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Anzulevich A., Butko L., Bychkov Igor V., Buchelnikov Vasiliy, Kalganov D.A., PavloV D.A., Fediy A.A., Kharitonova O.G., Moiseev S. Dynamic magnetic losses in powders consisting of metallized dielectric particles at microwaves. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. , 2017 (444). С. 307-312.
Fayzullin Rafael, Buchelnikov Vasiliy, Drobosyuk Mikhail, Mashirov Alexey, Kamantsev Alexander, Hernando Blanca, Zhukov Maxim, Koledov Victor, Shavrov Vladimir Direct and Inverse Magnetocaloric Effect in Ni<sub>1.81</sub>Mn<sub>1.64</sub>In<sub>0.55</sub> Multifunctional Heusler Alloy. Solid State Phenomena , 2015 , 233-23. С. 183-186. ISSN 1662-9779
Fayzullin Rafael, Buchelnikov Vasiliy, Mashirov Alexey, Zhukov Maxim Phase Transformations and Magnetocaloric Effect in Ni-Mn-(Co)-In Heusler Alloys. Physics Procedia , 2015 , 75. С. 1259-1264. ISSN 18753892
Kostromitin K.I., Buchelnikov Vasiliy, Sokolovskiy Vladimir V., Kamantsev Alexander P., Koledov Victor V., Shavrov Vladimir G., Entel P. Theoretical Study of Magnetic Properties and Multiple Twin Boundary Motion in Heusler Ni-Mn-X Shape Memory Alloys Using First Principles and Monte Carlo Method. Materials Science Forum , 2013 , 738-73. С. 461-467. ISSN 1662-9752