Объекты, где автором является "Bazakutsa Alexey P."

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Количество объектов: 5.


Butov Oleg V., Bazakutsa Alexey P., Chamorovskiy Yuri K., Fedorov Artem N., Shevtsov Igor' A. All-Fiber Highly Sensitive Bragg Grating Bend Sensor. Sensors , 2019 , 19 (19). ISSN 1424-8220

Smirnov Alexander M., Bazakutsa Alexey P., Chamorovskiy Yuri K., Nechepurenko Igor A., Dorofeenko Alexander V., Butov Oleg V. Thermal Switching of Lasing Regimes in Heavily Doped Er3+ Fiber Lasers. ACS Photonics , 2018 , 5 (12). С. 5038-5046. ISSN 2330-4022

Butov Oleg V., Rybaltovsky Andrey A., Bazakutsa Alexey P., Golant Konstantin M., Vyatkin Mikhail Yu., Popov Sergei M., Chamorovskiy Yuriy K. 1030 nm Yb3+ DFB short cavity silica-based fiber laser. Journal of the Optical Society of America B , 2017 , 34 (3). A43-A48.

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Popov Sergei M., Butov Oleg V., Bazakutsa Alexey P., Vyatkin Mikhail, Chamorovskiy Yuri K., Panajotov Krassimir, Fotiadi Andrei A. Narrow linewidth random laser based on short Er-doped artifice Rayleigh fiber. In: SPIE, Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications II, France , р. 61.

Butov Oleg V., Chamorovskiy Yuri K., Bazakutsa Alexey P., Fedorov Artem N., Shevtsov Igor’ A. Optical Fiber Sensor for Deformation Monitoring of Fuel Channels in Industrial Nuclear Reactors. In: 26th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OSF-26) , TuE103.

Этот список был создан Mon Mar 10 19:02:18 2025 GMT-3.