiber optic surface plasmon resonance sensor for biomedical applications. Journal of Applied Physics , 2018 , 124 (11). р. 113106. ISSN 0021-8979

Popov S.M., Butov Oleg V., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Isaev V. A., Mégret P., Korobko D., Zolotovskii I., Fotiadi A. A. Narrow linewidth short cavity Brillouin random laser based on Bragg Grating array fiber and dynamical population inversion gratings. Results in Physics , 2018 , 9. С. 806-808.

Popov Sergei M., Butov Oleg V., Kolosovskiy A.O., Voloshin V. V., Vorob’ev I. L., Vyatkin Mikhail Yu., Fotiadi A. A., Chamorovskiy Yuriy K. Optical Fibres with arrays of FBG: Properties and application. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS) , 2017 . С. 1568-1573.

Butov Oleg V., Rybaltovsky Andrey A., Vyatkin Mikhail Yu., Bazakutsa A.P., Popov S.M., Chamorovskiy Yuriy K., Golant Konstantin M. Short-cavity DFB fiber lasers. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS) , 2017 . С. 1594-1597.

Butov Oleg V., Rybaltovsky Andrey A., Bazakutsa Alexey P., Golant Konstantin M., Vyatkin Mikhail Yu., Popov Sergei M., Chamorovskiy Yuriy K. 1030 nm Yb3+ DFB short cavity silica-based fiber laser. Journal of the Optical Society of America B , 2017 , 34 (3). A43-A48.

Chamorovskiy Yu.K., Butov Oleg V., Kolosovskiy A.O., Popov S.M., Voloshin V.V., Vorob’ev I.L., Vyatkin M. Yu. Metal-Coated Bragg grating reflecting fibre. Optical Fiber Technology , 2017 , 34. С. 30-35.

Butov Oleg V., Chertoriyskiy A.A., Ivanov O.V., Nizametdinov A.M., Vesnin V.L. PROCESSING OF FIBER OPTIC BRAGG SENSOR SIGNAL BY FIBER BRAGG GRATINGS FILTERS. Журнал прикладной спектроскопии , 2016 , 83 (6-16). р. 661.

Butov Oleg V., Golant Konstantin M., Shevtsov Igor' A., Fedorov Artem N. Fiber Bragg gratings in the radiation environment: Change under the influence of radiolytic hydrogen. Journal of Applied Physics , 2015 , 118 (7). 074502. ISSN 0021-8979

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Ryakhovskii D.V., Popov S.M., Rybaltovskii A.A., Chamorovskii Yuri K., Butov Oleg V. Infrared random laser based on artificial Rayleigh fiber. In: Abstracts of the 30th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, 18-21 September 2023, Samara, Russia , LS-O-3.

Popov Sergei M., Butov Oleg V., Bazakutsa Alexey P., Vyatkin Mikhail, Chamorovskiy Yuri K., Panajotov Krassimir, Fotiadi Andrei A. Narrow linewidth random laser based on short Er-doped artifice Rayleigh fiber. In: SPIE, Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications II, France , р. 61.

Jason Johan, Popov Sergei M., Butov Oleg V., Chamorovskiy Yuriy K., Golant Konstantin M., Wuilpart Marc, Fotiadi A. A. Sensitivity of high Rayleigh scattering fiber in acoustic/vibration sensing using phase-OTDR. In: SPIE Photonics Europe, 22-26 апреля 2018 г., Strasbourg, France , SPIE

Hartl Ingmar, Carter Adrian L., Kotov Leonid V., Gur'yanov Alexey N., Butov Oleg V., Rybaltovsky Andrey A., Likhachev Mikhail E., Lipatov Denis S., Senatorov Andrey K., Bubnov Mikhail M., Khudyakov Maxim M. Cladding-pumped 70-kW-peak-power 2-ns-pulse Er-doped fiber amplifier. In: Fiber Lasers XV: Technology and Systems , р. 41.

Butov Oleg V., Chamorovskiy Yuri K., Bazakutsa Alexey P., Fedorov Artem N., Shevtsov Igor’ A. Optical Fiber Sensor for Deformation Monitoring of Fuel Channels in Industrial Nuclear Reactors. In: 26th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OSF-26) , TuE103.

Hartl Ingmar, Carter Adrian L., Noronen Teppo, Odnoblyudov Maxim, Golant Konstantin, Chamorovskii Yuri, Butov Oleg V., Gumenyuk Regina, Fedotov Andrei, Filippov Valery, Rissanen Joona Ultra-large mode area single frequency anisotropic MOPA with double clad Yb-doped tapered fiber. In: Conference: Fiber Lasers XV: Technology and Systems , р. 64.

Tomyshev Kirill A., Chamorovskiy Yuriy K., Ustimchik Vasily E., Butov Oleg V. Polarization stable plasmonic sensor based on tilted fiber Bragg grating. In: 25rd International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Jeju, Korea, 24-28 April 2017 , Proc.SPIE , 103235K.

Chamorovskiy Yu.K., Butov Oleg V., Voloshin V.V., Vorob’ev I.L., Vyatkin M. Yu., Kolosovskiy A.O., Popov S.M. Optical fibers with a bragg gratings array for optical sensing and optical signal management. In: International scientific and technical seminar «Advanced Photonics: materials, technologies, and devices», Russia-Swiss, 9 December 2015, MIREA-MITHT, Moscow, Russia , С. 15-16.

Butov Oleg V., Golant Konstantin M., Chamorovskii Yurii K., Shevtsov Igor A., Fedorov Artem N. Fibers and sensors for monitoring nuclear power plants operation. In: 23rd International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors,, JUN 02-06, 2014, Santander, SPAIN , SPIE , 91570X.

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