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Количество объектов: 16.

Atsarkin V.A., Demidov V.V., Nagorkin V.Yu. Ferromagnetic pseudoresonance in anisotropic thin films and its relation to level anticrossing: quantum versus classical. Journal of Physics: Communications , 2018 , 2. 035034.

Atsarkin V.A., Borisenko I.V., Demidov V V, Shaikhulov T.A. Temperature dependence of pure spin current and spin-mixing conductance in the ferromagnetic—normal metal structure. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics , 2018 , 51. р. 245002. ISSN 0022-3727

Atsarkin V.A., Dzheparov F.S. Spin dynamics and establishing of internal quasi-equilibrium in dilute paramagnetic solids. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie , 2017 , 231 (3). С. 545-560.

Noginova N., Bates B., Atsarkin V.A. Electron Magnetic Resonance in Magnetic Nanoparticles: Dependence on the Particle Size and Applicability of the Modified Giant Spin Model. Applied Magnetic Resonance , 2016 , 47 (8). С. 937-948. ISSN 0937-9347

Atsarkin V.A. Electron spin resonance on the border between para- and ferromagnetism: Quantum versus classical. In: Modern development of magnetic resonance. International Conference and Zavoisky Award ceremony., 31.10 - 04.11.2016, Казань , Kazan E.K. Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute , р. 6.

Atsarkin V.A. Half a century in magnetic resonance: spin temperature and more. In: Modern development of magnetic resonance. International Conference and Zavoisky Award ceremony., 22-25.09.2015, Казань , Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan , р. 2.

Atsarkin V.A., Sorokin B.V., Borisenko I.V., Demidov V.V., Ovsyannikov G.A. Resonance spin-charge phenomena in manganite thin films and bilayers. In: Modern Development of Magnetic Resonance. International Conference., 22-25.09.2015, Казань , Казанский физико-технический институт КНЦ РАН , р. 6.

Atsarkin V.A. Spin currents in the ferromagnetic-metal structures. In: XVIII International Youth Scientific School "Actual Problems of magnetic resonance", 26-30.10.2015, Казань , Казанский Федеральный университет , р. 9.

Tsaryuk V.I., Briskina C.M., Atsarkin V.A., Popova M.N. Vladislav Fedorovich Zolin. Physics Today , 2014 .

Осико В.В., Щербаков И.А., Попова М.Н., Малкин Б.З., Воронько Ю.К., Соболь А.А., Денкер Б.И., Каплан А.Е., Atsarkin V.A., Лукишова С.Г., Ногинов М.А., Ногинова Н.Е., Briskina C.M., Tsaryuk V.I. Памяти Владислава Федоровича Золина. Оптика и спектроскопия , 2014 , 117 (1). С. 174-176.

Atsarkin V.A., Tarasov V.F., Tayurskii D.A. Beauty and Inexhaustibility of Magnetic Resonance. Applied Magnetic Resonance , 2014 , 45 (11). С. 1127-1128. ISSN 0937-9347

Atsarkin V.A. Low-frequency and d. c. phenomena in magnetic resonance. Applied Magnetic Resonance , 2014 , 45 (11). С. 1129-1140. ISSN 0937-9347

Atsarkin V.A., Sorokin B.V. Magnetoresonance EMF in Thin Manganite Films. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , 2014 , 119 (3). С. 567-572. ISSN 1063�-7761

Atsarkin V.A., Demidov V.V., Sorokin B.V. Resonance dc phenomena in manganite thin films. Magnetic resonance in solids (Electronic journal) , 2014 , 16 (2). 14201-1-9. ISSN 2072-5981

Atsarkin V.A. Negative refraction index: a new hot area in physics and engineering. In: XVI International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application", 21-25.10.2013, Казань , Казанский Федеральный университет , р. 16.

Atsarkin V.A., Demidov V.V. Resonant Magnetoresistance in the Vicinity of a Phase Transition. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , 2013 , 116 (1). С. 95-100. ISSN 1063-7761

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