Объекты, где автором является "Bondarenko M."

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Количество объектов: 5.

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Bondarenko M., Gavrik A.Л. On possible GW origin of "meteoric" layers in venusian ionosphere. In: The Seventh Moscow Solar System Symposium (7MS3), 10-14 октября 2016, Институт Космических Исследований, Москва , С. 237-238.

Bondarenko M., Gavrik A. Venus - the Life cycle of 5-15km Gravity Waves: from the Upper Cloud to Extinction in the Thermosphere as Observed from Occultation Data. In: The Fifth Moscow Solar System Symposium (5MS3), October 13-18, 2014, Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia , ab-82-83-ab.

Gavrik A., Bondarenko M., Gavrik Yu., Kopnina T. The Venus Ionosphere as seen by the Radio Science Experiment on Venera-15 and Venera-16. In: The 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2–10 August 2014, Lomonosov Moscow State University , Committee on Space Research

Bondarenko M., Gavrik A., Ilyushin Ya., Kopnina T., Gavrik Yu., Smyslov A. Solution of the parabolic diffraction equation in occultation probing of ionospheric layers for X-, S-, and L-band signals. In: The 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2–10 August 2014, Lomonosov Moscow State University , Committee on Space Research

Gavrik A., Bondarenko M., Gavrik Yu., Kopnina T. Venera-9,-10 and Venera-15,-16 occultation data: proposals for updating a model of Venus ionosphere (VIRA). In: The 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2–10 August 2014, Lomonosov Moscow State University , Committee on Space Research

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